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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Just to chime in with a different perspective on the modding part of the convo. Granted I used to mod many years ago for a PC game called Company of Heroes and DOW, but back then and my team won 3 years in a row best mod awards in ModDB with millions of downloads (that's how far back I'm talking lol), so many things have changed in the gaming space. Back then, there was neither a way to make any money off it (barely the odd donation to run the web page and forum), but at the same time these were passion projects and hobbies and needed no monetary incentives. The creation itself WAS the reward and the time spent on them was fun hobby time for us enthusiasts. We always did it simply because it is rewarding to create something and implement it in a game you love and play. I think and hope that it still holds true today for most modders. As such, I personally cringe with statements along the lines of ''Modders should be paid for their time''. No, there is no such entitlement. it's not a job, its a hobby done for reasons of self-satisfaction and sharing it with others and seeing them enjoy it is part of that enjoyment you get from it. However, if you want to turn your Hobby time into a job or make money off it on the side (Premium mods), then you have to follow a whole different set of rules which include obligations towards the people who are no longer just fans, but paying customers. And yes, that includes criticism, expectations and timely deliverables. Commissioned mods are a similar category. Now, the argument around ''liking/disliking'' free over paid optional, addon content is a pretty moot one because of course everyone prefers freebees. Also, coerced and enticed are two very different things and Premium Mods are trying to be enticing. Coerced implies you are manipulated into buying something against your will, which is untrue for Premium mods but is certainly true for Fantastic Beasts (which should not be confuse and bundled up with mods) so far.
    2 points
  2. So we get hyped about Zepelins and truy they are amazing. But I can't just put a simple bed on it because we already reached the cap on platformstructures? Did you guys think about that cap when you made this zepelins? Would be nice to actually use it at it's potential. Could you guys make the cap larger because it could be an oversight when adding those zepelins in. Would be nice to have a comment on this from the devs or something. Imagine all the newer people making their first zepelin and not being able to actually place a bed on it or something...
    1 point
  3. I don't even have a big base and it takes like 5 mins or longer to render in completely. i also seem to fly in a lot of bases on the rock drake wich is a challenge. On the other hand i feel this could also be exploited by players that have othe rintentions like stealing eggs and such.. i hope this will be fixed soon. I tis good we got some better ping now on the servers wich is most definatly a good thing, although 150 ping on a EU server as EU player seems a little high, but at least it is not 500-800 like it was. I suppose the reason why structures are rendering in so slow has to do with the changes you made to let the servers perform better. I seem to remember the structures on ASA would render in 20x faster than in ASE, wich now is 20x slower than ASE. I'm sure you are working on it but i wanted to leave you the feedback.
    1 point
  4. now available to download. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gzarUeNZ04WEnKXZ5MC19DTFbOF4ffHE/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases Changes Less colour saturation on the Aberration Ascended map. Performance pass on re-parenting any cryo creatures. Sample provided by @Elisa82 had 8k tamed creatures in cryo and previously took approx. 3 mins 26 seconds. This now loads on my machine in 1 min 20 seconds. Some misc. changes and error handling.
    1 point
  5. @Elisa82 - thank you. Looks like I need to find a new way to determine the parent container of cryo creatures. Using the "name" is incredibly slow. Using your data I made a couple of minor changes but it does load - albeit taking 3 minutes and 26 seconds!!! Leave it with me, I'll see if I can improve things for the next release. Impressive though - 10,534 tames. My server has a total of .... 231!! 😛 .. edit.. Created a limited subset of the objects to search by only including those with the property "MyInventoryComponent". Down to 1 minute 20 seconds and still showing same 10,534 tames.
    1 point
  6. It's a sign from the gods, they're trying to save you from yourself. Consider yourself lucky.
    1 point
  7. The game can't control Discord. No matter what the game status says about allies, people can be de facto allies by simply coordinating their efforts and decisions. If there are 6 tribes with 6 people in each of them, and all 36 people share a Discord, they're really one big tribe no matter what the game thinks. Yes, they all come together (in Discord) to coordinate any and all activities that are supposed to be illegal on small tribes servers. Every form off collusion that you can think of happens when large tribes create multiple "independent" tribes on the small tribes servers. Sadly, anyone who plays by the rules on small tribes servers are basically asking to be victimized by cheaters.
    0 points
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