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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2023 in all areas

  1. “Interesting” like animals that aren’t even extinct or a thyla/wolf mashup? Insects are way more thematically interesting and we’re significantly lacking in useful arthropods as is
    1 point
  2. Sorry but how is it a bad voting system? It lets you organise them by preference so you don’t have to just pick one to vote for. If something lost that’s because either not enough people wanted it or many people who did, wanted something else more. Don’t get salty just because the thing you wanted didn’t make it
    1 point
  3. Ves, my buddy, my pal, my amigo...we both knew that no matter the outcome there'd be people complaining. Best to just pour a drink and enjoy the ride. With all the salt I'll be able to rim a bars worth of margarita glasses
    1 point
  4. C'mon man, give us bug fans some love. The last 2 votes have had at least one mammal in it. Fjordur had andrewsarchus, desmodus, and I guess you could argue that fenrir is a mammal too. Lost island gave us the dinopithecus, we haven't had a tamable bug since genesis. I've also checked and we've had a new mammal every dlc besides crystal isles, ragnarok, and valguero. 13 new tamable mammals in total since scorched earth. That's not counting the base game mammals. We have 14 bugs total in game, thats counting bosses and non tamable bugs.
    1 point
  5. I think that there are actually to many mammals in the game seeing as All the previous winners of the creature votes have been mammal. Also, people saying that there are to many bugs in the game have no idea what they are talking about since I feel like we are really lacking in arthropods in ark.
    1 point
  6. The picture used on the crunch is actually of a 100 MYO termite, not Rhyniognatha. https://www.phys.org/news/2009-05-diuscovery-amber-reveals-ancient-biology.amp
    1 point
  7. I'm a bit dissapointed that gorgo didn't win as it looked cool but I won't be one of those people who complain and leave hate comments
    1 point
  8. Holy Frijoles! I was hoping the Rhyniognatha would end up as a surprise winner with the Gorgonopsid and Bastion beetle duking it out. But I didn't think it would actually happen! Easily the creature I've been hoping for the most the last 3 votes.
    1 point
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