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Nitrado as exclusive commercial server? No monopoly is good.7 points
Fan of the ASA update, but I do believe there’s better options than Nitrado. Not that I think they’re bad, they’re just a little “meh” sometimes. I’ve ran a Nitrado server for several years now and fought with it almost daily. I’ve recently switched to g-portal and my server runs LIGHT YEARS better. Again, not hating, just saying that there were some arguably better choices.6 points
No one is selling your data, that's just fearmongering invented by trolls to upset people. Also what version is that? The buggy one that uses an engine that's nearly a decade out of date? Or the one with your unreasonable and unrealistic demands that simply cannot be met for reasons that have ALREADY been explained? These "Man-Children" have been crying since the announcement of official servers getting unplugged, nothing's changed. They don't care about people who aren't going to buy their product, the only opinions that matter are the people who WILL. It's laughable, they keep saying "Oh I'm not going to buy the new game, WC BAD!!!" yet they insist on sticking around as if people care about their constantly disproven opinions. But if WE call them out, we get punished by the mods for "Harassment" while they get away with spreading more misinformation. Honestly, I think they're doing it to troll at this point. Best just to write them off as such, block them, and move on with your day. I've been playing since early access, so I know this game is great and has a lot more it could offer. It's only limited by the engine it uses, which is why WC intends to update the game to it and give it a total facelift, granting us all sorts of goodies that simply weren't possible on UE4. But do they care? No, they are just upset that now its going to be considerably harder for them to be a jerk in Official servers. Just ignore the problem makers, they can hit us with all the "face palms" they want, it doesn't make either of us wrong.4 points
We love Ark, we can't leave this game because we are addicted to it. That's why we criticize the bad decisions of people who destroy this beautiful adventure..4 points
I don't know what kind of people work at these companies... one of them is doing something stupid by taking something from somewhere else, the others don't pay rent and Ark has to be saved by other companies all the time. It is really absurd. Then to secure money there is a monopoly position. Since I do NOT support this monopoly position, I will NOT buy ASA. I thought it was very nice that you could, depending on your wallet, rent from Nitrado, GPortal and co, or rent a root server or set up your own server at home. Now there is only home server or Nitrado. Seriously? NO THANKS! I REFUSE!!! Hopefully a lot of other people will do the same to show Snailgames and Nitrado that this is not the way to go. In case of need I won't play ASE anymore, if the same nonsense will be introduced there. Personally, I am satisfied with GPortal and have no interest to change to Nitrado.4 points
Is it just me, or does it seem like some of the users here want ARK to fail just so their negative outlooks can be proven right? No offense, but if your so sure that ARK will fail, then why don't you just move on and stop trying to look smart by spreading negative comments and criticism every time the ARK creators do something. I know I'm probably going to get a bunch of facepalm reactions to this, but I'm saying now that, as a lover of the amazing and unique experience ARK has offered, I will stay with ARK for as long as I (or it) live. I will NOT be stuck with all those crappy rip-offs that litter the store. ARK blends survival, dinosaurs, nature, fantasy, and our imaginations into a combination that no other game has achieved. Let's not forget that Wildcard does still have the potential to deliver what they have promised.3 points
Teamed up? You mean basically nitrado bought exclusive rights to run the servers, and then not to mention the sketchy stuff with overwolf, this sounds like a SG is paving your flatspin downward WC. This game has soooo much more potential than what is being delivered to the players. It’s a shame that you guys at WC are stuck in the position you are, this game has the potential of leaving just about every other game in the dust, but you’re cut off at the knees. It just seems that initial decisions, which are the right ones, on things like having mod.io run mods (which is a reputable company) is dropped for a company that has a questionable history, why? Cheaper? Well ya gotta spend money to make money. If this game was allowed to reach its full potential, money would not be an issue. Hopefully you guys at wildcard can loose the boat anchor that’s hold you and this game back, and make the right decisions that need to be made.3 points
9 mins in snail financial report .. no lies here they in deep debt - nitrado got the exclusive deal due to a 4 mill sweetener they gave snail to keep its doors open .... PS HOW the hell can that critter still cling to walls?? is its feather all hook like? i get the 'limited' glides itll be like the terror birds version - but i still DO NOT like the design too dodorex for me3 points
ok. so ark/nitrsdo merger and server shutdown. and a dossier.. where is the ingame footage? you're now telling us you're shutting the servers down in a matter of weeks and we still havent seen anything ASA3 points
By renting such a server, we will, in a way, pay off their debt to Nitrado.2 points
"On Wednesday, we’ll be providing access to your PC saves and you’ll also be able to directly rent a server from Nitrado who can host your PC or console saves. Nitrado servers using the Official Save games are now available for pre-order here. Pre-order your server today and save an additional 20% discount using promo code: SAVEYOURARK You’ll be able to: Access to all official save games for all platforms – PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Easily import the save game with one click using the web interface. Have access to a comprehensive guide and FAQs telling you everything you need to know about hosting servers. For more information, please visit this page." If I am to understand, the console save in single player mode will be unavailable, but to download the save file for PS or XBOX consoles we will have to pay dearly. "Nitrado servers using the Official Save games are now available for pre-order" here is what WC/Nitrado offers us: "ARK Survival Evolved Official Save Game Server mieten" 20 SLOTS €19.29 30 Tage Subscription In this case, the minimum number of slots is 20, no option for 10 slots. "Create your own configuration. Choose slots & term dynamically. Configure your own server! 20-100 slots 3 - 365 days term" And now the standard server: "ARK SERVER MIETEN" 10 SLOTS €12.39 30 Tage Subscription For comparison, the G-portal offers 10 Sockets for the price of € 11.00 and the current promotion of € 8.80 30 Tage Subscription I will add that there is a small catch: "Importing official ARK: SE saves is only possible on ARK: Survival Evolved Official Save Game servers and is not supported on regular ARK: SE servers." So we can say goodbye to saving a given map in SP mode in the case of consoles. This is no longer an interesting option for family teams and will not leave much choice but to leave ARK permanently. We have to rent as many as 20 slots for less than 20 Euro to use the game save on the console. Where the PC can simply host the game itself and download the .ini file Renting a server together does not make sense, not everyone approves of setting their own options or conversion factors. As previously mentioned, the host would be forced to rent slots on his own server for a fee to relieve server funding. It won't work in many cases. And I won't say that I'm happy with transferring everything to one server or renting two: "ARK Survival Evolved Official Save Game Server mieten" for 40 euros to play with my wife on your favorite maps or to easily transfer entire bases using exoMek. With 12 active servers including characters recreated after the loss of this engram, and moving those bases will traditionally take ages. At least they would unlock all the engrams because in the end what they care about anyway these servers will be turned off. And if someone decides to rent such a server with dedicated records for consoles, he will introduce the procedure of unlocking everything anyway, so it's no difference for them and a huge help for the players. But we know WC/SG and we know they won't, but I'd be surprised if they did. THE MORE I DON'T BUY This ASA2 points
I personally use nitrado for my YouTube videos, yet to force a monopoly. Not wise. You all watch, the rates of server rental will skyrocket when nitrado has no competition. Monopoly is bad for the end customer.2 points
1: Still feeling mixed about Yi Ling, while it's abilities are a bit cool (wall clinging, guiding, shooting sharp feathers, and a weird diet) I can agree with some for its unusual bird like appearance and not fitting into aberration as a whole. By way, Yi Qi was changed to Yi Ling because according Dollie herself "because the final result was too far removed from the actual Yi Qi" Real life: OG Submission: Now: I honestly think that Yi Qi original submission appearance did not bear a resemblance to the Yi Qi itself, it looked more like a dragon-bat at that time I guess change can happen at times 2: I don't know about Nitrado, I know a lot of people are not likening this choice of severs but I don't have an opinion right now since I know little about Nitrado Lets just see how things go when ASA and the Yi Ling release2 points
I’ll give you that, there is no other game like Ark out there. With every decision that SG makes it does send this game closer and closer to ascension without a respawn. It isn’t WC, it’s SG. When you have a publisher that is connected with cheating, unjust bans and trying to blackmail their own game developers none of us should be standing for that. The question is not whether we survive this, it’s whether Ark itself can survive? Honestly with all the stupid decisions and bad publicity, I’m starting to have my doubts. Also if the game was actually developed and coded right the first time and throughout the years it would be easier to focus on the positive and enjoy the game. The best thing that could happen right now (and it never will), is that new publisher comes in and gives SG an offer they can’t refuse, just my personal opinion.2 points
Is it complaining when there are legitimate concerns about a company’s decision that adversely affects their customer base? Where I come from we call that holding accountability to those people. Personally I really don’t want my personal information sold to the highest bidder because I want to play a version of a game I love. Due to the puppeteer that is working the strings of WC complaints won’t do much but maybe us showing SG we know their full of it by complaining and catching them with their pants down, maybe just maybe it might help things to be a little better.2 points
Good luck to our friends on official. I haven't been to official in years but I remember my days there fondly. If they haven't deserted the clusters by now (and I hear a lot of them have...), official players are about to lose a lot of stuff in this, since only one map can be saved. Also apparently our console friends are not getting the option to play in SP ? That's how I'm reading it, but feel free to clarify, if someone by any chance is reading feedback. The timing of announcing the ASA partnership with Nitrado AND providing a discount for ASE hosting doesn't have the greatest optics, but hey, if we cared about optics, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. Completely off topic, but can we expect a survivetheark account on Mastodon ? If a platform with a prehistoric name is not the right place for Ark, none is. And the air is becoming unbreathable on Xwitter. Unless you plan a partnership there too, I don't know. So people told you very plainly that they were very disappointed with the design changes of the artist formerly known as the Yi Qi and you did... nothing ? Ok. Duly noted. Riddle me this : why should we vote for a creature that you change so much ? We're supposed to vote for a species as abilities are only treated as a suggestion, but you change how the species look, so it becomes... not the creature that won in the first place. That also happened with the Fasola, but at least the Fasola didn't look ridiculous. You even change the creature's name now ! What exactly are we voting for at the end of the day ? Some clarification is needed before the next one.2 points
Nitrado was picked because they gave Snail a 3 million dollar interest free loan on top of being 1.5 million in debt to them.2 points
I’ve already expressed my feelings on this creature, specifically the size, but I do like that the dossier does point that out unlike most which just ignore the differences.2 points
From feathery artillery to strange diets, Yi Ling is bound to be an incredible addition to any Aberration survivor's tribe in ARK: Survival Ascended. Speaking of which, the race is coming to a close to see which community creature will roam the landscapes of The Center. Only three more days to cast your vote! Download in full resolution Species: Yi Ling Time: Late Jurassic Diet: Omnivore Temperament: Aloof This feathered fella is so much bigger than the Yi species I knew in my day! Despite its aberrant size, Yi ling is still somehow light enough to cling to walls and it can even glide short distances. It’s light on its feet as well, able to dodge attacks on the run. I’m glad Yi seems to prefer prey smaller than itself, because it can eject a spray of barbed feathers at an unhappy target before darting in to rip them back out. Its unique firepower may expose Yi in the short term, but its protective plumage regrows fast. A tamed Yi makes for an excellent -- if precarious -- hunting mount. Some tribes use them as caravan scouts, others to torment enemy forces. I’ve seen Yi scarf up the weird mushrooms, congealed gas balls, and nameless creatures scurrying around down here. Who knows what effect a diet like that would have on its feathery weaponry? Watch what your Yi eats, and you just might learn to sharpen its fighting skills! Snail Games USA and Studio Wildcard have officially teamed up with Nitrado to be the exclusive commercial server host for ARK: Survival Ascended. Partnering with Nitrado allows for: Enhanced ARK Mod Experience with Seamless Overwolf Integration ARK: Survival Ascended will support Overwolf integration into Nitrado’s services, which makes it easier to manage mods directly from a web interface. You will be able to browse an expansive library of mods and easily manage them with a click of a button, no more messing around with .ini files! Critically, ASA’s direct server integration with Nitrado’s infrastructure enables the cross-platform online mod functionality between PC and consoles. Unrivaled SteelShield DDoS Protection We’ll also be working closely with Nitrado on their SteelShield protection services which defends against DDoS attacks, so we can ensure uninterrupted gaming on our ASA servers. We understand that some people would prefer to manage their own servers, and so this partnership does not prevent you from hosting or managing your own non-commercial ASA servers with your own hardware. Together with Nitrado’s seamless integration of ASA’s revolutionary cross-platform mod system, we're committed to bringing players the next evolution in ARK's journey! You can read more details about the partnership here. To recap previous announcements, we’ll be taking save games from the Official Network and providing the files to you so that you can host your own server and continue the progress you’ve made on the Official Network. We intend to take two different save snapshots, one timeline will be communicated below and the second will happen during the week of the Official Network Shutdown in September. The first save snapshot from the Official Network will happen on Friday, August 25th (8/25) for both PC and Consoles, this process can take up to 12 hours and will start at midnight UTC. You will need to ensure your character is on its respective server, prior to the save taking place so we recommend making sure your character is there well before midnight UTC and stays on the server for the next 12 hours. Your items, dinos, and characters that have been uploaded to the ARK cloud will not be included in the save! So, please make sure to download anything that you wish to keep from the cloud prior to the save on 8/25. The first save snapshot will be provided on Wednesday, August 30th (8/30). On Wednesday, we’ll be providing access to your PC saves and you’ll also be able to directly rent a server from Nitrado who can host your PC or console saves. Nitrado servers using the Official Save games are now available for pre-order here. Pre-order your server today and save an additional 20% discount using promo code: SAVEYOURARK You’ll be able to: Access to all official save games for all platforms – PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Easily import the save game with one click using the web interface. Have access to a comprehensive guide and FAQs telling you everything you need to know about hosting servers. For more information, please visit this page. Pre-order and promo code are not available for XBOX. Remember we’ll be taking another save snapshot during the week of the Official Network Shutdown in September in preparation for ASA’s October release, with more details to come at a later date! The Community Creature Vote is coming to a close, and the competition has been thrilling. The creatures that have been submitted are truly remarkable. Soon, we will know which entry will emerge victorious! You still have the weekend to vote for which creature will be added to The Center for ARK: Survival Ascended! The second round of voting ends on Monday, August 21st at 4 PM Pacific. The winner* will be announced in the Crunch of Friday, August 25th, 2023. Rank the creatures in order of most preferred to least preferred The vote is limited to 1 submission per person (duplicate entries will be discarded) Below are the candidates that have made it into the final 10. Find out more information about the creature by clicking on the hyperlink attached to the name. Cast your vote here. Mesoparapylocheles Saivodus Shastasaurus Miracinonyx Pemphix Bajadasaurus Hatzegopteryx Orcinus citoniensis Thoracopterus Nothosaurus Ludicus Overview of all the finalists here. * Note that once the winner has been determined, we'll be reading through these threads and using them as inspiration for how the creature will be designed; aspects suggested may change. Not loading? Click here Powered by RankedVote Survivors on all platforms will be receiving an EVO Event! It will be active until Monday, August 21st. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: *Note that these bonuses are multiplicative of the game's standard 1x rates. Official Servers: 2x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x hexagon Small Tribe Servers: 4.5x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x hexagon ARKPocalypse: 5x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x hexagon Conquest: 5x XP, Harvesting, Taming and Breeding (imprint, maturation, hatch/gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval, 2x hexagon Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form Creator: Kittykatlapurr Kitty is tormented in ARK Supreme on the Olympus map by her chat using the Chaos Creator mod. It was up to chat to decide if they wanted to make her life better or even worse! Creator: Sanyxs Is winning Ark: The Survival of the Fittest possible by only taming Phiomias? Sanyx proves that it is! Head in the clouds, that one. by fritzmetzger Rest in Pixels Saphira by @alkonavi How about shaved ice ~~ by @k3zk_627 #colorfulARK by @falco_luna "Watch out for Billy" by @TekARK_01 Sketch of the Manticore from ARK by korrigus Umbra and her Theri by ArwennDelta Screenshot by LabRat Biggest boi by niinapiina Screenshot by Radskan II Enjoy your weekend! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg1 point
Love the dossier, but i still think this creature doesn't fit the aberration vibe. Creatures like both of the spiders or Koolasuchus fitted more.1 point
Wildcard/Snail games are you absolutely serious. What about the people who don't want to use nitrado or who cannot afford it like me. They are the worst server provider and 20% off?! You should just give everyone their own free server so that their dinos and everything don't go. Your saying we will lose all of our structures items and dinosaurs , everything is going to be deleted. And you're saying you have everyone at heart. It sounds more like heartless to me. So everyone on official servers will lose everything. And what save files for the console players you're not saying anything about that. Just like what you're doing with switch another company is running that you can do it for official servers on console. To keep the official servers alive.1 point
The content you're looking for isn't even made yet probably lol.1 point
Thing is I don’t “want” it to fail per se. I just find a lot of the company’s practices as of late extremely questionable. Since offering my piece on matters won’t really change wildcard or snail’s decisions on anything and the whole situation’s gotten my schadenfreude senses tingling I’ve decided to pull up a chair just in case things go pear shaped. If everything works out fine for the new game then cool, doesn’t really impact me since I rent unofficial AsE servers through nitrado already and should theoretically be in the clear. If it all goes to hell then I get a brief show and maybe, just maybe, they’ll see the situation as a learning experience. Either way I see positive situations for myself1 point
The new creature looks great and all, but I honestly wouldn't mind seeing more sneak peaks at how the game's going to look on UE5, primarily the dinosaurs1 point
Looks good, i wonder if it will climb like a deino or like a thyla1 point
The people complaining may love the game as much or more so than you do, this isn’t an echo chamber for fan boys who get the vapors every time someone voices a negative opinion1 point
So you partnered with Nitrado and did NOTHING for solo players? Paying the same amount to host a 10 slot server that only I play costs the same amount for someone who maxes out the 10 slots 24/7. Nitrado states that the server cannot function without 10 slots which seems like a lie…. This update should have been handled in a much different way. You effectively just told the entire playerbase that the game now comes with a forced subscription Single player IS NOT ARK. If Forges don’t smelt once the game turns off, that’s not Ark. Whoever is managing this affair should be fired yesterday. You could not have communicated this to the audience in a worse way. You deserve 200% of the backlash now - it is no longer possible for even the diehards to defend you. RIP, you should have sold the IP years ago to Microsoft.1 point
opinions versus opinions versus truth yet you still havent commented or acknowledged the truth over the Snail 'problems' that have been published the past few days / weeks And congrats with been in the game since EA same as me and that means nothing .... some bugs are STILL around dont even try to deny it either deadlines are shaky at best and now ASA is launching as ANOTHER EA game ....... come on man smell the coffee something has to give and people / consumers will, are and have complained, and tbh they will either move on or stick around to hopefully see something change for the BETTER not worse (ps im one of those btw) Having an opinion others do not not like is just life in general.1 point
now be honest wildcard/SNAIL, you didn't enter into a partnership, you ran out of money and had to get a loan from Marbis GmbH (Nitrado parent company) because you haven't paid server rent in several months. how long are you going to be able to keep going sucking on SNAILS teet before they bleed you dry and dump ya'll off to the side? https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1886894/000149315223026297/ex10-1.htm1 point
WILDCARD PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION- Will the official final saves be usable on single player or non dedicated on consoles this time? Its a question thats been asked repeatedly for months. A simple question that only requires a simple yes or no answer. If yes that would be awesome, if no thats ok, it is what it is. We all understand you cant be expected to answer all questions but its a question thats been plaguing a lot of people since april. Theres a lot of speculation so only an OFFICIAL responce will truly clarify this. Please answer this1 point
we all know what wildcard can deliver its whether or not they DO deliver .. .for instance keeping to deadlines they have wriggled their way around asa by launching it AGAIN in early access so expect bugs / and lack of assets / improvements promised etc etc. Their publisher SG is in DEEP poop financially so has borrowed money off nitrado in which nitrado got exclusive rights to host asa for the foreseeable future (so much for an unsecured loan huh) Thats just the tip of the iceberg too i have over 9k hours on official the game is ending yes im sad and a bit annoyed that they are charging me AGAIN after i have bought 3 copies most at full price too (pc version) but thats the nature of games it will free my time up considerably because i am NOT touching ASA.1 point
Yes it's sad. But (sticking with your analogy) let's hope these "kids" grow up and deliver what they promised. There is still a glimmer of starlight in the black ARK skies, so until it extinguishes, ARK has hope. For those of you so intent on the "100% certainty" of ARK failing, then what are you doing on this website? 🤷♂️1 point
I really think the Maevia Eureka would've been a better choice for Abberation. Aberration is arguably the most unique map and I was hoping to see something a little more fitting for the Broken ARK. Yi Ling is a tiny bit more interesting than it seemed when first announced. I'll try to enjoy it as much as I can. Let's just hope and pray that we get better luck in the future. I'd hate to be giving y'all false hope, but while there is still hope, we gotta hold onto it. We'll just have to wait and see...1 point
I assume u havent read SG financial report then? nitrado gave SG the 4 mil on an unsecured loan ... which it seems rather obvious had the added bonus of them been the exclusive server hosts for asa - also no comment on the early access asa we are going to be getting or the LACK of anything new been shown to us? Not complaining just pointing out facts since lieing on the financial reports is illegal1 point
Still disappointed about the design a little bit, tail real needed to be longer it just looks like a bigger terror bird with dragon wings, but it's diet stuff seems real cool.1 point
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Mesohippus.jpg Mesohippus - loosely in the Equus family1 point
no idea what goin on here, who the hail care about votes 4 anything as long as this base bs about what goin on whith the game is goin on just shut down bldy servers and give us saves so ppl can get a rest here1 point
""- Pre-order and promo code are not available for XBOX."" :@ :€0 points
Seriously guys, please stop focusing so much on the negative. I really love the concept and idea of ARK. A survival game with dinosaurs has never been done (unless you count the pathetic ARK rip-offs). Perhaps its due to less/no competition that some of the choices made by the creators and publishers aren't quite as thought out. Yes, they modifications made the new creatures is a little disappointing. Yes, the publishers cheated and hacked on their own servers. Yes, some choices Wildcard makes are affecting the future of ARK. But at the end of the day, if you really love the world of dinosaurs, nature, fantasy, and the unique experience ARK has to offer, you'll stick with it and endure along with it for as long as you can. Let's just focus on the positive and enjoy this unique and spectacular world as much as we can. Until the owner outright send ARK into the stars of ascension, I, and hopefully you, will stay with it. We survived the ARKs, and we can survive this as well.0 points
Wildcard, Thank you all for the love and support that you have put into this game and into your community. I as well as many others appreciate all that the team puts forward! Special thanks this weeks crunch and providing a little more behind the scenes on what is in the works! Keep it up! I look forward (as always) to next weeks community crunch!0 points
I'm glad they at least kept in some feature involving quills with Yi. This actually looks a litter cooler than I thought when Yi Ling was first announced. I really hope this creature does in fact manage to pull off features that make it more than just a mini-Rock Drake. The Yi does also seem like a nice travel mount, suitable for Aberration. As for the Nitrado Partnership, I'm glad to hear that we'll be able to see cool modified servers when ARK: Survival Ascended launches. The idea of cross-platform mods sounds so exciting, and I hope to see more players from different platforms delving into the lost world of game modifications. Gald to hear the positive news for once! Let's go, ARK!0 points
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