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Everything posted by DILLIGAFxxCINC

  1. Can anyone give a general timeline EST as to when crystal isles launch “should” hit the Xbox on the 25th please and thank you in advance???
  2. Yes I believe they are having issues with many EU servers right now not just GEN...There are a couple EXT EU Official servers I play on that are not available atm
  3. Ok I am not trying to sound sh@&$y here...however...all this whining is making me sick...you guys have NO IDEA what it actually takes to run a game on this scale!!! The HUNDREDS of hours the devs have to sit and write, re-write code, find bugs, sort through thousands of recommendations/ideas/complaints, then decide exactly what is detrimental to fix NOW and what can wait for a bit. I have said it a hundred times...UNINSTALL or shut up and play...I think it’s fabulous the amount of patches they add and how frequently...unlike some other games we “used” to play that the devs don’t give a sh&$ about the community..”cough cough COD”, it’s obvious that they are working hard to get to and fix the issues at hand but if they don’t get to YOUR one personal complaint RIGHT NOW you want to throw them under the bus, drive over them, and backup to do it again....I completely understand the frustration at times...I too have sat on my couch and screamed at my tv when I’ve lost a character or Dino’s on Ragnarok when the DC has been SO bad...but I still LOVE the game, appreciate everything the devs have done and are continuing to do. Give them the credit they deserve or uninstall the game and go play something else. Just my 2 cents...have a great day...hope everyone stays healthy....Ark The Addiction Is Real!!! Oh quick shout out to GM DAZE...thank you for making our appointment on time and returning my main character...much love and respect to all.
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