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  1. I'm confused. Sounds like as if only non-PVE ASA servers are threatened to be flagged as "Sunsetting Servers". Do I have to expect that soon those PVE ASA servers, who are too empty, will be sunsetted too?
  2. 70/70 on all servers in the first two weeks.
  3. AFAIK it's very dependant if your base is over a chunk-cross or chunk-border. Chunks are squares like on a chessboard, and the structure limit is per chunk. If you are alone on a chunk cross, you have limit*4, but if there are others, they can decrease you to zero.
  4. Zapha


    True. There are tools available to cheat in official too. But always at the risk to get caught, get banned, and losing all. A good reason not to cheat on official.
  5. Zapha


    The problem is that playing in singleplayer or unofficial has no meaning for me, because it's console-cheating land. Only playing on official gives me the feeling of meaning.
  6. Zapha


    On official? How?
  7. Zapha


    OK, my fault, sorry.
  8. Zapha


    But, if I remember right, the Deinos were introduced with Valguero, which came after Abberation. Why can't I have Karkinos now?
  9. Zapha


    This year or next year?
  10. Deinos added to the game ... cool. But what I wait most for are Karkinos.
  11. All things have two sides. I remember, while playing Everquest-2 for some years, I was always envious about the cool raid gear you only could have when playing for a raid guild. Then I joined a raid guild and got that cool stuff too. But the price I had to pay was to play with them every evening for six hours. It was stress for me because I'm more the lone wolf. In ASE/ASA it's the same: I'm envious about the cool stuff you only can have while playing in a strong tribe. But I don't want to have that stress again. Therefore I welcome paid mods which allowing me to have cool stuff too.
  12. Look. I'm one of those people who are punished with an extravagant sense for justice. If I would play PVP I would mutate into a vindictive mosnster then. Therefore I can't play PvP. But some of my souls are interested in this crazy mass-murdering you PvP guys do on your servers.
  13. Thanks for the info. Means, I can't loot other bases at all. Which is one of my main motivations to continue playing. Base looting is always a thrill. It's kind of soft PvP.
  14. In case nobody noticed it: The structure decays timers are missing again. How should I loot decaying bases if I can't see the timers?
  15. I tried it with wingless creatures (Yuti, Rex, Giga), but I got the impression Wyverns are best suited for meat runs.
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