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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2024 in all areas

  1. Not sure if it does anything for ASA. ASE it would delete your local copy of the .arkprofile and if configured for FTP mode would also connect to server and remove the .arkprofile from there too. Based on <networkId>.arkprofile though so might not work for ASA.
    1 point
  2. Wc whats going on..how does a dino starve to death with plenty of food in troughs..the one next to it survives but ones starves..im sick and tired of putting in the work for your bs game to kill off my dinos..do something right for once and fix this bs game its been 10 years how long does it take to get it right
    1 point
  3. Wholeheartedly agree, and it really sucks that crossplay is so bad for official when PC players can have NASA PCs and load in faster than anyone else, but the issue there is that you're playing official lol (and not the console only servers, to boot). If I still played official, I'd be whining about turning off crossplay across the board and not just on some small cluster so the cheaty, whiny, toxic PC players elitists couldn't join my servers, but thankfully I don't and never will again, best decision of my life
    1 point
  4. How they stay in business is a wonder. If any of us were as bad at our jobs as Wild Card is with hitting release dates, we would be fired and laughed at on the way out.
    1 point
  5. To keep failing is not an improvement on failing. I'm not following how you think it is.
    1 point
  6. You have got to be kidding me , I took time off work based off of what you have been saying for over a month , even took an extra day in case there was a delay , shame on me tho for expecting wildcard to actually hit a release on time , been out over a year and same crap man , doubt I’ll continue to invest in these dlc add ons , already wasted enough money and time to be disappointed yet again
    1 point
  7. Hi, I am a 10 year veteran player on ark. My friends and I have played this game since almost day 1 We are returning players Certain maps like Ragnarok are NOT canon maps ( no extra ascension) The base game has been out now for 12 months. With new maps, please remove 60 days wait till transfers or allow 1 week max before. The limit is not needed anymore, especially on non-canon maps. Ascension maps I can understand a little. we have grinded this game for 10 years. Why push us to grind more?
    0 points
  8. Y’all are complaining about delays and lack of information, but us switch users don’t even get mods, ASA improvements that even mobile gets, and we don’t get the Center, Valguero, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, or Fjordur. We’re even lucky to have received all the other maps at all.
    0 points
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