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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2024 in all areas

  1. Map looks great! Any way for the clear glass ceiling and roof custom cosmetic to be approved?
    1 point
  2. Where To Find Honey on Aberration in ARK Survival Ascended | Queen Bee Taming & All Uses For Honey!
    1 point
  3. It'll be extinction so they can sell more Bobs Tall Tales packs.
    1 point
  4. Among a slew of typical complaints that are all very valid, especially the current pay to win aspect of the game, this product is barely functional. I own BTT, I purchased mods, I want Ark to succeed, but I'm only going to give an addict so much money for rehab when they walk 5 feet away and go on a bender instead every single time. Fortitude is completely broken. After many tests on my single player, jumping off of things, poisoning myself, and visiting various different Temps while checking the base level changes and changes with basic cloth armor: nothing, no difference in any regard to any mitigation between 2 and 120. The only thing that made a difference was the armor. (Including hugging scorpions) All of everyone's high level tames on our unofficial nitrado server have ceased to exist. Maxed out tames with weeks of breeding and mutations just gone. We were not able to retrieve them, they don't even show in the log and we can't find any info on what happened from you guys. We suspect you implemented a level cap of some sort and just didn't properly (or at all) warn your customers that you would be reposessing these assets. Time is money, and you have stolen time from a lot of people, and by doing so impo have stolen those individuals money. Since ab launched our center server runs like cold garbage. Lag is almost unbearable, and I don't want to hear any "ermergerd settings" boot lickers. Other games have been doing all the thing ark has for like a decade now and they can manage. Eso is arguably larger all the time, and have a massive amount of ability effects, lighting, etc. And they don't perform this poorly without a huge acknowledgement of short comings. I have to put a console command in to politely ask ark to load all the textures every time I load in to anything I play. Not just mods, base game and BTT items, sometimes even the trees, rocks, maps don't even load textures. I'm on an X, I did the things to supposedly fix performance and other than making the product look terrible nothing makes a real difference. Aberration is eye watering levels of bright in your "improved lighting" and I can't reduce my brightness any lower. I'm just weaving around light patches like they are physical obstacles. (Using night mode on xbox helps, but again why?would?anyone?need?to?do?this?) As someone with access to BTT that gene gun should not exist. I cannot even imagine what official server peeps are going through. I have to interact with 4 trusted individuals and that's basically the only way something like this would be okay impo. Or solo. It should be a free mod made by a fan who wanted to have the ability to tinker. This is not passive, the dinos have a hidden Stat that will have an effect on that dino that some people can't see unless they pay $30 for it. This cannot be overcome with skill, hours, or any conventional means. It is not a creature that can be blocked via mods (yet...hopefully). It is pay to win through and through, to its core. (I will read any comment alleging that "it sucks to be poor haha" as "I have no skills and thus must pay for all of my achievements like a nepo baby"). Again, I love ark, I want this game to succeed, I want to play ark 2. If the performance of this game is not acknowledged by years end with a comprehensive plan and road map to fix the problems and clear client/business communications, I will be treating this like any other business that woefully under performs and wastes my investments in this economy. Tldr: I'm not giving ark any more money until they stop spending it like Tony Montana, and start investing it into fixing this game.
    1 point
  5. I'm sorry, but this is a very apples:oranges comparison. Candy Crush isn't a multiplayer game. Yes, you can pay to win in single player games, but there's an underlying issue with pay2win content in multiplayer games that just isn't present in a singleplayer game: The advantage offered to those who play over those who don't within the ecosystem in which those players are supposed to be competing. It's one thing to pay to skip puzzles in candy crush. Is it stupid? Absolutely. Is it unfair? meh... Maybe, but who cares? If I played candy crush and suffered through the puzzles while some whale dumped $100000 to not have to solve a single one, why does it matter to me? How does it actually affect me? It doesn't. If I'm playing on a server in a PvP game where I'm going up against players that essentially have God mode because they funded Snail Games' CEO's newest car, well... that directly affects me... I'm now at a competitive disadvantage in a gamemode that's all about the competition with the other players. You cannot accurately compare the two situations to one another because of this. Pay2Win in singleplayer is whatever. Pay2Win in multiplayer is bad 100% of the time. (An "MMO" that doesn't really involve interactions with other players is still single player... before someone tries to bring up the games with that whole concept.)
    1 point
  6. Hi everyone, Apex Ark here, and I'm thrilled to be part of the amazing ARK community! I've been a longtime player with over 40k hours and recently decided to take the plunge and start my own server. As a player, I know how valuable it is to have a friendly and active community to share experiences with. That's why I'm passionate about fostering a server environment where players of all levels can learn, grow, and have a blast exploring the world of ARK. Whether you're a seasoned survivor or a curious newcomer, I'd love to connect and welcome you to our server! Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about the game, need help getting started, or simply want to find a friendly group of ARK enthusiasts to play with.
    1 point
  7. What do you mean by "now", that's what ASA has been the whole time, since Day 1. It's almost entirely a copy/paste of ASE (including all of the maps) with, at most, 5% of it being new and improved code. They're not going to get better, they're not going to do better, this is their company culture.
    0 points
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