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Posts posted by Bloodavenger

  1. 40 minutes ago, Gafgarion said:

    The Wildcard Support only give you max Level 105 Char. They dont give ascension back. Same about the Tek Engrams. They only give you Replicator, Generator, Transmitter, Teleporter, and Tek Turret back.

    But Wildcard Support can make a Imprint Transfer so your Dinos will be again imprinted by your Char.

    That's Fked lagit hundreds of hours breeding and getting a group together to do the bosses just down the drain because their programmers cant secure player data. I can pretty much remember act for act what we did to do the alpha bosses tek cave and titans. With mega tribes as bad as they are now i dont even know if i will ever be able to redo them.

  2. Character Lost?!?!

    Long story short character i had over 1.5k hours in just up and left never to be seen again. Contacted support they said unless i have screenshots (DILO who the fk does this) of the tek grams i had all i could get back was the levels... 

    I have done all bosses on alpha with exception of Rockwell and the King titan which i have never done.

    Anyone know any ways to try and locate my character if it still exists on some server somewhere

    I have tried:

    Going through all servers on my survivor filter

    Checking the servers that battle metrics says i have been on

    literally going through 50 other servers that i might have been into

    I'm at a loss being told i have lost hundreds of hours of breeding and grinding to do these bosses so any help would be appreciated.


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