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Everything posted by TimeBomb2003

  1. If said 3rd perron view is going to be identical to the 3rd perron view in Ark 1, yes that would suck a lot. However, due to the fact that it's going to be only 3rd perron view, the game is more than likely going to be designed around it, and as such, will be a lot more streamlined than the current 3rd perron. Also, another point, why on earth would you want MORE of what you're used to? Wouldn't it be a whole lot more exiting to get unique gameplay, and new ideas rather than just more of the same?
  2. Man, only the Ark community would get upset about adding an actual combat system.
  3. I asked for it. Or at the very least wanted a better combat system. Which we will now be getting! You really see no benefits for changing the system from left click left click left click left click, to actually having to block and dodge and all that?
  4. I was unaware that I was employed by them. Thank you for letting me know!
  5. That was something I was going to mention. Why get so worked up over something that is, A, most likely going to be released at the same time as the previous 6, and B, going to be nearly the exact same event as said previous 6.
  6. All I know is that I play the game, I enjoy the game, and I'm grateful for Wildcard for giving me the game, and all the DLCs along with it. To me, the idea of playing and enjoying a game all the time, only to go onto every weekly post to complain about everything I can find, seems very childish. If all this makes me a "bad guy", then I guess I'm a bad guy.
  7. You're saying that I shouldn't be grateful, but instead be miserable and complain about everything? I'll pass.
  8. Never knew that being nice and supportive is a toxic thing to do. I'll keep that in mind and be more of a jerk in the future. Also, if you don't like these crunches... maybe don't read them?
  9. I think that Mjolnir won't be just another skin, due to the fact that they said it is a "functional weapon skin", and it "packs its own special powers". I'm pretty excited about it! Aside from that, it genuinely makes me sad when I see how awful this community is. Complaining about literally anything they can find. They could probably say that they're starting an initiative to clear out every single bug in the game, and there would still be people complaining about not getting 2x rates for that weekend or whatever. How about y'all learn to be grateful for a change, and appreciate what you have, and what you're getting, rather than what you don't have, or not getting.
  10. I might be able to make that work, do you have a method in mind?
  11. I'm looking for another person to join my private server, where we are going from the Island, all the way to Genesis 2. I currently have 5 people, including me. For the most part, its PvE, but I do have some challenge ideas that would incorporate some PvP elements. Last thing, we prefer to play the game rather slowly, and not rush it, so our rates are most likely lower than your used to. Timebomb2003#1624 <-- Is my discord. If anybody in this discussion is interested, add me, and I'll give you the rest of the details.
  12. So, you're pissed about wildcard giving you free content with no strings attached? It's not like there adding it instead of the dinopithecus, or instead of the desmodus. It's just an extra creature added to the game. I really didn't want the bison to win the creature vote, and thankfully (for me), It didn't. But if Wildcard all of a sudden made an announcement tomorrow that the bison is getting added to the base game, I'd be cool with it, because it would be free content.
  13. I don't know, I guess I thought that I would be able to make you see the error of your way of thinking. But I guess you're just blind to ideas that aren't your own. Also, you don't know for sure why it's being added. Doesn't matter how many times you say, "it IS", or "Period", You don't know the reason. And you never will. I think I'm done with this charade. No more responses from me to you on this thread. (Unless you say something REALLY ridiculous, so make sure you make your next response good!)
  14. Or maybe it's not. Also, assuming you've been a part of the ARK community for a while, you'll know that the players in it complain about pretty much everything, all the time. So, why would Wildcard all of a sudden what to shut up this specific group of whiners?
  15. Seems like with the ARK community, we're already past that. Wildcard could announce literally anything and the community would still find something to complain about. As for him, pretty much everyone else is just giving their 2 cents on charcharodontosaurus getting added, and leaving it at that. Whereas he just seems very hostile towards anyone who expresses any amount of excitement about it getting added. Maybe its being added to shut the whiners up, maybe its not. I'd like to think they decided to add it after seeing that it came as a pretty close 2nd in both the votes, indicating that its something the community wants(not all of it clearly, but a decent chunk). Either way though, I like charcharodontosaurus as a dinosaur, so I'm happy that its getting added to the game.
  16. I don't know, it seems like you're the only one who is genuinely upset about it being added.
  17. I'm not going to say that all of the people who are upset about charcharodontosaurus getting added for the purpose of shutting up the whiners up are also whining themselves, but...
  18. His comment didn't say anything about weather or not the game needed charcharodontosaurus or not. He likes the dinosaur, and is exited about it getting added to the game. Looks like you're the one who needs to pay attention...
  19. That Ark: The Animated Series track is so awesome! Can't wait to watch it!
  20. Gotta love how for the past few community crunches, every single comment was someone complaining about there not being a breeding event. But now that there actually is one, not a single thanks in the comments. Just people complaining about other stuff. (ok nevermind, there is 1 thanks)
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