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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2024 in all areas

  1. I love the game as well, yet with all stuff being added and not the fixes the most people are literally begging for, its like a slow death. Day 1 ASE player here.
    3 points
  2. Bit of a delay. dollie — Today at 5:57 PM LiveOps Update: Hey folks, the console update is stuck in the platform release pipeline and our partners are currently looking into it. We plan to release it into the wild as soon as it's unblocked. Stay posted
    1 point
  3. We definitely needed another tame like the archelon, and im excited for astreos too! Man, I need to get a better xbox to actually run the game. Does anyone know if steam deck oled would run ark ascended well or no? becasue ive been considering selling my current steam deck and buying an oled so i can play ark ascended but i dont know if it would run. Does anyone know?
    1 point
  4. Neither Wildcard / Snailgame nor Courseforge will take responsibility for a mod and have excluded this in their EULA / Tos. From the perspective of EU law, the modder is acting commercially and is therefore fully responsible for his product. If, for example, you offer a mod for sale that is infected with malware without your knowledge, I can hold you liable for any damage the mod causes, as in this case you are considered a commercial seller and no longer a private person. It is different if you offer the mod for free download under GPL, MIT, Creative Common or similar licenses. In this case, the use of the mod is at your own risk. You are also not obliged to keep the software up to date and running, as it is offered free of charge "as is". I had this topic around 2010. At the time, I wrote PHP add-ons for an open source forum software with a friend. We also wanted to sell them for 5 bucks. A lawyer told us that in that case we would be fully liable for the add-ons and would be fully liable for any damage that could be caused by an error in the add-on and would be liable for damages. From the perspective of EU law, modders who offer their mods as paid premium mods are on very thin ice from a legal point of view. If it really does come to a legal dispute, Courseforge will say "We only offer the platform for downloading/selling and have nothing to do with the mod, we are not the developer" and that means they are legally exempt from liability as long as they do not knowingly/intentionally offer malicious software. The sad / bad thing is that most modders who sell premium mods are not even aware of this danger. But this only affects the mods that are offered for sale as premium, not those that are available for free download. These modders are free of responsibility/liability as long as it cannot be proven that they have deliberately integrated malware into their mod
    1 point
  5. My issue is I had no alert in game and don’t utilize the forums. I only found out the day prior from someone talking about it in global chat. My issue was with them communicating the message out.
    1 point
  6. Tamed ichthyornis set to "hunt and retrieve" brings you enhanced (golden glowing) fish which can be used to tame otter and hesperornis with greatly improved affinity compared to regular hand-killed fish. SP = Single Player
    1 point
  7. EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION can have a variety of causes. The specific address referenced in your error, "0x000001ea1f27f3b8" may not be common but that doesn't matter because the specific memory address is basically meaningless in this error. What really matters is the category, "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION". There are plenty of guides that will give a series of steps to take in order to try to solve this issue, and I'll link those below, but before you use any of them here are the things I would do first. I'm going to start with the fastest/easiest and end with the most time consuming. If you get lucky this could be a 10 minute fix, if not you might end up spending hours trying a bunch of things. 1) Disable your anti-virus, try to play the game. If the game works then you probably need to Verify or reinstall your anti-virus. Make sure you have all programs turned off while you're verifying or reinstalling anti-virus. No games, no browsers, no office applications, nothing. 2) If you use any mods, unsubscribe from all of them and make sure they are removed in the game interface. Reboot and try again. If the game works then you can add the mods back in, one at a time, test your game after each mod install, then you should be able to figure out which one is causing your problem. 3) Uninstall your video driver. Use the Device Manager > Display adapter do do this, look up the steps if this is something you're not familiar with. Reboot after uninstalling. Then after the reboot tell windows to discover your video card and install the drivers from scratch. Reboot again. Now test your game. 4) Completely uninstall and reinstall ARK form scratch. Verify works most of the time, but not always, there are problems that a Verify won't fix and this might be one of them. Also, reboot after you uninstall AKK, before you reinstall. And after you reinstall reboot again before starting the game. Lots of people will argue that it's not necessary to do multiple reboots when troubleshooting or trying to solve issues, but this is Windows not Linux. Doing "extra" reboots is much better than not doing enough. If it's still not working then you might need to dig into some of these ideas from these various guides. https://www.troubleshootingcentral.com/8-solutions-to-the-access-violation-at-address-error/ https://www.systweak.com/blogs/how-to-resolve-the-exception_access_violation-in-windows-11-10/ https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-fix-exception-access-violation/ https://www.technipages.com/how-to-fix-exception-access-violation-error/
    1 point
  8. Dear WILDCARD, why did you delete SmallTribes 9343 ? There was no "Exprires" in it's name. Like what's wrong with you?
    0 points
  9. Same problem here but on a different server.
    0 points
  10. Your very first post on this forum was 2 weeks ago, concerning the closing of servers. So may I call it BS to claim you only found out the last minute? In ASE the startup menu was used for announcments, if they did "forget" to do that in ASA they deserve some blame. Still you knew it already 2 weeks ago.
    0 points
  11. Na, trying to use it on my personal server with just me on it (no lag). The pathing is so bad it's unusable. Just gets stuck about 30 seconds into doing anything. I even rebuilt my entire base for each case where he got stuck. Keeps getting stuck no matter what. It's basically useless.
    0 points
  12. I saw the were removing some of the "dead servers" and said we would have until October 15th. Well our servers stop showing up a day before and now all my stuff and character is just deleted I guess? What about the people that don't follow this poopty site they got 0 warning on the game itself. Great job ark no wonder your game has only been dying more and more everyday!
    0 points
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