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Yggdrassil last won the day on November 23 2023

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  1. What was you expecting? They already said that is was just 2x with colors.
  2. Was that one of the servers that got 'sunsetted' (removed)? If so, you cannot recover anything now. Last i heard they are trying to make server saves available for singleplayer but nothing yet
  3. Its a common issue, especially on the island mountain. Best avoid it as much as possible. Also other maps with steep slopes can be a problem.
  4. Its pretty much a remote storage box, so the box's contents can be accessed from any box, anyone who can open the box can take the contents from any location the box is placed. No different to say a vault, the only difference is the vault can only be opened from one place.
  5. did you try killing yourself?
  6. I cant speak for consoles but on PC i dont really have any issues other than the occasional fatal error crash and a stutter whenever some has an oasisaur at base.
  7. Unfortunately, your options are limited, if you have nobody else in your tribe then you are left to the fate of wildcard.. You will have to hope you can get help from a GM before your base decays, if you don't, then you will need to be online to try and claim your stuff when it does decay.
  8. Bring up the menu wheel when you look at a dino (dont know what controller button that is), you will see 'options' and in there you will find 'rename'
  9. The error is telling you what is wrong. Too many people on your server has platform structures. You will need to ask if anyone can remove any unnecessary platforms, rafts etc.. but good luck with that.
  10. Could be a few things but first i would check if you have an oviraptor picking them up, also what is a Glaucus? Doesn't sound like you are playing on official? if not could the server have disabled breeding?
  11. if you left it unlocked then all someone had to do was deposit 3 tributes and start a gamma fight, your dinos would have been destroyed due to no players.
  12. If you have added or removed mods did you do a dino wipe?
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