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  1. Good day Due to the addition of new content for the convenience of using gacha Could you reconsider the placing pegomastax on aberration. Thanks!
  2. 1 so now you want to tell me that it's my fault and that I'm preventing you from playing using game mechanics? yes, I want dinosaurs stronger than the others have, this is a game about dinosaurs and they decide a lot here 2 are we really talking about smalltribes? no one here covers the entire map with foundations. only strategically important places 3. we play 24/7 my last fob was 5 days and yes there are many people here who sit on fobs for days on 1x it can last even longer. This is again the mechanics of the game which I understand you also blame ME for and we come to the conclusion that you do not know how to play the game and do not know how to negotiate and therefore my server should disappear. but you know what the problem is there will be no place for you in this game anyway.
  3. literally every mmorpg i physically can't bring more than 6 people because these are small tribes 4 people can defend a spot, even one if he's not an idiot the game is unbalanced towards defense
  4. little genius. Who will play this game then if not us? you 2 hours on weekends a week in your rat hole? we are the main timer on the servers breeding, building, wars. on my server play little guys but I see that they come for an hour a day while on my base to feed the dino takes 2-3 hours of time not we killed this game and when WE are gone there will be no one here at all
  5. This is some kind of joke on my server there are 10 people playing I have tons of crap and several breed lines what logic should make me play again considering that the same thing can happen to all my bases #myservernotdead EU-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9250
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