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  1. You dont get my point. I knew I would get such reactions. What i am saying is: ASA costs about 50 Bucks incl. all coming Maps. So on average I suggest everyone plays at least 200 Hours and Even Even more. In total. So why on earth is everyone crying about a fkn DLC?! The 50 bucks for all those hundreds hours of fun is nothing it wont hurt to Buy a cosmetic pack. I myself will do it cuz the games great
    1 point
  2. All you guys complaining about the frontier pack: are u Poor? Unemployed? The pack will sure be around 10-20 bucks All of u Play hundreds of hours in a fkn Game u paid Max Like 50 bucks for stop crying and buy the pack. Or simply stop crying. It is so ridicolous
    1 point
  3. THIS, THIS, THIS! Real quick, hello! First time being here and posting! Second of all, this is completely true! I have the PS5 version of the game and I've been waiting for something about them finally fixing the issues that it has. I don't care about anything else right now. I just want to play the game! Screw Scorched Earth and all of the fancy, schmancy crap to go with it! Which I (AND MANY OTHERS) can't do on console due to the save issues. It just looks like console players are getting the shaft like with Evolved. What is the point of buying a game that you can't even play? I want to stop crapping on the game and WC but at this point? I'm very tempted to get a refund. We haven't gotten so much as a peep about any fixes to console Ascended! Third of all, what the heck is the point of showing us this if a not insignificant portion of the fanbase can't even play on the normal game!? PLEASE WILDCARD! Fix the game and please don't force us to pay for this new stuff! I can understand cool looking cosmetics, but please don't hide Scorched Earth behind another paywall! PLEASE FIX THE GAME!
    1 point
  4. every dlc has always had dinos and great items behind a paywall.
    1 point
  5. Let’s see, what did I do? Well, I chased Ovira all over the place because she kept escaping from her gazeebo. The wanderlust is strong with that one, so I finally built a stone apron around her enclosure and put up another line of fencing, which has helped some at least. Rex hunting, for low levels to add to my kibble farm, didn’t go so well. I looked all over and finally found a level 20 female Rex . . . that was immediately eaten by raptors. When I got back to the base, I put my framed photo of me with Raptor Claus facedown on the table in protest. I also did some resource gathering to top off the storage boxes, and made some sweet veggie cakes for the snails. As far as they’re concerned, I’m a first class chef. I then decided to head over to Carnivore Island in search of a kitty to tame. Lots of low levels around, so Ewe got some battle training in, after getting the notes of course. She raised up several levels, and we finally found a level 145 kitty that was black and gray. So we grabbed her, headed over to the little safe island, and dropped her in the trap. I shot her with one tranq and then noticed movement behind and to the right of the trap. There was a Rex on the safe island, and then a raptor, and then an argent. The little safe island wasn’t feeling so safe anymore, if you know what I mean. Once the area was clear, I put another tranq in the kitty, and then another argent showed up. Sheesh! Everything was smooth sailing after that, though, and Sabene was tamed with average stats. I also found a nice bow, sniper rifle, and some ghillie upgrades from drops there. But that’s pretty much about it, hope you’re all having fun.
    1 point
  6. I found a sap tap in a drop a while back, and after seeing it languishing in a storage box for the hundredth time, I decide I might as well do something about it. So I cobble together a tree platform and three more taps, and then Ewe and I head for my usual tree in the red woods. Approaching slowly, we scan the giant trunks and shadowy boughs, on the lookout for Bang!-Bang! Kitties. But the coast is clear, so we begin setting things up. And Presto! We’re in the sap business. I then decide that a supply of honey would be nice. . . Ugh! Early on in my game, I saw a bee just hanging out by a rock, but it disappeared after a while. Thinking there are probably other spots like that, I watch a video that gives various locations to check for free-range bees. So I check . . . and check . . . and check some more. Then I check in other places, and still others, but there is a dearth of bees. “Maybe I should put out an A.P.Bee,” I think. (Yah, I’ll see myself out.) Anyway, I resolve myself to having to go into the red woods for a queen bee. Another part of that video shows the person using C4 to destroy the hive, so I get to crafting all the bits and bobs that will be needed and head back to the red woods. Luckily, I find a hive only a couple of trees over from my sap station, so I set about clearing some of the brush to open up the view. While doing this, a pego (A.K.A. Butthead) decides to tame himself by stealing my mejo berries. Seconds later, a giant snake decides to eat both of us and meets a swift end. And when I turn back toward the tree, another pego jumps out of a nearby bush, scaring both me and Butthead. I think I kill him before he manages to steal anything, though. (Um, Nope!) Now, I’m finally ready to go after the hive. (Cue the Benny Hill music) After a fresh spritz of bug spray, I launch my grappling hook and begin rising toward the hive. When it’s within reach, I switch to the remote detonator and place two charges. I then hit the right mouse button to descend, but the problem is that I forget to switch back to my crossbow first. So . . . . BOOM! My ears are ringing, and I’m beginning to panic. What’s left of my armor has been blackened by the explosion, which also singed most of Butthead’s fur off. (Talk about a horrible sight!) I finally switch back to my crossbow and disconnect, falling to the forest floor. Scrambling, I make my way toward Ewe, chugging a case of medical brew along the way, with the hopes of gathering my wits. Once said wits have been gathered, I plop Butthead down and take a look at the hive. It’s still there, only a fifth damaged. I guess my broken armor pieces absorbed most of the explosion. (Swear Word!) I begin using my ascendant crossbow to whittle down the hive’s health, stopping from time to time to kill waves of angry bees. It finally falls apart, and I see the queen. I look in my pack for the flowers to move to my hot bar and realize that last (Swear Word!) pego yoinked them! The queen nonchalantly shrugs and flies off, disappearing into the forest. (Lots and Lots of Swear Words!) (So, yah. That could have gone better. . . .)
    1 point
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