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DeHammer last won the day on October 26 2022

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  1. I played ASE for over four years. I think I have 5000+ hrs into it. Absolutely loved it. While waiting for ASA to come out, I got hooked on another game, and really just didn't have time for ASA when it first came out. Now I'm looking at ASA I'm thinking I may have dodged a bullet. From what I'm seeing, Ark 2 was basically abandoned and ASA became a thing instead; which as I understand it is basically a re-mastered version of ASE. But reviews seem pretty terrible. I'm sure many of you have tried ASA. So I want to ask....Can you give me any reason why I should play ASA? Are there any redeeming aspects to ASA at all?
  2. Hey, I didn't start it. Quote chump and tell him.
  3. I won't pretend to know. I just know what is seems like to some folks.
  4. You miss the point. Everyone was expecting a delay. The issue isn't really that there is a delay.... for some it's that it seems "what's going on in the world" was used as an excuse for the delay. For others, "what's going on in the world" isn't a valid reason for the delay. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Your 'entitlement' to chastise others for having a different opinion than you is what should be checked at the door.
  5. Do you realize that racial profiling is racism, regardless of a person's skin color? Not to mention there's no data to support that claim. I get that you may be trying to be anti-racist, but you're actually being racist.
  6. I'm curious if anyone was planning any 'in game' virtual protests or memorial events to coincide with the release event. Maybe Wild Card's more afraid of that potential?
  7. You know, I can kind of see why not celebrate today, sure. But kind of ridiculous that a celebration has to be on the day of the release. Even if there weren't 'other considerations', I think Wild Card should avoid celebrating until after the initial launch anyways. Release today, celebrate next week after the initial bugs and major release issues are past.
  8. Let's be real. We were all expecting a delay and problems at the last minute, as per usual. If it was legitimately because of the protests and out of respect, I feel like it would have been announced as a delay days ago. Being that it's so last minute, it feels more like a serious technical issue arose and they just happen to have a convenient excuse; which seems more disrespectful. I suspect Wild Card didn't stop to think how pinning a delay on the protests would look in the grand scheme of things. As for launching the updates today, how would that show disrespect? I went to work today. I ate breakfast & lunch. I'm playing other games tonight. Is any of that disrespectful? Nope.
  9. Ha! Shows what happens when you trust a Wiki page. Their wiki used to say they were an Aussie company, at least when I checked it last. But Washington State makes sense.
  10. Even better. I know its not past midnight in my PST time zone. Being based in Australia, I'm surprised they use PST. Seems like everyone always uses EST. Refreshing.
  11. I'm pretty sure the announced release times are in EST, and I'm also pretty sure its not past midnight on the East Coast of NA yet.
  12. Is this announcement new (as in the last hour or so)? There's a date but no time.... so difficult to know if this is another delay or the last one we already knew about.
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