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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2022 in all areas

  1. i lost interest right the moment they announce ark2 months before gen2 release cause by announce ark 2 that was like putting a clock on ark 1 days to remain online which made me fell like everything after that announce being pointless to push more foward and care for the game and my stuff cause at any giving moments they will shutdown the servers so i beat gen2 before the servers open cause i knew it would break the servers even more (i said before gen2 come on it would be full of problems and servers crash guess i was right again) and give all my stuff to a newbie and left the game, waiting and hoping ark 2 will be build from scratch and not having all the poop show this first one had but as im writing this i remember that snailgames owns wildcard and they are chinese company which they have very little care about the consumes and more focus in making money, look at all games own by snailgames and you will understand
    1 point
  2. As i Always started to said before this last year of events and like 3 or more years before... Devs doesnt care much longer about Ark 1... it got actually dumped for long time ago... since ARK 2 production was on the sight. People just dont wanted to see it, and now they are seeing the consequences on the corner. Now let me say another thing again, START PLAYING SINGLEPLAYER, u will be more patient and do ur poop without feeling anything like server saves, randomn log outs and people that crashes teh servers for their convenience. Enjoy the game in its purely way (Singleplayer) sooner or later Server will be clossed and everyone will panic, but not me. Fixes, bugs, crashes, glitchs, meshes, logging locks and so on... How many times do i must to say the WildCard only move by money like every dam entertainment company, but at least the Great and Old ones have more better response about anything that the customers are complaining than WildCard, they are small company, i know, but they lack on resonsabilities and thats say too much about the company itself. Good luck guys... My advice is always in the botton of the jar, but i dont really care anymore about anything else, just come here to be have my points eraser (as if they gives me money irl).-
    1 point
  3. Wow, who had the bright idea of offering the base game for free this month on PS Plus.... then not running evos to gently lure in and hook those new players so they become addicted faster and spend money on DLC's, and not only that, ensuring halfway through any progress they've made is likely to be lost with a several days worth of huge update! Great business model
    1 point
  4. I hope it is! Frankly I don’t give a dodo’s egg shooter about Ark 2, and if others had their priorities straight neither would they. Hey it’s nice to see what those 70 fixes are (sarcasm), if it’s exploits great and don’t go into great detail. We all know that and for obvious reasons, but it’s all nothing but exploits and mesh fixes then that says A LOT about the devs and should bring to the fore front a complaint that has gone on for years about TESTING YOUR GAME WC! It can be done, where there’s a will there’s a way. Can we finally get some fixes to the servers for stability??? I have lost a lot of interest as well as other players just because of the server instability. People don’t even run that many missions on Gen 2 anymore or actually really enjoy the map because of the raptoring rollbacks. If you were around in the earlier days of the crunch there was some actual information in them, go back and look and then compare the crunches over the last 6-10 months, you WILL notice the difference. Now they just seem like something slapped together and posted right before they clock out for the weekend just for the sake doing it. The heads up about the 70 fixes update looks as if it was literally copy and pasted from the heads up they gave to pc players. We also DO realize that if they list details of the fixes of the exploits that people use to cheat they’ll find a way around ‘em, they do anyway. In regards to the transferring of boss trophies, I wish we could!! I’ve tried transferring them and it doesn’t work for me, he’ll the dermis’s don’t even transfer right which sucks. There is a way they could make it so boss trophies could be transferable. They could even make it so the trophies that are transferred aren’t able to be used in say the tek cave if they wanted to, but honestly in the grand scheme of bugs that’s the least of my worries. Who cares if somebody beat the rag dragon and used that head to open the island tek cave, not me! There is so much that could be great additions to Ark 1 that are just gonna be wasted because, first- the engine it runs on is severely outdated and second- unfortunately WC has boarded the Ark 2 train and left any hope of Ark 1 truly becoming a viable game for years to come on the station platform.
    1 point
  5. The console players need to know about the massive update coming their way.
    1 point
  6. So Cedric just lied to us last week when he said there would be an evo event this week?
    1 point
  7. Dang... only one more week to prep my lost island base with no EVO event *sigh*
    1 point
  8. if you dont want to do a crunch with info just dont do one
    1 point
  9. I may just be misunderstanding this but you might want to either invest in a LAN setup or check your hdd if any game you have takes several days to update, my dude. LAN in particular is quite nice, better game stability and even the really hefty updates for games will take maybe an hour at most if you aren't slowing the process by using other applications.
    0 points
  10. i appreciate these posts, every week i see people complaining for no reason. i cant think of another game that has a weekly post by their devs. ive noticed you've taken some suggestions and mention the amount of fixes and thats dope. what people dont realize is if they listed the fix than people could work around the updates to access mesh spots. thanks for doing this weekly w
    0 points
  11. Greetings Survivors! Lost Island transfers are opening next week on Friday! Once enabled, players will be able to download items and creatures onto the map without restriction. On Wednesday we're also releasing a patch for console that includes over 70 fixes across all maps. Map/level changes tend to be quite big and we're expecting this patch to be a significant download so consider this a heads up in advance! If you're a modder for ARK, our Sponsored Mods program is still accepting applicants. Check out the latest entries in the sponsored mod program here: We are anxious to share more on the upcoming Fjordur release, but in the meantime, we're leaving you with a look at some great community content! There will be no EVO event this week. Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form Rickzz#3486 (Part 1) Creator: Aaron Longstaff Do you need some inspiration for your next build? Check out this creative Japanese-influenced build by Aaron Longstaff! Creator: Lucky Shot Are you new to ARK? With ARK now a part of the Playstation Plus subscription, these tips may come in handy for those new survivors! War of Humans and Dinosaurs by Saprom Sino Drawing by YeetinYuty189#5689 Ferox by @falco_luna Painting made by a friend of mine by RyanOT02🦕#9246 Glorp by naeriie#2439 Wyverns From ARK Survival Evolved by Daeodude Fletch#9534 (Created by Cpt Spanky) @Riinartist See you next week! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    0 points
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