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SubaruImpossibru last won the day on July 27 2019

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  1. i'm a little confused about the "URL" aspect of this, do i put the URL of the Curseforge page for the mod, or is it a build a list type thing and put that URL there? or do i simply just keep it "URL"
  2. Hey Cedric, I was just curious if the assets for Fear Evolved will be kept after the event ends? I run an unofficial private server and would like to keep the event active. Also I Fear (eh?) that I'll be out of town for most of the event and I am really hoping to experience it for longer. Thanks!
  3. This may be a dumb question, but after the event, will i be able to keep the event running on my private server? I wanted to do this recently but learned that they removed the assets for memory reasons. Here's to hoping that I can keep the event active for longer Please please allow it, fear evolved is probably my favorite event
  4. yes yes yes to both also add the liquified creatures back to Crystal Isles Still excited for CI, but some of the stuff that was taken away makes it seem like it'll be a pretty map with a new creature and 3 variations of existing ones still, that's not a complaint really, just slightly disappointed, not a biggie
  5. I'm just wondering when you see the added changes to the creatures that are already revealed, what's the motivation to complain about 2 creatures getting a TLC. one can argue that the change to the carno and Dunklyo can be considered a small TLC for each in and of itself. Even the depth change for the Basilo is huge news for caving, when you're swarmed by the cave sharks and everything else that surrounds you, you will be less likely to be taking depth damage as well.
  6. So you're comment on my response towards the delay is about meshing? I also acknowledged that there are indeed issues and that stuff still needs to be sorted out. So the system that they have in place for mesh detection is too aggressive and registering false positives, but before ANY systems were in place (faulty or not) people asked why nothing was done about meshing, stuff takes time to sort out in my opinion. There are millions of lines of code I'm guessing, most of the critics I'd LOVE to see design their own game and all the coding and debugging that goes with it. It's very easy to criticize when you're a consumer, I am into cars so when i buy an exhaust and I see a flaw in a weld my first thought is "DILO, this looks terrible" or something along those lines. However, I realize that the part is a mass produced piece and that I don't currently have welding equipment, so will exhaust still flow through the pipe, yes. As a consumer, you think that "hey i spent money on this product, it should be perfect" or without flaw or delay or any issues along those lines. Well, that's never the case, I can look at a part and have my idea to what could have been, but that's living in the clouds, it's all hypothetical and not indicative to what's actually in front of you in the real world. Compromises have to be made, exceptions have to be understood, delays have to be accepted or understood as a possibility to exist. And if you put a game DLC ahead of rent, or other more preferred games/DLC that isn't on ANYONE besides yourself (or whoever in your example) because nobody forced you to do so. If you're aware of the past trends with let's say WildCard and realize that everything has failed to meet deadline, and yet you pre-purchase the DLC, that's your own decision to not take those details into account and maybe decide that you will pay for Genesis when it comes out rather than ahead of time. And perhaps you weren't talking about me, but if buying a DLC prevents you from moving out of your mom's house or paying rent, perhaps that's a prime example of when you reflect on your own life choices. Or if you're younger like a teenager, maybe you are at the mercy of your birthday gifts or whatnot, but everyone has different circumstances, none of which should really be a concern of anyone besides themselves. Keep in mind this is all personal opinion, and I'm also not saying that people should not be held accountable for things, but it isn't like they haven't been trying to fix things or implement systems to respond to cheaters, stuff just takes time to get right.
  7. I understand, and it is frustrating. I get it, honestly it is annoying. Especially when every event and update breaks something else or deletes characters and progress. But there seems to be this thing where no matter what is announced there's negativity in response. WC could say "one million dollars for everyone!" And the response would be " why not $1,000,001? WC is trash!!!!" I'm just tired of the complaints honestly, it's buggy, there are countless delays and issues. But I can't think of many other games that hold my interest for this long, I'd say that's a pretty decent return on investment personally.
  8. Let me get this straight, most complain about meshing, bugs. I've even seen people say that they shouldn't have released Extinction without making sure it wasn't as buggy at release. Now they are making moves to fix things, making sure that Genesis will be polished, etc And now, most are still complaining? Y'all need to chill, pick a side actually. If you're going to be pissy about bugs and glitches, you should recognize that the delay is put into place to mitigate your concerns. Bwwwaaaaa "i paid for it already, I want it NOW" Maybe I missed the part where Wildcard announced they were going out of business? Because they are still going to release Genesis and you're still going to get what you paid for. Sorry if my thoughts are scattered and incoherent, I'm under the weather and my head is a little foggy, but some of y'all need to chill.
  9. Hey since everyone wants to still have a stick up their rear end about the taming IT WAS ADDED LATER IN AN EDIT. Also noticed this question was asked MULTIPLE times and I also don't know.....What is a Chibi? P.S. TAMING IS 2X YES IT WAS ADDED LATER AND WAS NOT PART OF THE ORIGINAL POST GET IT NOW?
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