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PhotekPlays last won the day on June 26 2024

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  1. who made this decision... 500 IQ fail. no reason to do that there is no loss, people just can not log in so they can not transfer anyway. a 30 minute heads up while europe is in bed sleeping and NA about going to bed, another 500 IQ play a lot of players can NOT do imprints now bc of disabled transfers, of feed them at all, or cryo them i tell you what people usually do, to work around such a thing they log in with their steam acc and save their stuff or ask a mate on pc or xbox to help like taking the body inside or save a dino, but now they can not even do that. there will maybe loss now bc you disabled transfers for everyone, not that if you would rly care right... (imprints, saving stuff, cryo dinos) but what you could do is making players invisible if they have a timeout, like the thing if you do not log in for one or two weeks... or actually fix the ps5 client, the crashing is a joke i switched back to pc but not everyone can do that PSN DOWN NOW FOR 12 HOURS
  2. mod storage space on console is running out... still, you said over 6 month ago you would increase it, it is a struggle on console and as i have pointed out already in a forum threat, the dynamic cosmetic skin system may works on paper but not ingame, i can not see mod player skins of others, last time i have seen one but then i disconnected. (mickey works and ascended skin sure they are offi) so mod skins may work after a long time playing, maybe..., should work instant, and the fact that you have already downloaded so many skins and cosmetics via ark club or the background system but does not show what you have it, is another thing. it may shows the mods, esp payed mods, as dowloaded but if you see another mod ingame it does download but you dont know that you have it, so i would add the mod same like the payed mod visible to the installed mods page, another thing is you can not uninstall payed mods (that are installed but not bought via yourself), there is no button, so you run out of space on console sooner or later sure you could disable the auto download but meh. thats not the point. so these three things plz: --> add what you have downloaded so you can use it (installed mods page and cosmetics inventory ingame, visible like payed mods, but with uninstall button(atm you see payed mods installed but cant uninstall)) --> tweak dynamic player/dino skins sync incl. crossplay. --> console storage space increase to 40/50 gb, we know its ark, so the game will have 100s of gigs anyway so plz... and we need to talk about MEKs now re-introduce MEK BP's in the Tinkering Desks you capped it to lvl 300 anyway there are bps out there lvl 381 will cap at 300 so 500 melee, it is possible without the glitch anyway, i did an enforcer legit with 3 good bps, tinkered to 285 then crafted to 325, spawned in got capped at 300 and got 60 points everywhere. so please let us do this with our meks now. this is one of the best bob/extinction features!
  3. INPUT LAG AFTER PATCH for the people experiencing input lag (mouse lag), disable dlss to native ingame and enable WindowedFullscreen, in windows settings you do mouse acceleration off, and in nvidia settings you can disable every FXAA option. then reboot should run like before
  4. Crashes on Ps5 is this patch solving the constant gamecrashes on ps5? i must have sent you 100s of videos included in the playstation error reports alone, so how about that now? we will see but i bet not. EDIT: ofc it did not fix the crashes, just crashed opening the inventory
  5. TEK GEAR DISAPPEARING FIXED? https://limewire.com/d/bdc1cf9d-7738-4292-b254-c6aaf24c5d30#OHuyDo7u9x7FutDV4L5LM6xiZf-zq7tjX6fQ8Z9ehAo https://limewire.com/d/dc4367b5-021d-4a06-96e1-3258330134b1#9Aur6kI5_GMdPRyvYgjwncD8HPZpKmhuRJql-oNpJ58 here two media links from ps5 happens on looting, equip/unequip, transfering/interacting with remote-inventory, so basically everything happens since ascension/skin equiping experienced on ps5 the first time shortly after that on pc/steam could you PLEASE FIX THAT
  6. why do people even have to ask man. should be wildcard saying yeah we delay part2 of the rangers because we were on holidays no dev. msg as always... you announced this right? for 23/1/25 and if you ask in discord dollie will ban you anyway maybe i wont buy it bc the hype is over again and why should i, bc the part1 skins cant even be seen by other players even if they have downloaded the mod but did not pay it, noone can see the skins... why exactly is that this is about player and dino skins, structure skins work like 80%, some do not load in tho. and payed structure skins i can see, crystal and so on, but player skins seem to be a problem why should i buy this, only that i see it... and no this was not the case at the beginning i have seen peoples ranger skins without having it installed or payed at the part 1 release, now its not there same with normal skins, the only one that keeps working is mickey mouse haha... nvm then and the best, no x2 breeding the 2nd weekend in a row besides all that bugs and wipes and stuff, and the worst map release ever, no gigas carchas gachas argys manas, but 3 weeks holidays for you without a patch or server reboot for ppl that have paid your game and struggle to get started in extinction. wow you rly know how to handle things.
  7. seahorse will sell this map tho and sunken ruins. cheers
  8. somehow yea.. lost colony *caugh* for that moneyz i wanna have a rainbow unicorn incl. rainbow poop, maewings and wild teletubbies to kill all day but if that is the way to throw money at wildcard.. here we go... btw my power rangers skins are not working and in 2 days the new ones coming out... meh..
  9. vip pass breeding pass 5.99 ez pz thank me later like always.
  10. you forgot to turn breeding x2 on maybe for 14.99?
  11. Crash fixes: Stability is a top priority for us, and we’re tackling crashes reported during gameplay, particularly on specific hardware configurations. my config is a PS5... crashes after some time at/after teleporting, bed spawning, bases loading, opening inventory and snow biome stutter seems to fasten this process. please guys the ps5 client was so good, dont do this now... we all on PS5 have this issue can't seriously play on ps5 and servers 70/70 steam client on my old rig not even 1 gamecrash plz fix spawns of bees pegomastax gachas gigs&carchs and this gdm managarmr glitching thru the skybox is a joke and turn boss music off when bosses are tamed in the biomes its annoying like it was in ASE copypasta at its finest
  12. why this huge delay this is a joke man here the original roadmap rag missing still no surprise or did i miss it no valguero gen1+2 delayed for over a year omfg...
  13. extinction is a waste of time, cant progress and no i wont waste time taming something else, spawn gigas in per hand i dont care but fix your hit, cya worst game ever made, thx to wildcard that ruined it.
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