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Everything posted by wizard03

  1. Yeah, have to agree. The $270 I spent back in fallout 4 days felt a little spicy when I first got it, now the same deal is $50. ugh x.x
  2. whats funny is now with the new UE5 update, we all looking at a full terrabyte for both games. XD
  3. I didn't want to be part of that madness, I bid my time, waited till stimulus floated through, then tried to buy......for two weeks. They didn't even have a button to mash. =/ I said fug it and bought a piece of art instead XD
  4. Had only a single chance to snag the xbox series x two years ago......friggin chip shortage. >.>
  5. About the best way to save anything, is to start transferring to a non dedicated server. Tames, blueprints, structures.......find a non dedi, make freinds with everyone, transfer
  6. When they close the servers, they will take a snapshot of that server and then post it somewhere for people to download. Once you download it, it will literally be the last moment of that server before it was shut down. As crazy as it sounds, it will have everyone's base, slowly decaying, just like it was before the shut down. This include's dino's, structures, all the sleeping people in their last positions. As for how to get it to a non dedicated server, you may need to look into video's that cover that method, but it may be done at the last minute
  7. 50 bucks to buy the game again.....I had to buy this game 3 times now, for one console, and thats after a friend gifted it to me.......nah ....just nah. Ill get my run in on the storyline maps, and then Ill just enjoy the free content if I want to. Im not going to burn another $50 on a game Iv already spent $300 on, but can't even play online which is what it was originally designed for. As for Ark 2, I am NOT going to "pre purchase" or buy into it before its developed, no matter how aggressive a discount they think they can offer. With all the bugs, glitch's, and amount of times my playthrough got wiped due to wildcards screw ups, there is no way in hail Im going to buy anything else from them without a review on what they have produced. If its a great game and complaints are low, fine. Ill pay full price. But as for pre development sales? Iv learned my lesson already:
  8. Honestly Im not surprised either. Creating a game {which ark 2 sounds to be a "new" game} takes years.....Like literal years, to develop. Yeah, the URE 5 has a lot of pre made assets, and ark 1 laid all of the groundwork. But when your unfamiliar with all of the new assets and toss off the groundwork to go in a new direction, well.....Its literally re-inventing the wheel and as such, its gonna take time. At least they finally admitted the reality.
  9. Just lost my character.....I loaded in to my SP run on my main character, got to the obelisk, loaded up the main character, and attempted to download my second character. Everything was going good, but then the cinematic crashed the game. Secondary character with tek engrams from beating the brood mother is gone. Xbox, solo mode, game breaking bug, 7 years old, but hey UE5 and snail sex...
  10. it is if it wasn't for muscle memory. I can type raw on the console keyboard just as fast as I can anything else. But now I gotta remember to forget my brains auto correct =/
  11. yeah, I didn't noticed but a lil here and a lil there, but now its absolutely borked. Even in single player. Yeah, but are you not supposed to communicate with microsodft if any issues crop up? I mean raw doesn't exactly sound like a naughty word, especially in any survival game where raw meat is a thing
  12. Iv got more to add to this, it seems "RAW" is no longer allowed to be searched. Which is a huge issue when it comes to meat runs
  13. It furry, if not having any iszues will it XD
  14. yeah, try to seperate the berries from the honey from a bears inventory by typeing the first two letters of honey in the search bar......can't do it, you can't say that, can't search that, can't name creatures things like that. But then my mom names our first woolly mammoth "Wood for days".......Yes, it was a male XD
  15. Coming in 2023, we will announce when in 2024, when we will just say coming soon. Just like Ark 2.
  16. have not used it extensively yet, but the old advertisements was very annoying. Especially on the xbox Microsoft edge.
  17. and here on xbox, you can't do that. If you try to delete a map in the files, the game starts to crap itself stupid hard. And I wanna say its pushing 350 GB
  18. I was trying to find a better meme than that, I just gave up half way and slapped that up. Trust me, I agree. If it wasn't for the bugs and crap shoots on updates, Id absolutely rave that this is the best game I have ever played. Hell, of all the players to post on here, Im prolly the one who is most screwed over.....can't go online due to the hotspot bug, never been able to fully do an entire run through without needing to cheat for a legit problem from wildcard, heck the only map Iv ever been able to really complete is the island and scorched. Lost island was looking like number 3 but be danged if that didn't fail. But with all the problems, I still seem to keep crawling back. The first new run with open possibilities and new strategies......its addicting.
  19. I unno but its actually preatty bad. I quit playing after I fell through the cave floor my base is currently in. I was running around and checking the feeding trough's and working on the garden and then I got stuck...I tried to jump, tried to do this or that, and the entire time everything was playdoh.....book cases, argies, finally about the time I was going to admin command ghost mode, I just fell through everything. Since I was allready to that point in time, I was able to catch myself before I died, but yeah. Im not going to be playing till the next patch hits. This all started when the christmas event ended.
  20. Umm, xbox one x, with the high performance SSD.......After the Christmas event, I too am experiencing origami rex's and holes in the ground now. x.x
  21. Welp, Iv finally gotten a taste of what the PlayStation people have been griping about. Seems when the event ended, it took away the fantastic gameplay I have been haveing on my solo run and gave me what Im guessing was supposed to be the same on both consoles, but wasn't. BEHOLD MY NEW ARMY, THE POTATO-SORTA-EX! https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/wizardo3/video/149971174 Also I am literally falling through the ground in certain area's. Scared to actually do anything in fear of losing my chibi or tames now......the floor is indeed quicksand. =/ https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/wizardo3/video/149971378
  22. I hate to say it, but even im having some weirdness going on all of a sudden. Magical popping tree's is magical? https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/wizardo3/video/149924980
  23. sadly its "very" common on single player. x.x Even on the very first map, the island, there is an orbital supply drop all to the north that sometimes slips just an itty bitty bit into the ground. And you cannot get it. x.x Normally I wouldn't accept the smack, however I know whats going on. First off xbox did a slop job on the thermal compound on the one units. Original one and x units that was tore down by big tech guru's like gamer nexus, jayztwocents, and {I think?} linus tech tips all came to the same conclusion. The thermal putty was inferior to good paste, and it was so dry and cakey that it was highly recommended to redo the paste as soon as you get the unit. Sadly I did not, however I knew I was going to have to do a tear down on it anyhow. We got a thing with dust bunnies and was hopeing to do a tear down on it later. Later lasted just long enough for the next gen console to pop out, and now I was hoping to get it done after I bought the series x.......but supply, microchip shortage, and getting sidelined with some unexpected bills......yeeeeah.... Still, I haven't had an overheating issue till yesterday while on lost island.
  24. Can double down on this, seems there is one particular bush in the winter biome. The out of render distance texture seems to be a yellow box. Its very off. Iv had allmost every single orbital spawn fall through the map and into boulders out of reach, includeing the santa claus presents. Iv had creatures that Im tameing fall through the map and sometimes just disapear entirely, and right now the only method of tameing my first ever magmasaur is to keep a daedon stuffed full of meat with a snow owl on standby in case it runs out of food. As for performance, random crashing is normal, detailed graphics are turned off anyhow for performance, and I had my xbox itself shut down yesterday warning me of an overheating issue. Its never done that before.
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