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  1. When you host dedicated it shows on the list and players looking for "tweaked" servers where they can level and or tame faster they search that list. Or you can password protect it and offer people to join in forums. I don't understand the last question so I can't help there sorry. But good luck on your server! My friend just started theirs recently. After the patch and there's so many of the new dinos it's awesome!
  2. Try growing a quetzal. It took me a week on private server and it's gone as it finished maturing. I gave up caring tho as I'm sure in the end it'll be fixed. I'll just ice my eggs till then.
  3. Their fixing the UI scale that was an imidiate problem. A warning doesn't even have to be given they can update 50 times in 1 day and not say poop. And again to the refund. Not only is this game alpha but it's digital only. You cannot refund digital games. I've tried I would know. Not to mention this was under 40$ cheaper then any other xbox game that would keep you this interested. I'm just happy things are getting fixed and if anybody has problems with that then put the remote down. Nobody's forcing you to play you chose to and Noone will mourn your leaving. Thanks.
  4. Kill off all wild dinos in sight (or proximity of where they are found) New dinos tend to only show after killing some existing dinos
  5. Dimets are a hastle to find. If you kill everything off in swamps then look around the waters for a fin you'll find you a dimetrodon. If needed add OLx_Lokee I'll help find one.
  6. I've been in this forum since first page can nobody go back in pages I'm getting tired of the same question being repeated every single page. How to get splitscreen working. It's only been repeated 50 thousand times go back and read instead of complain. Now for a complaint that hasn't been put yet. I found a 120 gallimimus but cannot make dimetrodon kibble to perfect tame. I've tried only fertalized eggs so far as my dimetrodons won't lay eggs. Their mate boosted and ovi nearby. Had them on hatch frames first see is eggs fell through but didn't now I have them in a creek pen (water up half their body read they needed water tried it out ) still nothing. And even caught some wilds and did the same untamed. No eggs.. and I'm assuming even with the egg I couldn't make kibble as I assume the item itself is broken. If a fix for this could come asap I'd love this game. First 120 where I can actually perfect tame. If anybody knows to fix this please let me know.
  7. Just so you are aware refunds are not available to digital games (if you read the terms upon purchasing the license to play a game still in alpha stages.) Second and because it's in alpha there's bound to have setbacks that will be fixed. The patch has been out for its second day. Get your panties out of a knot. And if your that dissapointed Un-install. The ark community will be a better place hence forth. These complaints are unnecessary. Be productive or don't be anything.
  8. Also has anybody seen underwater loot crates yet? Been searching for an hour or 2 and nothing even checking inside caves and between the rocks under the sea my Scuba gear almost broke a second time
  9. I'm sorry to those tagged I don't understand why I can't delete them using Mobile. . I agree with Beatnick667 however. If we never complained how would they know the problems. Just keep the complaints respectful. Dev work is hard. Not everything works well off the bat.
  10. I play single aswell and am tired of losing dinos randomly.. my giganot Mr sugarbottoms is now gone. Not dead just gone. Same with my LV 114 baby giga that had food (but could have eaten it all who knows) new dinos can be found d however by killing the old ones off in the area they spawn (swamps caves and the hill south of volcano where I found all 3 new dinos) and the flashing strobe like colors off the water makes me feel like I'm in a screwed up dino rave it's messing with me.
  11. Dungbeetles are found in caves. I went to the north southern cave. Close to swamp biomedical where I found dimetrodon aswell. Bring large poop for best taming. And careful they look like spiders from far/behind in the dark. But don't need repellant
  12. Alright! I know I've complained already but my complaints are in hopes that they read them and fix these issues. So onward to my problem. I FOUND A LEVEL 120 GALLIMIMUS!! thanks to all that congrats me. Now my problem.. can't make dimetrodon kibble. I know how to search recipes and put it all in cooker with water skins aswell as intake pipe. Still didn't make it. Tried fertalized then went on a hunting spree for a male dimetrodon (hard Lil poops to find.) Finally my friend borrowed me one and I got unfertalized eggs. Still no kibble.. is this just me or?
  13. So I come back online to find out. One my baby giga is gone. So I'm annoyed already I put alot of work getting the parents let alone breeding it and it was lvl 114 higher then both parents and that's never happened to me before now that's not all. Another thing missing is a full grown giga. My Mr sugarbottoms is now gone and that pisses me off. There is no way it could leave it's everything is disabled and he's passive not to mention my dino resistance is zero. Now we were also told we were getting the server options that computer has up to a certain patch. Now it's not only not there but not listed anymore either. I put work taming and breeding to have them both gone and I'm hoping this gets fixed.
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