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A huge portable base that cannot be destroyed by any dinosaurs AND it can fly? Take my money, just take it. Idc about the shield. I just want base mobility. š2 points
We need fsr3.0 to address the issue of low frame count on 30 20 AMD graphics cards According to previous reports, AMD plans to add FSR 3.0 support to multiple games such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Black Myth: Wukong in the future. Currently, AMD has confirmed that over 300 games will support FSR 3.01 point
Honestly this was probably my favorite ASE thread, loved seeing what everyone gets up to every day. How about a new one for our ASA adventures? Single Player, Vanilla, The Island I started playing on Sunday and it's been a rough few days honestly. I forgot just how primitive vanilla Ark really is. I finally managed to get a foothold last night with my first real base camp and a low level pelagornis. It was all I needed. Today began with a very short metal run. The pela can only really carry about 100 metal at a time, but it's better than nothing. With the forge burning I set off for my next goal straight away: an argentavis. I headed to the volcano and, since level doesn't matter for me right now, naturally I picked the prettiest bird I could find. Only a level 20 but good enough. A quick KO and I did a cheeky metal run while she tamed. By the time she stood up I had stuffed a couple hundred metal, some obsidian and wood in her inventory to carry home for me. We flew home and I ran into a problem: not enough hide to make the saddle. I took my best (ok, only) option to go hunting with: my very low level, bred parasaur. Yep. It really was rough going. So I pretty much ran around killing every dodo and dilo I could find. I was just about done when I found a 140 moschops roaming around. Now, I did not have what it wanted to tame. But, it did have a baby. And for the first and likely far from the last time, I killed a parent to steal its baby. I already had a moschops, but this was way better. In fact, it was now my best tame. I walked it home with no problems, finished the saddle, then promptly had our explorations curtailed by a cold front at night. At dawn we headed back to the volcano. I had scouted a couple of ankys while taming the argent, but by the time I returned they were gone, presumably eaten by the raptors in their place. As luck would have it, I did find a low level doed nearby and quickly grabbed it to carry home. I don't have a taming pen, I just kite them along the stretch of beach outside my camp. Nothing dangerous spawns here so it's no problem. While the doed tamed, I did another hide run. Much easier with the bird. Took note of a rex with a baby in the forest a short distance away, but I am definitely not going to be grabbing that any time soon. It's protected by 3 adult rexes...and an alpha rex. No thanks. Man is it easy to get greedy with these babies though, I won't lie I entertained the thought. Briefly. Once the doed was tamed and saddled, I headed out once more on the argent. This time, we did find an anky. A 140. Now, I am barely above beach bob level at this point. I am in no way prepared for a high level anything tame, never mind a herbivore without kibble. But what I did have was some crops I had recently pulled out of a drop. And this being The Island, well, when the Ark gods give you a gift the only acceptable response is yes, thanks. So I carried the anky home, let it roam around in base while I prepped taming supplies, then kited it up and down the beach until it went down. And yes, I tamed it on crops and mejos. It actually wasn't that bad, I only lost I think 2 levels and used maybe 20 narcotics and some berries I farmed with the new moschops. Farmed even more hide for this saddle while it tamed. Disaster almost struck right at the end of the evening, however, in the form of a game crash. I was very nervous loading in as in all the excitement I hadn't saved manually in awhile. Luckily it only set me back to the end of the anky tame and all I really lost out on was a bit of cleanup and organization. I quickly redid most of it and decided to call it a night. If the game wants to go to bed who am I to say no? And now I have time to think about what I want to do tomorrow.1 point
1 point
Problem with Structure Limit on the Official Servers and possible Solutions The current structure limit is set to 5500 on official servers. In comparison to Ark Survival Evolved is it much less. This makes building for bigger tribes very difficult and not a nice thing todo. In the past, building was one of the best things in ark. Right now its not fun at all, because you always need to keep an eye on the strucuture limit. Possible Solutions: There are multiple solutions to fix the Problems. Solution 1.: Increase the structure limit again or set it to the old settings from ASE. Structures dont cause much lag on the clientside. The most lag comes from lighning or dino animations. Solution 2.: Add large ceilings (wood, stone, metal, tek) to the game similar to large walls. Right now most bigger tribes try to counter the structure limit with using metal behemoth cellar doors. Like in the picture. The problem with that is, that you cant place any structures on it. For example a fridge. So a large celling with the size of a metal behemoth cellar door would fix that issue. And you dont need to place that much normal ceilings in your base, too. That will lower the overall structures alot. Having a similar texture on the large ceiling would look much nicer aswell. P.S.: I dont even need that much HP too. 15k like the metal behemoth cellar door would be enough.1 point
After weeks of searching for a high level Helicoprion, I was on my way to a water cave for an artifact and came across a lvl120. I turned back and proceeded to tame that instead. I then proceeded to level it up to the max for BP conversion of 87%. I gambled my only Ascendant Megatherium saddle in the game so far to make into a BP. Of course, it broke the saddle instead and got nothing lol. The Ark gods were just not happy with me....1 point
Iām getting to the point where I want to start crafting some kibble, but Iāve been lamenting the fact that vanilla doesnāt have something that collects nearby eggs. Maybe the Tek tree does, but Iām way far away from unlocking that stuff. Thatās when I stumble across a video about the oviraptor and its egg collecting ability. Woo Hoo! And thus begins, Operation Elvira . . . er . . . Ovira! First things first, pretty sure that oviraptors tame with eggs. Where can I get some eggs? (Dodo News Network (DNN) Emergency Bulletin: There has been a rash of dodo-nappings in the Southern Islets area. Please be careful if traveling there, and notify authorities if you see anything suspicious.) I eventually stockpile thirty dodo eggs, and I already know where a level 100 oviraptor is. Before heading out, I decide to use the little bit of jellyfish-goo I have on hand to make some shocking tranquilizer darts, because Iām not messing around on this one. Of course, I manage to spook the thing the first time and lose it among the rocks and foliage. After what seems like an hour, I find it again and ready my bola. Whirring noise The oviraptor makes a sharp turn just as I release the bola, and it goes sailing off to the right of it to entangle a bush. āSon of a . . . .ā Two bolas later, I finally manage to catch it and pull out my rifle. Thereās a soft popping noise and a bright flash of electricity envelops the oviraptorās head before it collapses. I look at the thin wisps of smoke rising from its skull and think, āYah, that mightāve been a little bit of overkill on that one.ā Anyway, I now have Ovira, a female oviraptor, and next step is to tame some bigger dinos for an egg farm. Have fun, all.1 point
1 point
Flew around for ages looking for a high level Rex. Did eventually find one, but was already unconscious and being tamed by someone else. Found myself a level 20 female Giga and figured I'd tame it because its female after all; she has uses beyond being a low level. During the tame my Ptera decided to randomly shove me forwards, possibly annoyed that i left it on Follow and it spent the last 5 minutes rubber-banding around in the air. This was enough to put me in range of the Gigas enormous mouth - the death was swift and painless. Respawned, picked up a new bird, returned to my death spot, and went back to shooting the Giga. Eventually, after many an arrow, the battle was over and the Giga unconscious. I fed it several hundred narcotics and watched as they had little effect; the torpor ticked down more than it went up. No sooner was the Giga unconscious it was once again awake and looking for payback. I smiled and smirked as I remembered that Ark doesnt want me to have nice things. Went back to base and once again thanked Ark for my punishment.1 point
Single Player, Vanilla, The Island Started off my day more or less where I left off last night. With my new rex in need of a saddle, I took my argent out to farm yet more hide. It is a grind without a good carnivore. Eventually I got what I needed, got my saddle, and an achievement to go with it. I immediately took my new, very large guard dog out on a hide run. Hey, even a crappy rex is still a rex. Hide won't be a problem anymore. With that in mind, I turned my attention to my base infrastructure. Specifically, it's time to move up to the electrical tier. However, I almost immediately ran into some problems. First, without the convenience of tek dinos I would need to go pearl hunting for the first time in ages. Luckily the little pond/river by carno point still has them. Second, paste. Ugh, paste. Bane of my Ark life since 2015. Obviously I need either a frog or a cave dino. If I want a frog, I definitely want high level ones in anticipation of swamp cave. Definitely don't have the resources for it yet. So that leaves normal cave dinos, either a raptor or a saber, which are easy to tame, easy to transport, and generally low maintenance. So the hunt began. I did some slow sweeps along my usual dino hunting grounds. I found a high level raptor surprisingly quickly and got it down, but in the 10 seconds it took me to turn around and get meat from the bird, a random dilo appeared and ruined the tame. The raptor didn't die but obviously no point. I left it and moved on. Eventually found and tamed another, and a baby trike while I was at it. I felt guilty for killing his brother for prime meat, then his father for trying to protect his family. Carried the raptor and had the trike follow and we all made it home. Sorry trike. You can live in safety and relative peace now. Found another raptor, tamed it and spotted another while carrying it home. Both of my tames are females and I need a male and this one was. Hurried back but unfortunately I lost it. Either it died to something or I missed it in the brush. Either way, after a long and fruitless canvassing of the area we gave up and turned for home. In comparing stats, I didn't do too badly. But I still need a high level male so I can breed them. I did scrape together enough paste to make the fabricator, but that was about it. So all in all, while it wasn't a bad day per se it was still kind of a bust. Best part of the day was getting a slightly better crossbow from a drop on my way by.1 point
Single Player, Vanilla, The Island After a dreary and rather irritating day at work I was quite excited to come home to my tropical not-quite paradise... And had myself a fantastic Ark day. First, I went on a rescue mission to save my other dilo. It's a long story but the short version is he ended up stranded on the coast near carno point because I didn't have anything that could carry him and it was too far to walk. So I took my new argent out and picked him up. He's almost luckier than Lucky was. Then I decided to take my own advice about the rule of 2 for birds and fish and went in search of another argent. Nighttime temperatures sent us winging back south to a warmer clime, however. Well, there's always something to do back at base, like make more tranq arrows. We returned in the early morning and I quickly located my choice pick: a beautiful blue male that I knew I had to have as soon as I laid eyes on him. Only level 55, but a fact of little import in the midgame. I used the upper volcano path to kite and successfully KO him, well above any other dino spawns so I could safely do a prime meat run. Really dredging up my old ASE memories, tactics and techniques that have gone unused for years in the advent of modern Ark conveniences. Tamed him and got him home safely. Now that I have a breeding pair, I went ahead and bred them, hatched the egg and raised my first notable baby. By this point dusk was falling so I spent another night at base. In fact, I decided somewhat on a whim to expand and put a nice addition on the side, with a perch for my rapidly growing flock of birds so they're up off the ground and away from danger. Not that there's much to worry about and I do have a fence, but birds are too valuable at this stage of the game. With my new bird grown and saddled, I took my anky out on our first real metal run. It's a bit awkward that my anky has higher carry weight than my argent does, but we made it work. But it was also extremely apparent that I would need a wood gatherer very soon to keep my hungry forge and campfire burning. So we set off again on a mission that is daring but familiar to me: a mammoth hunt. Yes, I went taming in the snow without fur, cryopods, or even a raft. I quickly located my most likely target and while I was in fact freezing to death, I was able to KO a low level female and get berries in her. My torch was just enough to keep me from dying until the temperatures rose a bit out of the lethal zone. While she tamed up I spent my time clearing our most likely path of any problem dinos, including an allo pack and a pig. Honestly the hardest part was walking her off the glacier. Once we made it to the pond it was quite easy to just walk down the coast, enjoying the benefits of the improved pathing AI. She did get stuck once but all in all I was well pleased. Naturally a new tame means a new run for hide so I went out and did that. Then on a bit of a whim I flew back to that forest I mentioned with the rexes again. Yes, I was very sorely tempted to, well, tempt fate. But as luck would have it I would not have to try fending off multiple rexes and the alpha for custody of the baby. Instead I found a low level adult female wandering off by herself. I had the arrows, a bird, and a lot of experience flying proverbial kites. So I made her angry and brought her down to the beach and brought her down. Came back from a meat run to find an alpha raptor camping her, so I had to kite that away. Then I came back to seagulls, which I shot to keep them from stealing the precious meat I had just farmed. Then we had to fend off a wave of pegos. But finally, finally, she tamed and stood up. It was an easy walk home, of course. I don't have enough hide to make her a saddle yet but that's ok. She's not a great level, her primary purpose will be eggs and protecting the mammoth, as she will not fit through my dino gate and I'm too lazy to build a new fence and behemoth gate just for her. So yeah, the mammoth has a pet rex, basically. Given how much I accomplished, I felt that would be a good stopping point for the day. I'll farm the saddle tomorrow and after that...who knows? It is becoming painfully obvious that I do need fur armor, and soon.1 point
in addition to expelling.... can you also bring someone back here?! @AllOfTheAllos we miss you friend1 point
I'm thrilled to kick complainers out of this thread. I loved the old ASE what did you do today!1 point
Xbox player. I thought about what I would do if I were playing. Does that count? š¤£1 point
It stops being merely a cosmetic pack once creatures exclusive to the pack are added. Not skins, creatures. Unless they can be claimed by people who havenāt purchased the pack this opens the door to far more predatory p2w features and microtransactions. Prior to this the gameās system was merely a case of ābuy the map and get access to all the dinos on itā. Now thereās a chance that itāll be ābuy the map and get most of the dinos except these exclusive ones that we want more money forā. How on earth has this managed to escape you?0 points
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