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  1. I see your point. Meshing is a big problem and I had some friends on Small Tribes PC get meshed not even 12 hours before the patch released too on aberration. But Cedric still does his best to keep up in the loop with what he can tell us. There are games out there that don't even talk to their community so I am happy that Cedric talks to all of us.
  2. If you did any googling and just looked at more than the first few results then you'd see that the updates they planned to release went south. Geez, I didn't think I'd have to say it twice for someone with a full time job and a life. I guess technology proficiency isn't in the job description. From my eyes, you are others like you need to stop whining like toddlers about a game. If you're an adult with a full time job and a life then act like it.
  3. Ark had problems with DX12 that made it run worse. If you kept up with more than ****posts on the forums then you would know that. Take some advice and go back to Halo because ark isn't for the intelligently challenged.
  4. @Cedric The man we need but we don't deserve. Thanks for keeping everyone informed as much as you do!
  5. @Cedric Happy Holidays! Hope you and everyone in the WC team are having a great holiday and looking forward to see all the amazing things coming in 2020!
  6. You'll come back. Haha. I am also excited for Winter Wonderland 4. People complain and whine about WC doing a sh** job, but none of those people have been in the gaming industry. I'd like to see all of you aforementioned make a game as successful as Ark and manage everything you ask for.
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