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Everything posted by pleaseremoveafkdeath

  1. NA-PVP-Official-TheIsland719 - (v322.10) please iv been up all day raising my dinos. i cant go to sleep until the server is up
  2. NA-PVP-Official-TheIsland719 OFFLINE FOR 24+ hours Server been offline for 24 hours and i have a lot of babies raising. where is the help when you need it, i never ask for help i dealt with a lot of bs from losing many characters 115-125 to losing dinos that took weeks to raise. i just got back into ARK hoping for a good time with my old friends. and i raised dinos and GIGAS for weeks while working 50 hours a week and getting them to 100% imprint. Please guys i dont want to stop playing ARK. help us, our server is always active and had almost 60 to 70 people everyday. many people got their characters and dinos stuck inside 719. Please take care of your loyal players that buy all your dlcs and content.
  3. TheIsland719 has been down for 5 hours +. danm man all babies probably died
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