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Everything posted by Hoshiko

  1. It will be wonderfull if we can fix it because lot of people have troubles with that problem. I had checked numerous post about it with no answer.
  2. [ServerSettings] EnableCryoSicknessPVE=True ActiveMods=1404697612,731604991,1609138312 AdminLogging=1 AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle=1 AllowCaveBuildingPvE=0 AllowCrateSpawnsOnTopOfStructures=1 AllowFlyerCarryPvE=True AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=1 AllowHideDamageSourceFromLogs=False AllowHitMarkers=True AllowIntegratedSPlusStructures=False AllowMultipleAttachedC4=1 AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=1 alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=1 AutoDestroyDecayedDinos=1 AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplier=1 AutoSavePeriodMinutes=15 BattleAutoStartGameInterval=100 BattleNumOfTribestoStartGame=1 BattleSuddenDeathInterval=300 bDisableStructureDecayPvE=0 bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=false bForceAllStructureLocking=1 bIncreasePvPRespawnInterval=False bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos=1 bPvPDinoDecay=0 bUseVsync=0 ClampItemSpoilingTimes=0 CropDecaySpeedMultiplier=1 CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier=1 CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads=0 DestroyUnconnectedWaterPipes=0 DifficultyOffset=1 DisableDinoDecayPvE=0 DisableImprintDinoBuff=0 DisableWeatherFog=0 EnableExtraStructurePreventionVolumes=1 EnablePVEGamma=1 EnablePVPGamma=0 ForceFlyerExplosives=0 globalVoiceChat=1 HarvestAmountMultiplier=2 ItemStackSizeMultiplier=1 KickIdlePlayersPeriod=1800 LayEggIntervalMultiplier=1 ListenServerTetherDistanceMultiplier=1 MaxNumbersofPlayersInTribe=10 MaxPlatformSaddleStructureLimit=25 MaxTamedDinos=5000 MinimumDinoReuploadInterval=0 noTributeDownloads=1 NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePercentEnd=0.50 NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePlayerCountEnd=120 NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePlayerCountStart=70 OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5 OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=0 OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier=1 PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=1 PersonalTamedDinosSaddleStructureCost=19 PlatformSaddleBuildAreaBoundsMultiplier=1 PoopIntervalMultiplier=1 PreventDownloadDinos=1 PreventDownloadItems=1 PreventDownloadSurvivors=1 PreventOfflinePvP=1 PreventOfflinePvPInterval=900 proximityChat=0 PvEAllowStructuresAtSupplyDrops=0 PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier=1 PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod=1 PvPStructureDecay=0 RaidDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 RandomSupplyCratePoints=0 ServerAutoForceRespawnWildDinosInterval=86400 ServerCrosshair=True ServerForceNoHud=0 ServerHardcore=0 ServerPVE=True ShowFloatingDamageText=1 ShowMapPlayerLocation=True StructurePickupHoldDuration=0.5 StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement=30 AlwaysAllowStructurePickup=true StructurePreventResourceRadiusMultiplier=1 TamedDinoDamageMultiplier=1 TamedDinoResistanceMultiplier=1 TamingSpeedMultiplier=2 TheMaxStructuresInRange=10500 TimeToCollapseROD=100 TribeNameChangeCooldown=15 UseOptimizedHarvestingHealth=1
  3. I did add it in GameUserSettings.ini but nothing happen, i can't kill my dino.
  4. Hello, I have a small server on the Island with a friend on PVE. We want to be able to kill our dinos, babies or not (Kairuku / Mutton) but now we can't. I have activate "Friendly Fire". Do we really need to be a PVP server setting to be able to kill our dinos ? How is it working on official server PVE ? Please
  5. I will look at it thanks for the tip ! Do you know how to block the tracker engram to prevent people to use ?
  6. Hello, Do the Transponder Node / trackers can track our dinos and wild dinos ? Because i did try it, the node don't attach to my dino. I would like to get the new Rhyniognatha and track also Quetzal or Tapajera HL if i need but if it's on tamed dino only it's don't worth it too much. At mid game, you can produce your dino and they are quite safe inside. Only fliers can fly away and then need a tracker. Also there are some report of a bug and i have a dedicated server to manage, i quote the wiki : If it still a risk for the game, i won't use it on a server with other peoples, having hours of roll back from a daily backup save. Thanks
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