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Everything posted by Eviga

  1. Finally a good News! After this massive Genesis fail we will receive a real Ark map this summer. Totally looking forward to it!
  2. I paid 9,99 for the Game and 22,49 for all other maps except the trash genesis poop. Feelsbadman
  3. Dont Think that there are even more than 140 players who would actually WANT to play this trash map For all PS4 gamers that are disapointed of Genesis: You can get a refund by sony. I got my money back within couple of hours. Genesis is massive garbage and has nothing to do with Ark. Glad I got all money back
  4. I am right know trying to get a refund for Genesis. I am on PS4. Anyone had Lück with that at Sony? Edit: I asked for a refund. Lets See if i am lucky.
  5. I downloaded it on PS4 while I was asleep. Just woke up, grabbed my Coffee and lets go!! Thx Wildcard for this new Adventure! I am super excited !
  6. It would be the best that can only happen, if you and all the other little children that cry 24/7 about how how bad this Game is, would just stop playing and leave the Forum. I Think I would be more hyped for THAT than genesis Release. But hey let me dream.
  7. Wrong Forum, wrong topic Sissy. Back to topic: Only thing I would like to know is the time we can download Genesis. Something like a predownload wont happen, am I right?
  8. It is not released yet dude. Thats why. Oh my god... it will Release Feb 25th.
  9. Thank god some more people in this Forum got a ACTUAL working brain . Totally agree !
  10. Holy poop dude stop crying. Yes you bought the Game and maybe some DLC. That does not give you the right to behave like you and many others do. You are not paying a monthly amount to Wildcard. You bought a Game. It has some Problems, ok thats bad. But you forget that they could end working on Ark and could end online Support without further announcements. It is just a Game and you bought it once. Keep cool. Its really ridicolous how many of you guys behave here. In my opinion @Chrishas the right to react like he did. Everyone crying and blaming hin and WC for a picture. Wow. The Rest is surely working hard including him. A picture doesnt change that. And his reaction does not proof that they poop on us. Grow up
  11. PS4? Bought it yesterday. No Probs here. Cool theme btw. What Error are you facing?
  12. I introduced my beautiful girlfriend to Ark which was so awesome for her that she instantly managed to buy a ps4 and Ark. So I guess in wednesday we will Play together. Besides this amazing fact I was on my Solo Ragna and build my out of Base Metal location. And of course brought my anky and doedy over there. Cant wait for Genesis to be honest!
  13. I am also thinking what I will do. Either statt an SP on Genesis or Jump directly into 26 deaths by Raptors on a new map. But I guess, since I play SP for Longer now, I will start solo Genesis with no cheats and just enjoy
  14. So I bought the Genesis Season Pass and raptor me, I am hyped as raptor!!! I know it will launch well and we will ecperience a new map once more with so much to Explore I love this Game!
  15. I Think they do a fantastic job. And I know GENESIS will be a blast. They got so much ideas which is great. Not responding to the Switch Players is something I do not get. Anyway. Keep up the hard work. We love the game. All these haters and Internet heroes are not the Big part of players. It is ok to critizise but not all the time the same whining over and over again. I am happy with Ark and I am not a 24/7 addicted Nerd. With a Bit of distance and understanding I Think some of you retarded morons would be more thankful for what you have here.
  16. Holy crap thats bad. Damn... I once again reach out now for a server to find. A server with space for me start playing. Hopefully I find one with no assholes pillar-ing up the whole goddamn maps.
  17. No it does not say all platforms. They said PC, XBOX One and PS4. Please read it ... The Switch never had any events or will get any events. The Switch does not even get updates.
  18. Question 1: Will the ending support of ARK on Switch be announced on Stream? Question 2: When is S+ and Kibble RW coming to Xbox One?
  19. After 155 hours on the Switch, a solid base and lots of stuff, I will quit and dont give a single f anymore. The game will not be updated. Servers are closing. RIP on Switch
  20. So the first word ever on the Switch Version since the release is that several servers will be taken down? Well I guess thats it then. Goodbye Switch Version Support. I am out now.
  21. The Switch Version has enough players and its getting more. You will not be alone on an empty servers at all. All we are hoping for now is the DLCs.
  22. Like many others before I can say you will not get an answer from the developer. They just dont care. I wrote E-Mails. They did not answer aund single one. We have to accept that we will either see the DLCs one day by surprise, or simply get nothing. Which is what I think.
  23. I dont know how you guys play but I sit in Germany, connected the docked Switch to Wifi and got no laggs on the.servers. The game does not crash and I have no major bugs noticed. I had invisible dead dinos.but since the patch theyre visible. It looks a bit smoother, definately. But there is still lot of potential.
  24. I sent an e mail to the Studio asking if there will be Winter Wonderland on the Switch as well as if there will be.DLC. Dont think they will answer.but since theyre not reading their Forums i thought as the last case to write an e mail. Pretty sad company I would say.
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