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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2024 in all areas

  1. That argument would be true if it was only skins, but it's not. I'm 100% in favor of games selling cosmetics, I love it when people who pay for cosmetics help to support a game I like, that's a win for everyone. But what you've overlooked is that the pack for SE will also include a creature. A creature that may (or possibly may not, if you believe WC) give players an in-game advantage. If it doesn't give an advantage, any advantage at all, then it won't be P2W and will be good for everyone just like skins are. If it turns out to be 100% true that the new creature doesn't give any advantage then I'll be as happy as anyone else to see it added to the game. But if there is even the slightest advantage to owning a creature that people have to pay a fee to own, then that's a P2W feature. And, if that turns out to be the case you can be certain that WC will introduce more P2W features in the future. That's the thing about P2W features, they start small and then grow. In every game that introduces P2W features they only get worse over time. The game rapidly gets to the point where people who want to win have to pay extra money to stay competitive otherwise they're going to lose even if they're good. And even when playing PvE it turns into a game where the game is designed to prey on people's impatience and (many) players pay money to beat the game faster. This is the economic model for hundreds of mobile games, punishing people with painful time barriers and selling them "solutions" that allow them to progress more quickly. Even if this one element from my post turns out to be a non-issue, the other elements of my previous post are all still true. Shi Hai wants to morph ARK from a game into a platform, complete with a player-to-player market in which people sell things to each other with real money transactions to buy assets that make a difference in the game, with WC/Snail taking a cut of all those transactions. That's the 'nickel & diming' I was referring to, not harmless skins, but creating an environment that punishes people with time barriers and "encourages" them to spend money to get past those barriers.
    1 point
  2. Shouldn't the event (and any future ones) be called 'Love Ascended' instead of Evolved?
    1 point
  3. But no one is forced to buy content to play the game and a skin doesn't give a player any advantages in the game. So if someone wanted to pay for it, then no one else would be disadvantaged except their own wallet. It would be different if you needed these skins to progress in the game. it's not pay to win, only a skin 😀
    1 point
  4. Please add a safe-zone setting i can't see my health as it doesn't fit on my screen
    1 point
  5. Hope that someone knows something about and will tell us 😀
    1 point
  6. Until this day, i never understood, why it isnt possible to pet the dinos at all. such a missed opportunity....
    1 point
  7. "Afternoon PST" So they have roughly half a day from now to announce the next delay.
    0 points
  8. An Update on Transfers for Official Servers: Unfortunately, sever transfers will need to be delayed until Wednesday, Feb 7th. We understand this is frustrating news but due to the complexity of integrating player-created custom cosmetics, networked structures, and the new modding framework into the upcoming update, server transfers will require an extension until next week. We know some of you are eagerly awaiting server transfers, and we apologize for the delay. Rest assured, our team is working diligently to deliver them alongside the major update next week. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
    0 points
  9. You should be able to Make your own custom skin I'm guessing you will need to use the dev kit.
    0 points
  10. This is the next step in Snail Games goal to commoditize and monetize every aspect of ARK. Shi Hai (the CEO of Snail Games, which for all intents and purposes owns WildCard) doesn't think of ARK as a game, he thinks of it as a platform with multiple different ways to make money, most of which don't involve trying to make a better game. 1) Premium mods - instead of WildCard having a sponsored mods program that costs them money, which is what they used to do, mod makers have the chance to sell their mods to other players... and WIldCard/Snail get a cut. 2) Cosmetic packs from WIldCard/Snail - really just microtransactions, but they don't want to admit it's micro transactions. Starting with the very first pack that's coming out with Scorched Earth there's going to be a creature that players can only get by buying the pack. To anyone who's paying attention that's not really cosmetic anymore, it's a new creature that looks like it will give players an advantage for owning. They're starting to test how much people will complain if they sneak P2W features into their "cosmetic" packs... and WildCard/Snail gets all the money from it. If this pack sells well enough you can be certain there will be more important "content" in the future that can only be owned by buying future "cosmetic" packs. 3) Player created content - whether it's just a costume or some other form of "endless client-side functionality" this is WildCard getting players to do work that WildCard/Snail will make money from, disguised as supporting creators. People create stuff and sell it on the ARK platform... and WildCard/Snail gets a cut. 4) Eventually, somewhere down the road, Shi Hai (CEO of Snail Games) has said that he wants to introduce NFT's into ARK which would allow players, for example, allow players to breed and sell creatures to other players. And since every single creature will have a unique blockchain-based identifier... WildCard/Snail will get a cut. You know how WildCard pretends that they care about players selling creatures to each other for real money? They don't really care, they just want to get a piece of the action when it happens. The changes that are coming to ARK are all about turning ARK into a platform that "allows" people to create and sell things to each other... and WIldCard/Snail will get a cut. Of everything.
    0 points
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