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Everything posted by Thederpychrist965

  1. Plz give us xbox players an update on how sotf is going. That would be really nice thank you
  2. Assuming xbox is missing this event to? Well i mean its not like theres more xbox players than PC *wink wink* well i dont know i just really want an update on how sotf development is going on for xbox one. Cause you know xbox really doesnt have anything to compete with ps4 with, besides ark but usually we always get screwed in the end. So if sotf is gonna get cancelled i wouldnt be suprised.
  3. How long are we xbox players gonna be on hold for? Honestly id play a messed up survival of the fittest then to wait 1000000000000000000000000 years to play it. Im sure id have people with me on this. *wipes off a sweat and says nervously* right?
  4. Ark is such a cool game, Xbox users were excited for this because we as people expect equality we still lack it in the real world and here's a issue that will keep on going until maybe us Xbox users might even riot because PS4 has more benefits like why is this? OK but back to the point we Xbox users were excited for ark because it was a cool game but more importantly it was an exclusive a good exclusive we don't get those anymore and we'll ark devs really raptored us over here why? I love this game? Us Xbox users are the black people (it's an example) and the PS4 users are the white guys. The PS4 have more rights and equality than Xbox users.
  5. So what if you guys on PS4 are waiting you guys have so many exclusives like for example bo3 you guys get a dlc a month early like DILO
  6. Will the Xbox ARK survivors attend to the Survival of the fittest events??
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