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Early Birds
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Naked (1/5)



  1. got 620 w now.. basic flak n pvp kit is around 270 to 320, now if u take just 10 Z, thats add 210 W, and lets be clear.. 10 only do poop for a long grief or raid.. and with that, if u kill 1 player, u cant take his kit now, ull be overweight!
  2. Plant Z's weight is now 21 ! DILO wrong with u! Z needed a nerf but not a total one! put a cooldown on throwing or how long u get affected by another 1.. but not make them impossible to carry! now if u go for a grief or raid, u can carry like 4 5 max with u! where the defended base can keep on throwing ... Do dev actually play this game? or have any knowledge about it!
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