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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2024 in all areas

  1. It's a shock turnaround for Snail's share prices! With weeks to go until being delisted from NYSE the share price suddenly jumped up to exceed $1 for the first time in ages. How? Difficult to know but, a generic share trading app came up with this... "Snail, Inc.'s share price has seen a recent increase due to several positive developments. The company reported significant revenue growth from their game “ARK: Survival Ascended” and its premium mods. Additionally, the launch of new titles and expansions, such as the “Aberration Expansion Map” and “Bob’s Tall Tales - Steampunk Ascent,” have driven player engagement and boosted investor confidence." So concurrent player count steadily reducing, Negative reviews and poor comms don't mean a thing? The share price is strong because of what Snail have communicated out to the market? I really hope my pension fund isn't involved or I'll be working until I'm 70! Another reason for share prices to spike is if someone buys a bunch to generate a mini run. Either way I suspect shenanigans. By the way, average concurrent player count is still going down for ASA and ASE. You can confirm on Steam Charts and Battlemetrics.
    2 points
  2. The following should be added to bee hives abilities Eat rare flowers in troughs and any planted crops/plants (XYZ plants) around it. Pollination - improve the yield of planted crops/plants around it. Increased honey production around crops and plants Produce beeswax and beeswax would be an ingredient with organic poly (beeswax + oil) Maybe for PVP, trap mode. Attacks anyone at a certain radius. But the bees die and it takes a while to recharge again. And honey production goes down with the number of bees it has.
    1 point
  3. Agreed. Stock price manipulation is the most obvious answer, not hard for them to do with the price being so low.
    1 point
  4. Well im not a lawyer, its all based on my own experience when we wanted to sell our mods. We decided maybe 200, 300 bucks per year is not worth the risk to get sued for a webserver, at worst case a companies webserver, get hacked due to a security leak in our modification And yes, they for sure would throw you under the bus. so far i havent heard about a modder got sued either. but that might be mainly cause mods are usually free an its always mentioned that you download and use the software / mod at your own risk. As long as you cant prove a modder of a free mod intenntionally included maleware / viruses, you wont have a chance to sue him. There might be so paragrahps that might protect a Modder from being held accountable, the question is, if european courts would accept it. my mother, she once had a small company (GmbH). As her lawyer said, "You can write anything you want in your terms and conditions. You can write excessively that my house, my car, my kidneys and my wife will become your property if I don't pay my bill. It just won't be enforceable in court. That's why the terms and conditions always say something like this "If one of the aforementioned clauses is legally ineffective, the others remain unaffected."
    1 point
  5. I think its suffers from very bad pathfinding like most creatures in the game. It's why it's such a pain to use anything unridden unless it's a sea creature and you're not going into a cave. Only use I've found for it is crop harvesting in a very unobstructed area. Somehow it still gets stuck on a crop plot at times and needs a reset. Is it worth it? Not really. Like many things they add, they just end up as novelty props that they never re-visit to fix but will sometimes try to replace with a new item/creature.
    0 points
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