@Cedric while the number of reports of false positives for anti-meshing may have decreased, the anti meshing thread still gets many reports a day. I also suspect people are not reporting it as much as they were because WC support doesn't do anything about it when people contact them for help.
Patch notes in the past showed a few fixes for this problem, but there haven't been any new notes about it for over a week, and only a few fringe cases were in the notes to begin with. Unless they're being fixed in other ways than patches (which they very well could be, I have no clue to how it would be done), it supports what I said above about people just not reporting it anymore.
I wish WC would at least to turn off this anti-meshing stuff on PVE servers until these bugs are sorted out, where it has minimal if any benefit and significant drawback to the PVE community.