As i Always started to said before this last year of events and like 3 or more years before... Devs doesnt care much longer about Ark 1... it got actually dumped for long time ago... since ARK 2 production was on the sight. People just dont wanted to see it, and now they are seeing the consequences on the corner. Now let me say another thing again, START PLAYING SINGLEPLAYER, u will be more patient and do ur poop without feeling anything like server saves, randomn log outs and people that crashes teh servers for their convenience. Enjoy the game in its purely way (Singleplayer) sooner or later Server will be clossed and everyone will panic, but not me.
Fixes, bugs, crashes, glitchs, meshes, logging locks and so on... How many times do i must to say the WildCard only move by money like every dam entertainment company, but at least the Great and Old ones have more better response about anything that the customers are complaining than WildCard, they are small company, i know, but they lack on resonsabilities and thats say too much about the company itself.
Good luck guys... My advice is always in the botton of the jar, but i dont really care anymore about anything else, just come here to be have my points eraser (as if they gives me money irl).-