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Early Birds
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  1. so some missions seems to be not doable for single player i mean how can we do waved based missions without a group i litraly fail everytime because we cant user our dinos i lost 4 rexes and we cant use our own guns in stead of that we get usles bows and spears ore a flame trower if ur doing the last wave and there is the random disconect issues and the issue that u see birds but they usles because u can ride them oh yhea and a fun one lets tp to toher bioms and get insta killed because every tp for me so far i spawned inside a creature that wants to kill me
  2. i demand a refund wildcard bin with u guys sins day one and now look at it still a lot of bugs that arent getting fixed DLC that get promised and then delay after delay and than a poop studio that cant communicate to there player base but yet u sell poop WILDCARD get ur poop in ORDER
  3. whats the word on the new dlc is it still coming this month ore did they delay it again if it comes this moth whats the date on it
  4. is there any word on the release date for the new dlc ore is it gonna be delayed
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