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  1. could someone help me out? its only showing there are 4 servers for classic pvp, two NA and two EU, is this correct? if theres a separate thing I need to download to get classicpvp, please reply to this and help me out!
  2. I dont understand why ark players are so toxic in game and here, who cares if they post a community crunch instead of bug fixes or teasers? It's their choice to post that stuff. Fortnite got rid of patch notes yet their community doesn't scream over it every week when they patch stuff (I don't really follow Fortnite much so not sure if they added patch notes back or something) But still, just be nice and patient about stuff
  3. Yall hoping for it to not be buggy while I'm over here just wanting to ride the new creatures. I wanna teleport around on a giant space whale
  4. Why not release a beta version or some kind of compensation, valentines day isn't a very good compensation..
  5. We're one week and a half weeks away from the end of January, don't get your hopes up, expect the worse. However I do kind of suspect they will release on 28th so let's expect the worse but hope the best I guess!
  6. I don't understand why people have to be toxic? They literally just wished us happy holidays and people are getting mad at them, like cool it and enjoy what you have! *cough* *cough*
  7. Wow.. ARK isn't JUST about the creatures, sure it has a big impact on the game but items are still super exciting! Also we have gotten multiple teasers for creatures so far (Three I believe). There is no need to be like this so just don't.
  8. Im sad that they're pushing back genesis, however is just means it will have better looking things and creatures included!
  9. How did you figure this out? Also do the other two have logs like this? If so could you please tell me what they are?
  10. Bravo to the people who made these, absolute beauties. Imagine a sugarglider as a real tame on ARK, not sure if it will or not in genesis
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