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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2024 in all areas
You should shut down all the SOTF servers first, nobody plays that in 2024 anymore2 points
It's understandable you need to sunset servers to save money, but why only PVP servers? PVE has tons of nearly dead Island servers. Announce a sunset for PVE, and tell people to move to populated servers.. As for PVP, yes there might be near dead servers but that is how solos and smaller tribes survive in 1x PVP and it's sad you don't realize this. Megatribes comes out on top as always leaving no room for smaller tribes to establish.2 points
Why?? Our server has Players Its far from a dead server, this is some bullcrap. I will quit for good ,nothing like getting settled in a server with a decent community built in it, then they go an take it away intentionally. t-.-t this game and its devs PISS POOR decisions.2 points
I am begging you to please bring us some official ORP clusters. I see that you are sunsetting a ton of PVP servers and people really like ORP. We are all adults with full time jobs and can’t take the time to build up just to have it wiped when we are off line.2 points
I mean, rip to all of those servers, but this just feels like "hey there's a new mission for Club Ark go play it". I know I shouldn't expect any sort of update for Extinction, but I would like to know what's going on with Ragnarok.2 points
Secrets are hidden away in the shadows of an eerie steampunk prison. Unseen forces are at work, and your escape may reveal far more than you bargained for… Download in full resolution A new mission, should you choose to accept it, is to break free from a high-tech steampunk prison. Something sinister is at play, and it’s up to you to team up with a brave little Cosmo and embark on a high-stakes prison break operation. The clock is ticking, will you be able to evade the relentless grasp of the once-helpful bot and escape unscathed? Gear up for a riveting new Club ARK adventure on October 2nd! Step into the shadowy streets of a dark, atmospheric steampunk town, where gears turn and mystery lurks in every corner—hinting at an even darker presence stirring in preparation for what’s to come… Hey Survivors, after careful assessment, we've opted to begin the process of sunsetting a selection of our inactive official servers. Our goal is to ensure that we're always delivering the best experience possible, and official servers exist as a way for the community to play together without having to host their own. When we launch fresh content, typically, we put up more servers than we need in the long term to match the peak in user capacity; over time, these servers become ghost towns as players have dropped off and are waiting for the next major content release. On October 15th, we'll be sunsetting these inactive Island servers: We still intend to provide capacity at launches as much as possible to meet the higher need during those periods. We’re working with our partner at Nitrado to offer these saves after the scheduled sunset through Nitrado’s interface. Please stay tuned for more details. Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week! This video features: Pinto Posse Beancan by MinyYamori Bushy Vietnam Helmet by MinyYamori SmarkARK Paper Bag by MinyYamori Bad Hair Day by MinyYamori Derpina Helmet by MinyYamori Ayagi the vigilante by MinyYamori Moschops Accessories by TheRealHypernatrema Paleo ARK EVO+ Native Aquatics by Team Paleo ARK Circa’s RP Kitchens by Circa Circa’s RP Libraries by Circa This video features: GG SkyIslands Premium by RagingArcher Temptress Lagoon: Enchanted by The Temptress Lagoon Team Sci-Fi Soldier by Gaia Studios Nyrandil Premium by YuTayARKMods New official servers for Nyrandil were launched today! We're hosting a giveaway to celebrate Aberration Ascended! We will select five winners to receive codes for Bob's Tall Tales DLC, voiced by the iconic Karl Urban. One of them will also be chosen to be the cover of Community Crunch 429. The theme of the contest is the many dangers of Aberration You can enter either on Twitter or on Discord: To enter on Discord, simply post your own art or screenshot in #aberration-contest! To enter on Twitter, reply to this Tweet with your own art/screenshot using #AberrationAscended Entries close on Friday, October 4, 2024 10:00 AM and winners will be announced in the Community Crunch 429 the same day! This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, September 30. PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form Creator: Raasclark Raasclark got an early access look at Astraeos before it goes live in October 10th, 2024! Creator: BemoGuinness Bemo heads out to gather all the resources to craft Elements, which shouldn't be that hard. However, things go from bad to worse very fast. Ravager Prowl by @alkonavi The "Prophet" by @WolfTek7 Spooky Season is here! by @rasvim1313 Yi Ling head drawing by toastchee7916 Yee-haw? by @VELUKO1 Allosaurus Villainy: Irresistible by @kiba_tsume0220 I drew a cute bird that I love! by @Charlotte_14319 Photo Mode by bluejay9675 The journey continues by thedeviledfrog Photo Mode by __leesha__ My guiding light by nesv0g Havin' some fun with the flora by squattingturtle Enjoy your weekend! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg2 points
Would be cool to be able to travel to the club ark town on all maps.1 point
Im just wondering why they decided to close the small tribes isolated servers, since they are some of the most popular island servers with 519 having more than 10 people online for huge parts of the day or 516 which had a huge player base throughout much of the summer. As well as they will most likely have a popularity boom as maps such as gen 2 come out and adds more aspects to pvp that some players who prefer simpler pvp might not enjoy as much. The isolated servers is also a way to hide form some of the pay to win with isolated the island having no way of getting pyromanes. The isolated servers are also few in numbers so they don't cost much to hold up. These servers traps people on the server which makes them socialise more than they would on non isolated servers and wasn't building up the comunity the main goal of club ark? Then why don't we keep some the isolated servers that helps build the comunity. I haven't seen more friendly people on ark pvp than on isolated where people sometimes actually helps eachother for example when someone died a few days ago other people helped him get his stuff back and people and peoples first reacion when they see another person isn't "oh thats a guy let me kill him". The isolated servers are also have small amounts of cheaters on them since the dupers can't dupe with transfers, hackers usally play the newest maps and likes the posibility to transfer to hide if poop goes wrong and meshers are there, but for the most part doesn't have loot to raid the alphas. Since the alphas on isolated will raid them imeditaly if they are cheating. Its also annoying that they are shutting down the isolated servers where people have no way of getting off them and will completely lose countless hours and characters. Threfore i ptay that you save the isolated servers.1 point
Best server I have ever played on! It has the perfect combination of PVP and PVE. I have been able to learn and grow on this server and have a newfound love of the game. The help I received from other tribes has been truly remarkable and you just don't get that anywhere else!1 point
Hello Everyone Indeed, this server is not just a place where we play; it is where we have built a strong, resilient community. Despite facing numerous challenges and disruptions, we, and especially Alphas, managed to maintain harmony and create a space where we can explore the wonders of ARK Ascended with all the challenges of a PVP server. For us, this server represents more than just a game; it is a vibrant e-life that we cherish deeply. We kindly request that you consider preserving Server 516 as per the initial post. It is the heart of our community, and its continuity means the world to us. Thank you for your understanding and support. Sincerely, Ragnar1 point
1 point
The OP has said everything, I fully agree, and I kindly ask you to consider keeping the server alive.1 point
D I L O ... i live on one of the Servers ... guys ... please reconsider. One of the few reasons to play on official is to be save from Servers vanishing, this will hit your community more the you seem to realise. If you really want to sunset them, give us more the stunning 2 weeks to move ... seriously stop screwing over your loyal playerbase.1 point
Even if we wanted to move, so we have 17 days to wype an entire server to rebuild, farm and craft every turrets, wall, fonda ect... We have literaly 11k ele + every ele on turets thats gonna bé waste, we have to move more than 10k tame, 150 dedi or more of ressource, and every vault. It dont take 17 days to do all that 👍🙂1 point
What You saying? Inactive ? I live on 1021 since the start, all of us play here for more than a years we have 5k h for most of us and what you saying deleting ? Paid Ur game 70€, for "No Mesh, No Dupe, Active Admin, No Cheater" my ass its worse than ASE Said nothing for bob tale that is literaly pay to win. Said nothing for pyromane that is pay to win, if you dont have it in PvP Ur over. But deleting our server that WE play, breed, farm for more than a years??? I swear you never see me on Ur stupid ass game ever again have 12k on ASE 5k on Asa and being thanks like that... Start deleting Ur Pve server 3/4 of them have no one on them its useless to have this many pve server. Who even play Pve ☠️ WildCard, Player will leave very Quick if you keep doing s*hit like that.1 point
Nice a server I play that has at least 10 active all times is getting deleted. Good job wildcard.1 point
1 point
IF my server is wiped were gonna quit ur game this is ridiculous i just spent 12 hrs farming for that stuff ur telling me its gonna be gone?1 point
Some of these servers are still in active use. My tribe is on one of them and sure we also been spending bunch of time off server to get Ab dinos and things but to delete our whole base seems harsh1 point
My server has 30 people on daily with active and constant pvp and is considered inactive to be deleted. Are sure that that proper checks have been made to insure the activity over server throughout a whole day as with this list being so massive you could possibly loose a good to chunk of your players that are actually active.1 point
1 point
Club ark is fun I just wish the controls. We’re more console friendly. Also would be nice to use the currency on the main servers. Give players a way to set up shops adding a new layer into the game. And for sunsetting the servers it’s to be expected with so many of them rolling out to support the crowds of people but releasing two maps at the same time would give players more options instead of just one were we rush to claim land only to realize we can’t get on it the next day because the server is maxed out. Ragnarok or crystal isles plus extinction release would be awesome.1 point
Why are you sunsetting fully built island servers? Just screw over the people that live there?1 point
I play ASE and will not buy ASA before it has the maps I want to play, in a playable state. To me it is still a mystery why people with zero faith in these companies keep giving them their money before the product is in the state they want it to be.1 point
Where in the actual Fugggg is RAGNAROK?1 point
right now, 75% of the entire official pvp network is at 5 or below, with hundreds of servers sitting at 0 or just 1 player … an orp cluster would never sit so low in popularity. The lack of transparency with this company is insane. Even with the high demand , there still has not been even 1 legitimate reason as to why there is no orp. Low popularity is an absurd response and is an insult to the hundreds of people who enjoyed it and supported it for years.1 point
1 point
After all this time my tribe has spent farming filling turrets building the whole server you’re telling me it was just a waste of time like bro what are you guys really thinking about I don’t think you guys even check these consoles small tribes servers to see Wich one is active or inactive you can’t just make an assumption and say ok we’re gonna delete these servers that makes no sense keep in mind I had submitted like a thousand tickets regarding server lag on my server once yall fixed it and now you guys want to take my server down because of some dumb inactivity you guys should personally check these servers before you make any type of extermination this is why this game gets worse every single day with dupe / mesh in every single cave / etc this is why majority of your players keep quitting this game because is even worse than ASE 6k Hrs and money spent gone down the drain useless.0 points
Pretty wild theyre taking down that many servers already, less than a year into ASA.0 points
0 points
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