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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2024 in all areas
Great that the event is finally being delivered in the way it was meant to and kudos to Wildcard for taking the community's advice on this one, and I'm definitely excited about the thestral, but can we talk about the new cosmetic menu they secretly snuck in without warning or community input? I hate always having to say something negative, but it is remarkably unintuitive now, it was already bad before, but now it's just confusing, the whole menu-within-menu, within-a-tab stuff is crazy inaccessible, the old system with a simple drag and drop or equip onto the hotbar was all we needed, maybe add some folders to sort types at most was needed, who decided to complicate the crap out of it and add a stack of tabs and menus all over both sides of the screen? While it is difficult enough to navigate on a 4k monitor, as an ultrawide monitor user the vast majority of the menus are hidden and need to be moved around and closed before the ones at the bottom can even be seen to exist at all. similar issues exist for lower resolutions. Whatever happen to "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" From my point of view as a web developer, for me; this UI is an accessibility nightmare, fitting that it came out in the Halloween update. Did they even bother to focus group test it first? Aside from that, so far I'm super happy we got the event we wanted.2 points
Okay, I'm hooked, I still won't buy the Pryomane because now compared to the Dreadmare, clearly more effort was done with it than the lazy Shadowmane reskin. Now if the next Fantastic Tames have effort done and originality like the Dreadmare then I'm all for it.2 points
Games cost constant money to make and maintain. Period. Aberration is a no fly map soooo…. No duh sherlock?…2 points
I'm thrilled to see the DodoRex and DodoWyvern return though, the bosses were my favorite part of the event. Hopefully this means we can get zombies without having to interact with Club Ark. The animations look a bit awkward on the horse, looks a better than the lazy reskin that is pyromane though. Really hope they touch up the pyromane someday.2 points
We’re diving into the spooky details of Fear Ascended, providing a live operations update on Aberration transfers, and sharing an update on Unreal Engine 5.4. Plus, we have an exciting announcement about a special guest host joining this year’s Extra Life event! Download in full resolution The shadows draw closer... Fear Ascended is creeping into ClubARK, and all the eerie goodies—skins, emotes, chibis, and tameable creatures—will haunt ClubARK as rewards! If you’re brave enough to earn a tameable creature through ClubARK events, it will come sealed in a cryopod, ready to be unleashed on your server. Wild event dino colors will bleed through to official servers, adding a ghostly touch to the wilderness. And for our Unofficial server friends, you can summon Fear Ascended creatures through commands or spawners—if you dare! 10/30/2024 to 11/13/2024 PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding Zombie Fire Wyvern Zombie Lightning Wyvern Zombie Poison Wyvern Zomdodo Skeletal Giga Costume Skeletal Raptor Costume Skeletal Rex Costume Skeletal Stego Costume Skeletal Trike Costume Skeletal Wyvern Costume Ghost Basilisk Costume Ghost Bulbdog Costume Ghost Direwolf Costume Ghost Mantis Costume Ghost Reaper Costume Ghost Rex Costume Dino Witch Hat Scary Dino Pumpkin Helmet Skin Weapon Cleaver (Sword) *new* Crowbar (Pick) *new* Armor Werewolf Costume *new* Arrow-Head Hat *new* Axe-Head Hat *new* Sword-Head Hat *new* Araneo Swim Bottom Skin Araneo Swim Top Skin Basilisk Ghost Costume Bulbdog Ghost Costume Clown Mask Skin Dino Witch Hat Skin Direwolf Ghost Costume DodoRex Mask Skin DodoWyvern Mask Skin Headless Costume Skin Hockey Mask Skin Jack-O-Lantern Swim Bottom Skin Jack-O-Lantern Swim Top Skin Jack-O-Lantern-Print Shirt Skin Mantis Ghost Costume Onyc Swim Bottom Skin Onyc Swim Top Skin Reaper Ghost Costume Reaper Swim Bottom Skin Reaper Swim Top Skin Reaper-Print Shirt Skin Rex Ghost Costume Rex Bone Helmet Skin Scary Pumpkin Helmet Skin Skeleton Costume Skele-Print Shirt Skin Strawman Costume Snow Owl Ghost Costume Tentacle-Print Shirt Skin Trike Bone Helmet Skin Vampire Dodo Swim Bottom Skin Vampire Dodo Swim Top Skin Vampire Eyes Skin Werewolf Mask Skin Witch Hat Skin ZombDodo-Print Shirt Skin Zombie Wyvern-Print Shirt Skin Horror Species X *new* Festive Dino Candy (Dino Candy Corn) Pumpkin Scarecrow Stolen Headstone Chibi-Skeletal Brontosaurus Chibi-Skeletal Carno Chibi-Skeletal Giganotosaurus Chibi-Skeletal Jerboa Chibi-Skeletal Quetzal Chibi-Skeletal Raptor Chibi-Skeletal Rex Chibi-Skeletal Stego Chibi-Skeletal Trike Chibi-Skeletal Wyvern Chibi-Ghost Basilisk Chibi-Ghost Direwolf Chibi-Ghost Mantis Chibi-Ghost Rex Chibi-Spooky Bulbdog Howl *new* Sniff *new* Evil Panic Scare DarkLavender MediumLavender WyvernPurple0 DragonFire Orange Peach Green MediumTurquoise DarkTeal DarkBlue Dino Dark Blue Blue ActualBlack BlackSands Dark Grey MediumAutumn Yellow DeepPink A very special guest has joined our lineup—content creator Raasclark will be going live with us from our Seattle office Saturday November 2nd at 10AM Pacific for this year’s 24-hour Extra Life event! Join us for an unforgettable stream as Raasclark helps us make a difference for a great cause! If you are interested in donating, click on the button below! All donations go to the Extra Life organization and contribute to raising the Official Network rates for 24 hours! DONATE We will announce all the final details in a future Crunch, but here's a sneak peak of what you can expect: Reveals of upcoming game content, such as ARK Extinction and Bob's Tall Tales Part 3 Preview of 'ARK Ultimate Mobile Edition' from Grove Street Games First Looks at ARK The Animated Series Part 2 Stop by on November 2nd and hang out out in our Twitch stream or Discord for an opportunity to win a cool giveaway! Alternatively, you can join the Studio Wildcard Extra Life Team and help raise money for children in need! By teaming up with us on Extra Life Gameday, not only will you be part of 24 hours of epic reveals, giveaways, and entertainment, but you'll also be giving back to those who need it most! Transfers on Aberration Official servers will open at 10am PST/1pm EST November 8th allowing players to move items, creatures, and characters onto the map without restriction! Pack your cogs and get your Cosmos ready to explore! Unreal Engine 5.4 is being pushed back a little bit, but is still well underway. Before we determine a new launch timeframe, let’s give you a little background on this process in the form of an analogy. Let’s say you have a factory that bakes cakes with many specialized techniques that you designed. Now, this cake factory is a little dated. Fortunately for you, cake making techniques continue to improve, and new methodologies are available to enhance your cake. Seems pretty straightforward, right? But not exactly. You’re working with a live cake factory; you need to continue making cakes to feed your customers, so you cannot disrupt that process to integrate these improvements. However, you can dedicate a small team to make a new cake factory, based on the original, and incorporate the upgrades. After some time, the new cake factory has finished with the upgrades. Still, you notice that your specialized techniques that made your cake taste a certain way no longer work, so now you’ve got to spend time fixing all of that while still operating your old cake factory.. This is the stage we’re at. We’ve branched the codebase, completed the upgrade, and are now going through the time-consuming process of ensuring that everything works as expected; this doesn’t just include the old things that are essential to developing ARK and were custom-built but also making sure that the new improvements are functioning as expected within our custom codebase. This impacts how you experience the game (i.e., when we cook out the files, is the gameplay as we expect, are we noticing the performance improvements, has anything new broken?) and also how we experience the editor (are our tools functioning the way we expect them too, can level designers still create volumes, are blueprints cooking, etc.). So yeah, while we do want to move into the new cake factory, we’re still testing that all components of our cake can be made with the new factory tools and that the cake is still a cake, but better. It’s pretty lengthy and carries some risk. We could get through it quicker if we put more people onto it, but that adds more risk to the cake we’re giving people now (ASA) and we’ve got a lot of orders lined up for the rest of the year. So, what’s our new timeline? We believe the safest approach would be to release the engine upgrade to 5.4 (or maybe higher at that point) in Q1 next year. This allows our team to focus on the significant content milestones this year (Extinction, Events, and Wasteland War) and then gently move on to wrapping up the upgrade after the break. We’re really excited about the upgrade, not only because of the performance improvements but also because it gives us access to better and sharper tools to continue improving the quality of the game. It’s still coming, so hang in there! TLDR: Cake is on the way, coming to a bakery near you in Q1 2025. We're working closely with our partners at Nitrado to make the official server saves from our sunsetted servers available soon. We know how much these worlds mean to you, and we're committed to helping preserve your hard-earned progress. Stay tuned for more updates! On April 8th, we deployed a new type of server across the network (for the various game types) that we refer to as "Expire" (which is what you can search for in the session filter). These servers will be online until 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on November 15th. We're preemptively using our allocation for Extinction to host some additional sessions that players can travel onto to farm, tame, and experience Aberration Gameplay. The same transfer restrictions apply in that you are only able to download your character, but you can freely take anything off. This is to help reduce load off some of the other servers, or provide players an option for those who just want to jump onto Aberration temporarily. Please note that these servers will no longer exist after 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on November 15th, so if you intend to use them, remember to transfer your items/creatures/characters off before that date, as nothing will be saved beyond that time period. Happy 1-year Anniversary to ARK: Survival Ascended! From dino-mite adventures to reaching new heights as ascended Survivors, it’s been an epic journey, and we’re grateful to have you all along for the ride. As we celebrate this milestone, we’re excited to look toward an even bigger year ahead—one filled with surprises and new discoveries. Here’s to another year of adventure together! From all of us at Studio Wildcard—thank you, Survivors! Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week! This video features: MSVV Halloween by Deckard H&N Wicked Wardrobe by TheNokosa Randis Halloween Mod by Randi_Beers Skin Cosmetics Klinger Reinforced Concrete by klingerMartins This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, October 28. PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form Player's creativity, passion, and, love for this lil' dinosaur game inspire us daily. It’s awesome to see what ARK sparks in you—be it art, mods, or stories that capture the spirit of our shared world. The talent of this community is next level, and witnessing your creations and passion reminds us why we push the boundaries of ARK’s universe. Creator: Raasclark feat. Haitch Raasclark and Haitch attempt to tame their very first dragon on ARKpocalypse without a HUD! Creator: Kittykatlapurr Kittykatlapurr is taking us on an adventure to find Basilisks on Aberration in Ark Survival Ascended. They are a rare sight to see but can be found in all zones. ARK goodies by gman2006 Tried drawing a Megalo from memory by ikrannn Been playing ARK lately; I like the critters. by ackusia Aberration Ascended by @MystikQuill Poglin by sirdrip Gems by @falco_luna Go go go!! by @alkonavi Photo Mode by grungke2 Cowboy Cosmo by nesvog Me and my Ceratosaur getting nice and cozy. by flamekeeper2224 Memorial built in honour of our dear friend and moderator, Lego by @vadams10 New build on Aberration by haroww Enjoy your weekend! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg1 point
The servers have a crazy lag almost impossible to play since the update, not to mention the crashes. This totally made the game worse1 point
Download in full resolution Prepare to meet the Dreadmare, a legendary creature of myth and shadow. This fearsome mount, found on Scorched Earth and The Center, grants you command over dark magic, draining the life of foes, weakening defenses, and even veiling allies in a shroud of darkness. Take flight on this ominous steed and wield its unique powers to turn the tide in your favor. Embrace the shadows... Dreadmare awaits. Download in full resolution Species: Umbris phasmequester Time: Unknown Diet: Carrion Feeder Temperament: Aggressive near carcasses I’d have thought an apex predator like T. Rex or Giganotosaurus would be the scariest thing on the ARK, until I first saw this vision from a heavy metal album cover spread its wings. Dreadmare can induce an acute threat response in literally anything. All the better to scare away other scavengers from the dead meat it’s drawn to. Those wings can focus gusts to create pressure blasts at the point of impact. Dreadmare also has an uncanny way of disrupting a target’s healing abilities while boosting its own. And there’s no outnumbering this terror, since its dreadful aura seems to drain the will to live from everything around it. You aren’t going to break this beast the usual way. The only way to gain a Dreadmare’s respect is by killing it a few times. Yes, you read that right -- you will need to respawn one to fight again and again until you prove yourself worthy. Once you’ve won its favor, your Dreadmare will reveal its greatest ability: to tuck another of your war-beasts into a pocket dimension for later access. Soon you’ll be riding into battle on a shadowy pegasus that can bring along surprise backup! Download in full resolution We heard your feedback about Fear Ascended and have invited our spooky friends including Dodorex and Dodowyvern, to join us on the Island, Scorched Earth, and the Center. Fear Ascended and all the eerie goodies—skins, emotes, chibis, and tameable creatures are now lurking in the main game as its own mod and making a creepy appearance in Club ARK. . The iconic Dodorex as well as its Scorched Earth counterpart, the Dodowyvern, will make their comeback into the game today as night crawls onto your servers! 10/30/2024 to 11/13/2024 Dodorex (The Island & The Center) Dodowyvern (Scorched Earth) Zombie Fire Wyvern (Scorched Earth) Zombie Lightning Wyvern (Scorched Earth) Zombie Poison Wyvern (Scorched Earth) Zomdodo Ghost Direwolf Ghost Basilisk Ghost Fire Wyvern Ghost Bulbdog Ghost Mantis Ghost Rex Ghost Surface Reaper King Skeletal Bronto Skeletal Carnotaurus Skeletal Giganotosaurus Skeletal Jerboa Skeletal Quetzal Skeletal Raptor Skeletal Rex Skeletal Stego Skeletal Trike All creatures will spawn on their native maps. ClubARK has received a spooky makeover! *new* New ClubARK “Fear Wave” Mini-game *new* New Event Store to unlock event cosmetics with ClubARK Tokens *new* Skeletal Giga Costume Skeletal Raptor Costume Skeletal Rex Costume Skeletal Stego Costume Skeletal Trike Costume Skeletal Wyvern Costume Ghost Basilisk Costume Ghost Bulbdog Costume Ghost Direwolf Costume Ghost Mantis Costume Ghost Reaper Costume Ghost Rex Costume Dino Witch Hat Scary Dino Pumpkin Helmet Skin Weapon Cleaver (Sword) *new* Crowbar (Pick) *new* Armor Werewolf Costume *new* Arrow-Head Hat *new* Axe-Head Hat *new* Sword-Head Hat *new* Araneo Swim Bottom Skin Araneo Swim Top Skin Basilisk Ghost Costume Bulbdog Ghost Costume Clown Mask Skin Dino Witch Hat Skin Direwolf Ghost Costume DodoRex Mask Skin DodoWyvern Mask Skin Headless Costume Skin Hockey Mask Skin Jack-O-Lantern Swim Bottom Skin Jack-O-Lantern Swim Top Skin Jack-O-Lantern-Print Shirt Skin Mantis Ghost Costume Onyc Swim Bottom Skin Onyc Swim Top Skin Reaper Ghost Costume Reaper Swim Bottom Skin Reaper Swim Top Skin Reaper-Print Shirt Skin Rex Ghost Costume Rex Bone Helmet Skin Scary Pumpkin Helmet Skin Skeleton Costume Skele-Print Shirt Skin Strawman Costume Snow Owl Ghost Costume Tentacle-Print Shirt Skin Trike Bone Helmet Skin Vampire Dodo Swim Bottom Skin Vampire Dodo Swim Top Skin Vampire Eyes Skin Werewolf Mask Skin Witch Hat Skin ZombDodo-Print Shirt Skin Zombie Wyvern-Print Shirt Skin Horror Species X *new* Festive Dino Candy (Dino Candy Corn) Pumpkin Scarecrow Stolen Headstone Chibi-Skeletal Brontosaurus Chibi-Skeletal Carno Chibi-Skeletal Giganotosaurus Chibi-Skeletal Jerboa Chibi-Skeletal Quetzal Chibi-Skeletal Raptor Chibi-Skeletal Rex Chibi-Skeletal Stego Chibi-Skeletal Trike Chibi-Skeletal Wyvern Chibi-Ghost Basilisk Chibi-Ghost Direwolf Chibi-Ghost Mantis Chibi-Ghost Rex Chibi-Spooky Bulbdog Howl *new* Sniff *new* Evil Panic Scare DarkLavender MediumLavender WyvernPurple0 DragonFire Orange Peach Green MediumTurquoise DarkTeal DarkBlue Dino Dark Blue Blue ActualBlack BlackSands Dark Grey MediumAutumn Yellow DeepPink Unofficial server owners can apply this to their servers by adding "-HalloweenColors" into their commandline. From the Main Menu, select the mod tab. Search for Fear Ascended in the ARK Mod list and Install it. Mod ID: 877752 After it's installed, go back to your game setup screen and select 'Mod Settings' You will see Fear Ascended and any other mods you've downloaded in 'Available Mods' Select Fear Ascended and activate it. If you would like to enable Fear Ascended on your private servers, please add the mod ID to your server command-line launch arguments (-mods=877752). No other changes should be necessary to activate the event. Overhauled custom cosmetic UI/UX Fixed issues with armor and skins not properly aligning on training dummies Fixed textures not loading properly on training dummies, causing them to appear completely black Fixed Gigantopithecus sliding on Zeppelin with structures Fixed the map initially displaying incorrect coordinates until the cursor was moved Fixed rocks sometimes causing rubberbanding and speed issues when riding a Ceratosaurus on a server Fixed Large Tek Wall triggering wood VFX and audio when damaged Fixed the inability to snap some structures to Steampunk walls Additional fix for players sometimes dying to the anti-mesh system when climbing on player placed structures with the climbing picks Fixed player hands and gloves turning invisible after dismounting a dino in FPV Fixed creature AI sometimes spinning in circles while on a foundation Fixed SIR-5rM8 continuing to interact with inventories after automated withdrawal was disabled Fixed SIR-5rM8 converting spoiling materials like polymer into their non-spoiling counterparts when taking materials for repairing Fixed Yi Ling’s poison damage not triggering a respawn timer when killing enemies in PvP, and kills will now show in the tribe log Fixed Reaper King’s audio balance that caused some attacks to be heard from one side Tek Replicator wireless crafting can now be properly disabled Fixed constant crackling audio while wearing a Tek Suit in Aberration’s radiation zone Fixed Crop Plot not displaying Greenhouse bonus with minimal info displayed Fixed client FPS drop when dragging items to a different inventory Fixed Pyromane sometimes getting destroyed by the anti-mesh system, specifically during taming, when picked up by a Megalosaurus on a server Fixed Mineral Carrier trait losing effectiveness on adult creatures Prevented Alpha Karkinos and Alpha Basilisk from being carried by a Rhyniognatha Fixed Queen Bee disappearing when destroying a foundation supporting a Beehive Fixed Greenhouse door audio not respecting master volume Fixed Main Menu video not respecting audio sliders Fixed an issue when changing the keybinds of whistle commands which would call the wrong command Fixed non-dedicated server tether causing players to get stuck in one another when riding tames Fixed character XP bar not showing the correct amount of required XP to reach the next level Fixed a desync issue caused by picking up a buried Basilisk with a Rhyniognatha Fixed an issue causing weapon inaccuracy when aiming while prone Fixed an issue resulting in the inability to land next to a Titanosaur Fixed loading screen not appearing soon enough when launching the game Scorched Earth: Fixed floating tumbleweeds in the Wyvern Trench during weather events Scorched Earth: Fixed notification spam during super heat when inside a Tek Sleeping Pod The Center: Fixed inability to uncryo creatures inside the underwater bubbles Aberration: Prevented ability to place structures directly next to enemy Gas Collectors Aberration: Fixed multiple server crashes PC: Added a notification for manually installed custom cosmetics that need to be updated Xbox: Added a “Save Game” button to the escape menu in Single Player Xbox and Playstation: Fixed an issue on the Mod UI that prevented using the back button to leave the picture preview of a mod Fixed several exploits Fixed several client crashes Fixed several server crashes1 point
From the Main Menu, select the mod tab. Search for Love Ascended in the ARK Mod list and Install it. Mod ID: 877752 After it's installed, go back to your game setup screen and select 'Mod Settings' You will see Fear Ascended and any other mods you've downloaded in 'Available Mods' Select Fear Ascended and activate it. Pretty sure you mean search for Fear Ascended, not Love Ascended XD . Also I am really happy you listened, looking forward to playing around with the event once the update finishes XD . Also about this New Event Store to unlock event cosmetics with ClubARK Tokens Does that mean that you can get the event cosmetics in club ark using tokens instead of crafting them, or does it mean that you can unlock them & they'll respawn in your cosmetics tab after death? If it's the first then I'm glad to see multiple ways to get the, if it's the latter that'll be something I would play club ark for.1 point
The Dreadmare looks AWESOME!!!!! And it makes the Pyromane male in comparison!!!! I can’t wait to get this!!!1 point
Just curious, what’s wrong with their traits?1 point
1 point
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad that you guys actualy did Fear Ascended properly!1 point
The Dreadmare has no reason to look that cool but it is. Too bad you gotta pay for it and it looks like it can't go to Aberration.1 point
1 point
We got Thestrals in ark before GTA 6. Incredible.1 point
What you Expect. Wildcard works with Snailgames (China) and Asian companies dont give a f*ck about Customersupport. Ive been through this with NC-Soft (Korean) All they care about is money, what do you think, why we have P2W elements in the Game ( Pyromane, Traits from Bobs Tall Tales)? They are like the swarm in Independance Day, pulling out all your resources (money) and move on to the next planet (Game) Asian companies are not like western. They want fast money and rather get 10 million $ in one month then 200 million $ in one year. Returning customers, costomer service? If its not profitable anymore well lets ruin another game.1 point
It's It's over a month since it was announced that customer support was being suspended with no updates. Meanwhile there are players like me who have no option but to submit support tickets in vain because official Ark servers continue to be a buggy mess. WHEN will we get an update on this? In my case, my main character on official got overwritten by a crafting character after an ascension, and I've been locked out of MY OWN tribe on Aberration for over 5 days now. All tickets are automatically closed the second they're submitted, but what else is there to do? I KNOW there are still GMs in the game, I saw one on our server not that long ago even. Everyone's so focused on Fear Evolved or UE updates right now, but WHY are we forgetting the customer support issue?1 point
1 point
Do you mean properley by locking everything behind club ark and destroying the entire event? Terrible x2 rates and can't even craft any chibis, just hid everything in their failure of a mini game within a game, no interest in actually delivering a good event, just interested in saving their terrible release or club ark.0 points
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