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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2023 in all areas

  1. Happy birthday, Ark. By 8 years old, you're supposed to have reached the age of reason, I believe ? It's gonna show any day now. Oh, I thought only story Arks were getting new creatures, this is an interesting turn of events... I hoped for an explanation about why the Rhynio was added to two maps (The Island alone would have made sense to me, but why Lost Island too ?), but that's all the explanation we're getting, I guess ? I should get used to being explained nothing in this community *large gesture at everything* but nonetheless I keep hoping.
    2 points
  2. The actual anniversary date and two months out from August yet here we are with no real ASA info drop yet for players, admins and modders to prepare for this supposed incoming massive release that will change the game's foundation forever. This new creature is hype tbh but I can't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. Just to see the crunch delayed a day which is uncommon and to be this close to ASA, with everyone counting down on the Discord just to see no real news, no trailer or date yet. Until next week šŸ˜æ
    1 point
  3. I 100% agree with all of that !!! Most ROI in a game I have ever had (and I have played games for like 40 years! so I have seen a few). And the "Souls Ark" is likely stalled dead in the water somewhere in the pipeline, otherwise this push at Ark remastered would not be such a thing.
    1 point
  4. Iā€™ve always been under the impression that WC had no idea the game would blow up the way it did. As such they lacked both the real world infrastructure to support the game as well as an engine that wasnā€™t meant to expand in the way it has. The better move would have been to sell the IP. As long as gameplay remained the same it could have grown substantially with a larger team behind it. I would have gladly paid $10 for a 3 creature DLC pack. Instead Ark has a staggering amount of content that even with thousands of hours I havenā€™t experienced a lot of it. With less than a $100 investment Ark has surpassed in time every other game Iā€™ve played by a substantial amount. And now they are stuck. I just wonder how far up the chain this ā€œDark Souls Arkā€ nonsense goes because it sounds like the most assured failure imaginable.
    1 point
  5. Cool bug, but no news on things like ASA, official servers, fixing ASE as a whole, the players banned from conquest servers, and nothing more than concept art for your sequel is keeping the bad light thatā€™s been shining on both wildcard and snail for months now. Iā€™ve stopped playing since you announced that the free engine update (a standard in the industry, mind you) was now a paid bundle for an unfinished product, and it doesnā€™t look like Iā€™ll even be returning for the new creature. Itā€™s not even worth it to play anymore.
    1 point
  6. no idea what everbody has been up to playing the game in the recent years, but most of all of this discussion is useles to me, and I dont even care what the topic of the current crunch is, or lets say it is truly irrelevant you play pvp? cool, move along who cares about whipes but ppl playing pve for almost a decade, adopting given game mechanics, taming and breeding dinos to an extent, sharing colors on animals, having a good time playing over different maps this is what the game made a thing to me clearly its the lack of perspective everybody obviously deals with.. otherwise we wudnt read ppl who claim to be hurt by others posting things they dont want to read same for me, I got a clear perspective, and I dont understand a lot of (to me) unimportant stuff that been talked about here.. but u cant tell me (and Im even taking ppl from other modes of play into this) you dont understand what a shutdown of anything ppl did within 7 years means to these ppl #saveofficialservers
    0 points
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