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About Kakawilly

  • Birthday April 1

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Naked (1/5)



  1. Loooool of course not, the reaseon they dont release it its not they are fixing game (look at actual game is still broken and always will be brokem) the reaseon is they have take ppl moneys to finish a product, because why they need inversors when they have a community that pays for nothing with closed eyes? They are using our money to work because all money that they have earned before is wasted on boats and girls. This is the reaseon why i dont prepurchase anything all companies thinks that are on their right on delay a payed product. I wish one day they will have to do a compansations for delays, and i wish on day they dont will recive ANY money till they product is out and working. They will give us a broken game again with two delays on their back. They killed all my wants to play genesis xd i will wait for nioh 2, who is not delayed and its a true finished game xd
  2. Looooooool really do you think im going to play ark, being nioh 2 at march? Of course not, i prefer play a game from a company that dont delay the game and dont use our money to finish their product, good luck with no lose more players
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