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They wont release any gameplay right up to the last minute because if they did it would probably kill hype not build it. They know damn well Its not gonna be that much better. Slightly prettier visually and a few extras but as a whole its exactly the same game. Its hilarious how they've been able to distract people with new creature votes for months like babies with car keys lool9 points
"We'll see you just around the corner in ark ascended" Ah, you'll see some but certainly not all. Thousands of your most dedicated long term players have walked away and wont be coming back. The 'new map' players that always come back and play for 2 to 3 months at a time each dlc will be back but the long term official players have zero incentive to start over, especially since you even stooped to calling it early access. Which means its highly likely they'll get wiped yet again when it finally fully releases. No doubt a lot will play asa but ark as we knew it is officially dead4 points
I wish the voting system was a little changed up. Instead of having a period where voting happens and people submit ideas, have a period where people submit ideas, and then voting begins after an amount of time. That way, it isn't just the people who submit first that get more votes (also please get rid of repeat submissions, I'm tired of seeing the same creature ten times in a row-I guarantee at least one creature from this vote will make it into the next one-repeat submissions are unfair in that they garner more votes over time).3 points
Sadly it’s arguably the only clever thing they’ve done in the last few years. If you can dangle shinies in front of your consumer base and get them to “playfully” fight amongst eachother then you can be as awful as you please as long as you don’t get too crazy. I foresee a lot of shinies in the near future once more players realize some new textures, dinosaurs, and maps, doesn’t really change a buggy game.2 points
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Don't get too excited - some of them don't work at all and others need to be better defined. For example "DestroyAll" - ASV does not include the expected parameter "bExactMatch" so that command failed. Now I have a local dedicated server sertup with RCON running I can work through these and update/add any new options as appropriate.2 points
I didn't ask for anything, as I said I didn't vote and thus don't care. I'm not going to ASA either. Just suggested perhaps y'all (as in anyone upset on either side, not you particularly) should chill with getting giant E-peens over digital dinosaurs and just enjoy the game whether they decide to add runner-ups or not. Voting systems have very much more often than not included prizes for 2nd and 3rd place as well. Perhaps, in this case, "maybe we will consider your dino in the future" could suffice and calm the storm.2 points
Why are some people acting like the creature vote is some kind of "lottery"? It's literally just a fun way that WC can narrow down and see what people want them to add the most. There would be no negative affect if they decide to add a runner up idea to THEIR game... I've never voted for any creature, but there sure seems like a lot of gatekeeping going on against other people's hard working thoughts and ideas. It would be no different than posting in Suggestions Forum and they decide to add it to the game. Relax... It's not really as much of a competition as you think it is.2 points
#SaveOfficialServersInHostLocalConsolesPlease #Ark2 points
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Honestly at this point they should just add the spider and gorganops. they've been in so many votes.1 point
I already strip off the "cheat/admincheat" prefixes when sending via RCON. I do intend on making the list of commands editable in a future release - just wanted to get something going with RCON with the current commands first. Last ally in range is the ONLY data available for a structure - there is no time stored in game data for "last tribe player in range" that I can find.1 point
ASA soon , I like all dinos winners , we have to wait a little more1 point
ekaltadeta a sabre toothed predatory kangaroo1 point
both of these animals have been submitted and have art but in both cases the animal represented in the art is from an entirely different group of animals or removes the best features of these animals. due to how unique both of these are i couldnt help but include them. to the creators of the concept art i do like your ideas and i would love to find you a species that fits your ideas better so just send me a message. Nectocaris Callichimaera1 point
erythrosuchus this reptile had a head similar in size to that of none other than the t-rex. i think it could be a slower version of the rex that can istantly swallow smaller animals and players1 point
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True, however I can see why WC wouldn’t want to put anything in their CC. SG has been the target for everyone with SG pvp servers being compromised by SG employees using cheats and bans on opposing players. Maybe nothing would’ve happened, but maybe there would have been more some backlash if they did. Maybe WC thought if they did it, they would get accused of showing support to what SG did on SG’s servers. So in not writing anything on the Ambassador Program, they might be showing that they are not really interested in showing their support for SG projects. It might hurt their business a little. but their mind, it might not hurt as much as if they did put a paragraph on and looking like they are showing support to SG.1 point
Not really. It's their game, they can add whatever they want. The "prize" affects nothing in real life except perhaps stoking your own ego. If they choose to add a "runner up", then there is no harm. Why not the runner up of the runner up? Their game, their rules. Ask them. Deal with it.1 point
And where was it ever written that it was a "prize"? Could have sworn these votes were only narrowing down and seeing which ones are most popular because they can't simply add every single one on the list. It's supposed to be fun for the community, not toxic like you are making it out to be. It's a video game.1 point
Still no data saves for us console players besides a $25 rental sever where as PC gets them for free?! We worked just as hard as PC! We might not have made mods, but we still put blood sweat and tears into our bloodlines. I personally have 936 days wrapped up in this game, owning every DLC. I've been playing since week 2 of Early Access on Xbox, jumping from private server to official PvP before becoming full time official PvE on day 1 of Rag! I was playing before cryopod, before maewings, during 3-4 imprint intervals. 8 years without ever quitting. I'm the last original player of server Rag 83! Finally getting to where I wanted to be with my tavern/shop on Gen2 1583, and my bloodlines and I don't get a chance to save anything I worked hard for without putting even more money into it?1 point
The community have to find this out by watching a YT channel or other source than you know, RIGHT FOOKING HERE on THE CC???? talk about forgetting something so its not important then remembering in the middle of your sleep lol Its also interesting that they have YET again had to borrow MORE money ..... (SeC filings FTW)1 point
I will soon provide you with a guide, while I am collecting material for you to make the gameplay on SP much more convenient. How and indicates various problems and errors. It's time for them to end these servers. At least they put a bit of effort into it xd "It's been a wonderful journey none of us could have expected way back in 2015 and we'll see you just around the corner in ARK: Survival Ascended!" Oh yes, those were great times, I met many amazing players, I enjoyed playing with them. Unfortunately, you are taking away this pleasure from us, and for this reason we will not see each other at ASA. No more of your games!1 point
Really wild card and snail games. No game play at all still even in the last week of you closing down the console servers no confirmations no guarantees nothing. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. What are we going to do for people who cannot afford then that trial servers you need to make more of a clarification. Instead of just saying oh it's going to be snapshots. Give us gameplay give us real pictures instead of just drawings. Expect people to buy a game they haven't even seen much of really!1 point
game is completely shutting down and not even a screen shot yet lmao every single game that has ever came out already had trailers and gameplay footage already, but this company is just next level pathetic. I'm assuming most of them are just walking around sniffing glue and eating crayons at this point. probably hard to see out of their helmets with all that drool and fog collecting on their face shield.1 point
Its the same on EVERY platform ase is released on ... gotta make the £££ right to the bitter end lol Another week with ZERO asa content / info either no specs no 'solid' release date nada .... Yay to another dino winning another vote .... now we all just got to wait till the map is re-released and the dino is added ... because like i have said before concept art is 'subject to change' just like WC's dates .....1 point
Yet again my least favorite that I had zero interest in has won. And again it's one that was too pvp-oriented and "the next massive OP thing". Alas. But at least this is the second "first on the forum, first in the ranked" winner so maybe whatever work they're doing to crack down on bogus votes that may have been skewing previous results is working! And while I never wanted the carchar and thought it was both nice of WC to give it to people and also just catering to pvp crowds pitching fits, I feel there are several other animals that would benefit from being awarded wins to be placed into the game. It doesn't have to be Ascended, but at this point the Maevia, the gorgonopsid, and the bison truly deserve to show up in at least Ark 2 given to the community. These animals have repeatedly gotten into the top 10 when they've appeared and have immense followings. I know the spider isn't everyone's cup of tea but neither was the carchar, obviously because it didn't win either of its votes. So for those that are begging for the spider and the gorgon and the bison over and over, why can't we have our desperately-wanted-winners too? I truly would hope that we get some of these repeat-top-10s in Ark 2 if they aren't given to us for Ascended. There's a big reason they keep getting to the top. So, while I am disappointed and completely disinterested in the dreadnoguhtus and will never bother to tame it, I'm glad that the thylasmilius got near the top as it had new and far.more interesting battle mechanics introduced and I'm glad that the votes are reflecting the forum ranks a little closer...even when I don't like the #1 at all. On to the next, I suppose!1 point
I'm not surprised the Dreadnoughtus won, because the sauropods and fliers had really good chances of being added, but I fear for how the devs handle this one. I don't really think Ark needs what is essentially a copy paste Titanosaur in concept that you can fight the Titans with. What makes that different from a Giga or Carchar in purpose? Please don't just make that its purpose. I think we're getting too many 'shock abd awe' creatures as well. Don't assume just cause something won that it means people obviously want it either. The Fasolasuchus was a disaster that obviously was not voted because of the concept it ended up with because if it had been the one the devs gave it would have been missing enough of a chunk of its support that it likely wouldn't have won or even gotten through top 3. I don't care how many times people said 'vote for the creature not the abilities' because there is no way that alone would have won it the vote. By that logic you should include and remember 'vote for the creature not the art' because I think people are putting too much value on the art too, it looks WAY different than it did, almost nothing alike. I hope people didn't vote for it based on that alone, that just hurts dinos and their chances at getting in on more than cool factors. That doesn't make a creature. But I think we're starting to get to a point where so many creatures that Ark 'should really just add' are piling up. The Maevia, the Gorgonopsid, multiple aquatic ones, the Deinocheirus, arthropods like Anomalacaris, the many Sauropods, Triceratopsians and Theropods people still love even when people scream that we dont need more carnivores (even if its a decent argument for letting more herbivores get in, we did get one this time but it might end up being another war machine or in the veins of the Giga killers). I think the very reason they're losing is actually because of why they're popular. They are creatures people think should just be in the game, and they are. They are beloved by people. Don't act like they don't want these creatures cause that's like saying what you're defending or voting for is obviously inferior or worse if it didn't win. Also, the 'Carchar Treatment' was an embarrassing and terrible idea of the devs, it literally breached the boundaries of the vote without truly doing it because they decided it should be in the game. This is not just 'it shouldn't happen again', it's 'it shouldn't have happened in the first place', it's now put the Idea in people's minds that creatures can (possibly) get in the game if they're popular enough. Meaning that has probably dealt a blow to the theoretical credibility and meaning of the vote. It's turned more into a fighting pit and graveyard where what people really want from the game linger. My opinion, even if you disagree with it, is that the devs really should use all this data and creative work in the future to implement more creatures, because they really are amazing ideas, so many of them, and lots of high creatures are ones people want. I can already hear the complaints, the whining about them hardly able to swat a bug or not even done fixing or rebooting Ark into its shiny new coat of paint to do this, and I want them to add even more? Yes, when they're done with cleaning up the mess they made. But most people on here don't think that far ahead when they post on here to tell people that the game is broke so whats the point or that your dumb for suggesting it. So maybe realize your fighting with people on a dinosaur video game forum and that it's kinda pointless as you'll both gain nothing from it. Let people have their opinions and put their ideas forth cause clearly this game has gone nowhere for years and if you really cared about possibly finally getting a version of Ark that works at least fine then you wouldn't be complaining about ASA. This should have happened a long time ago, then not as many people would have had to lose so much. You can argue that the devs aren't gonna give us more than a higher rez Ark but any chance at facelifting this game is what we needed. No amount of modding has ever fixed the fundamental flaws of Ark and I assume it's not that easy when other game molders have gone in to fix this stuff before. But prove me wrong if possible cause I'd have loved to discover Ark's hidden Optifine or something that fixes the majority of the issues in this game. You know. If we're going to add this creature why not add it mechanics that counter carnivores? Give it the abilities to debuff carnivores or their abilities or something, the Carchar could even be its rival like the Titano is to the Giga, like if there is a raging Carchar then the Dreadnoughtus can Roar a challenge that buffs it towards the Carchar in particular. It could even knock creatures over and introduce knockdown, a special CC that literally just Knocks creatures off their feet like they're unconscious for a moment, lasting longer the bigger a creature is, the bigger they are the harder they fall etc. It would be based on size and require hitting the center of mass of a creature with the attacks hit box which would have to be more precise, so there's a reason to dodge. Bigger creatures can more easily knock you down. Doing this could dismount the rider, depending on the creature and it's saddle. Make this thing make carnivores sorry they messed with it. If we're going to get a big herbivore it better be worth it. Don't pull an Amargasaurus or a Titanosaur. This creature deserves to be more than a battering ram or a boss dino.1 point
Great. More gigantic dinosaurs that serve a single purpose and are otherwise boring af. If we rank voted all the rank votes so far, Maevis wins easily. I would love to FINALLY have a useful spider. Araneo's have been neglected and broken for ages. Give us maevis dammit.1 point
My man! Based as hell, I completely agree with you mate.1 point
In my opinion I believe that the Maevia should not get the Charcar treatment and here’s why. According to the Lost Island creature vote the charcar lost by only 300 votes meanwhile Maevia is losing to a 1-7k difference on each vote it’s been in. Comparing the two the charc was wanted more seeing how it got very close to winning twice and was allowed to be in the game due to the devs generosity. Meanwhile Maevia is trying desperately trying to get attention by its fans to be picked again with its looks and its special abilities. In the end I feel like the charcar is a one time exception where two Dino’s from the creature vote gets added to the game and I feel like that shouldn’t be taken away from him.1 point
It’s ironic that you claim he’s being a douche whilst also directly insulting him for little more than sharing his opinion. That aside I share his opinion at least regarding adding it in. I may enjoy the creature’s concept and even suggested abilities for it in previous iterations but I’ve also said the same thing repeatedly since the first time a vote happened: runnerups shouldn’t be added as it cheapens the vote. In a race with one gold medal you don’t break it in half for the other guy no matter how hard they fought. The tenacity is admirable yes but the fight’s over and they weren’t the victor. Adding the spider would only diminish the winner’s achievement and lead to a resurface of the issue we’ve seen since creature vote #2, I.e. “x is popular so I say add it anyway!”. Start here and next it’ll be “add gorgon too”, then “add hatze too”, etc. etc. until there’s no point in voting.1 point
Personally, I am not against any of the dinos voted to be in ark, but I do wish that something other than the dreadnoughtus had won, simply because I feel like whilst it is far from useless, it doesn't seem like it would be the best for solo ark and maybe even PvP at certain points, considering the tame looks like it would be very late game, tricky to tame, and might only serve really as a way to beat the king titan and move a bit more safely in the wastelands. Personally I would have preferred something like the gorgonops or darwinopteris which still has that corrupted attack buff, but other utilities that could make it a better tame for solo and PvP gaming, and maybe a bit more easily accessible.1 point
Well, its not the one I would have liked to win but at least a herbivore FINALLY won the vote, now can we PLEASE ban carnivores from all future votes?1 point
To be fair, Maevia did get to third once and second twice in these past votes, but your opinion is your own. Doesn't mean you should squander everyone else's hopes for it to be included. If you think Gorgonops should have been included instead, I would've been for that too. But everyone has their favorites, it's best to respect them.1 point
OPEN OBELISKS AND TRANSMITTERS, LET US UPLOAD ITEMS AND DINOS TO LOCAL MEMORY! Not everyone can afford to rent servers or has the right brain to figure out spawn commands longer than the king titan. At least let us save something even if we can't get the whole map save1 point
Then why was it 2nd twice and 3rd once for the three times it got into the top 10. Clearly almost everyone loves it, no offense. I personally love it too.1 point
This is super cool, but it would be amazing if the spider found its way into the game too. It’s so cool!1 point
Absolutely! I think Maevia eureka deserves the Carchar treatment! We all love this jumping spider so much! ❤️1 point
If they add the spider then they may as well add Gorgonops too since it's been in nearly as many votes. Personally I'd prefer no other creature get the carchar treatment, as that one was unique. Let the winner speak for itself, no runner up nonsense.1 point
Can y’all still add the spider plz 🥺1 point
And as of the rhyniognatha they’ve presumably decided in their game that they want to only add the winners. Perhaps you and the others asking for the runner up’s inclusion should deal with that too. Physician heal thyself and all that jazz. Also maybe don’t presume this is about ego considering I’m not even planning to buy ASA and will use literally none of these creatures anyway. Victory or loss of these tames won’t affect me, I just dislike seeing a voting system invalidated whenever it occurs.0 points
I mucked up the quote, this was a response to jmc1975's post on page 3 I read the contract and don't believe it to be a bail out as many seem to paint it out to be. It, to me, is a simple exclusivity contract that appears to have been made to offset or defer the official server expenses for the months of March through September which is why there is such a hard date on officials ending and not being floated till ASA's release. The 'loan' has very strict details on what the money cannot be used for and it is not a lumpsum pay-out. It is not surprising the companies involved are looking to spread out expenses a bit, 1 million+ a month for the official server network is expensive! Remastering ASE is expensive! With the announcement of ASA I am sure the income generated from sales of ASE dwindled quickly with no merchandise shop or rubbish monetization scams income generation right now is very low. Just to add a HUGE THANK YOU to Studio Wildcard for not going down the horrible monetization rabbit hole, I have nothing but respect to you for that! BUT, honestly I would LOVE to see a merch shop for yourselves and ARK. Oh and a re-release of that collectors edition would be sweet too hehe. ❤️0 points
Would you guys ever consider adding the Maevia as another creature in the future? In every vote it has been in it has done extremely well and in the Ab and this one (Extinction) it has gotten 2nd twice! I really think it deserves the Carchar treatment. And I hear people saying that some people won't want it and that is the exact same thing with the carchar not everyone wanted it. But personally I think that it would be great as it would satisfy both sides.0 points
only giant creatures are able to win0 points
Bad game ever ARK! Lot of cheater, bug, lagg etc etc.....And new ARK and ARK2 also same.🤣0 points
Not everyone loves the spider. Spider was at the bottom of my list 100%. Personally I'd prefer no other creature get the carchar treatment. Let the winner speak for itself, no runner up.0 points
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