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  1. The remastered version doesn't make sense. Its so annoying, oh you jogged down the beach a lil bit now your entire water meter is drained. Why....? Oh it's slightly cold, you better be feeding yourself every 30 seconds. Need to get anywhere fast on foot lmao forget about it without speed attribute. I hate these devs more than my father.
  2. It's really stupid there is still flickering issues. Seriously why, do you hire incompetent coders or just don't care? I Seriously want to know.
  3. Since we aren't allowed to use a cuss word without being banned, why in God's name would you feel so comfortable posting this embarrassment. Aberration is so broken and you refuse to acknowledge that. I'm not spending any more money on dog dukie of dlc. Fix the game, stop being so pathetic. Why is this company so happy being an embarrassment
  4. Also fix the freaking Drake. Why do yall want to make everything hard to handle. Wyverns can't land or turn for the life of them. Drakes don't glide right anymore. Why are the devs so bad at remastering the game.
  5. Why is aberration running so Terribly on a 4080? It's not playable unless I use every command and then it just looks terrible. Oh but the map looks terrible anyways. All this money to replay a game remastered to be worse. It's sad and pathetic.
  6. Where is all the metal? Oh look wild card ruining the resources on the map whats next extinction gonna only have 2 element nodes per drop lmao. It's crazy how they hate this game. Devs don't know what they're doing. It's really pathetic.
  7. Stays in the air an awful long time bud. And doesn't continuously glid down. I call that flying lmao.
  8. Why would you put every new tame on abberation? There's too much that doesn't make sense like the pyromane. Why would the Pyro be here. Why do the new Qi creature fly and shoot and never lose aggro? Seriously.
  9. I love this game. I hate this company. I hate the people here that are entertained by janggling keys. I hate that snail games is just doing the minimum and expecting more money. It's sad.
  10. Maybe if you stop working on unnecessary stuff no one cares about, you could actually hit a deadline you announced publicly. Do yall not have any shame, are you proud of the nonsense you been doing lol?
  11. Idk what kinda shorts these people wear in the summer time but these holiday skins got me worried my balls are gonna fall out.
  12. Why is the coding, pathing, and clipping in this game so terrible. First coding, why is there so many glitches like randomly not being able to access any inventory but your own. Two the pathing is terrible, I noticed first when taming but realized how terrible it was with defense dino being useless because they can't walk in a straight line, turn angles are terrible, they don't use special moves like wilds do that cause bleed (dino specific) or grab. Why does the tuso try to grab instead of attacking when unridded and set to aggressive. It doesn't grab players they swim past it. Last but not least the clipping is the worst. I can't walk past a dino tail even tho I'm shorter and my camera angle is set at my hip for some unknown reason someone thought that was smart. Rafts don't get suck on rocks they get clipped in them and then you have to demo the raft.
  13. Please allow replicators to work underwater
  14. Completely agree. I hope WC stops being lazy.
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