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Everything posted by MibsXX

  1. To be fair, mopst other games have items some players bopught that cannot be used or shared by those fellow server players who did not buy, it's not a new idea.. see fallout/conan, am sure are loads more, this guy wasn't asking for the impossible
  2. PLease fix bee spawns on scorched.. we cannot make kibble for decent taming.... also since reporting cheaters on our PVE official scorched with rhynios, gigas and baryonyx met with a resounding "sorry we're not removing those" from your ticket GM's, how about evening the playing field and opening transfers ? We've got constant duping going on now because they know they are getting away with it...
  3. yes 100, percent sure, its the server i am playing on, i dont know how to edit videos though really wish i did, defo shows lcearly on the vid
  4. Someone has a rhynio level 300 on our scorched earth official PVE server.... I have a vid of it but no way to make that file small enough to pload here How on earth is that possible
  5. Every1 plse share..Dear Wildcard In interest of spreading love for yr loyal playerbase when u turn off Love Event, plse could you leave the rates n colours for rest of this week so we can all try at our hoped for tame of Rhynio in colour that soo many of us prepped wks for? Ty xx
  6. Every1 plse share..Dear Wildcard In interest of spreading love for yr loyal playerbase when u turn off Love Event, plse could you leave the rates n colours for rest of this week so we can all try at our hoped for tame of Rhynio in colour that soo many of us prepped wks for? Ty xx
  7. Thank you for the event @NotDollie @ComplexMinded @MJJathish could we please have the Rhynio spawns back? we spent couple weeks getting ready to acquire pretty Valentine colour bugs.. and none spawning..
  8. yeah same here and hardly any love bugs anywhere
  9. And now, event started, we got the inevitable crashing hour over with folks just started to relax into putting babies out and taming, and now you shut the servers down? All tames will reset etc this happens all the time why can you not do clean-up or whatever this is BEFORE starting an event?
  10. Thank you for the event, am a bit sad it's not 3 x like usual Valentines event and what happened to the chibis? Would've loved Pair o Saurus and maybe New Chibi Love Bug... Just also remembered the Tutu, shield, bow and arrow, glasses, wings and halo? Edit just spotted the skins.. but the requirements to make ? Wow, where are the box of chocs and the dino candies? hope its not only got through fishing cos at least on our server, all the lakes have been built on! No otters, no beaver, and no fish
  11. PS5 has been completely unplayable for me since the update... black rectangles spewing up everywhere, all tames no longer able to turn in any direction, whistling to follow simply sends them walking/flying off at speed in the opposite direction. accessing any inventory causes insta crashing. This is on top of all the other things that weren't working before the update. Game looks like it will be fabulous when it's all fixed and working, am not sure I have the time and patience to wait that long though...
  12. Ok, is there some kind soul out there who could rewrite the above in plain english for this ( and no doubt other) old and maybe not so coding wise players? I read the ;last part as these will get wiped clean everyday.. not good if part of a building, will other players on the same server not be able to see what you're wearing/part of your base if they don't have that particular mod thing installed? And how are dinos actually going to work ingame in practice if say only you have one? do you receive it in a pod or do you have to catch the invisible to others one in the wild? Confused muchly after the deep dive!
  13. Palworld DOES look like a fab game...since I cannot stay ingame in Ark for longer than half an hour these past few days and have lost more babies than I have raised/tamed... maybe Palworld would be less frustrating..
  14. @ComplexMinded @NotDollie @Jatheish guys servers not allowing join on official due to issue with mod requirement, please look ASAP hundreds getting kicked and losing stuff
  15. @ComplexMinded @NotDollie @Jatheish guys servers not allowing join on official due to issue with mod requirement, please look ASAP hundreds getting kicked and losing stuff
  16. I THINK they've turned off turkey trial.. but forgot the server side bit , end of line says mods yes or no, still says yes so cannot join a server without a mod when that says yes
  17. Have you seen this GP? https://x.com/BAMsPG/status/1727761882751098994?s=20
  18. What would the thinking behind that be then? Because from what my friends are saying in a chat right now, and from what we are all reading all over the internet, a LOT of folks simply won't buy the game if we cannot play the way we were able to before, no-one has an issue with consoles pve crossplay.....it's the addition of the pc side thats going to cause massive issues in fairness etc
  19. Are there planned to be any actual PVE console only servers? Because it will make me reconsider buying if there are not................ I have no wish to attempt to do anything on a server dopminated by pc tribes who are faster, and have ways of hacking into my stuff and wrecking all chances of achieving anything. Anyone else wanting these please help get this post noticed
  20. Hi, thank you for the crunch....and in advance Happy Thanksgiving. Someone in your PR dept really needs a break and some back to school lessons on how to communicate effectively with their customer base. First you take the game away from everyone..... with fab promises of new improvements and concurrent launch to come..then you only start one platform... continually delay the others , leaving them sat on the sidelines watching vids of everyone having so much fun with the new game.... all those first moments and surprises missed and spoiled, NOW you're really rubbing noses in by offering a special in everyones hearts event that the rest simply won't see for a whole year! No chance of catching up with missed jumpers etc... How to show you really prefer PC... by actually preferring PC ! Should really not have added the turkeys.... that could easily have waited.. Doesn't give the feeling that consoles are all hand on deck as you put it, and defo a kick in the teeth to the rest of your loyal fanbase.. I am astounded by how tone deaf this is appearing to be! We're not clueless... we all know it's Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years, so the chances of console releasing before mid january are slim to none, would have been far better to be honest up front xx
  21. It's not hope or wishful thinking, it was clearly stated, nay promised, by Wildcard, multiple times
  22. They were very specific and careful with the wording re Xbox servers, and a slightly differently worded Playstation section.... Untill that day comes when the fresh new ps server launches... level 1 players from both PC and X Box join BUT have sooo much more knowledge of the new game they steamroller through it....and the fast emptied servers they left get closed.. this is only going to become more of a mess as time rolls on
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