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  1. Than we have Inostran, Livyatan, Tanystropheus, Bison, or literally anything that isn't another near useless shoulder pet only in the game because of youtuber influence.
    4 points
  2. so your saying your adding a "better" archeopteryx .. you could have just given the Archeo a TLC pass and would of been the same thing... the carca was in 2nd and wanted ....
    3 points
  3. Download in high resolution Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch! In the lead-up to the release of the Lost Island, a free DLC map coming later this year, we've been engaging the community and seeing what creatures you'd like to see on the upcoming release. During the first-ever official community vote, we saw a heated race as we narrowed down which creature would be one of the 3 new creatures that release with Lost Island. Although Dinopithecus emerged as the clear winner, today we may have an addition that's fairly familiar to the community and the final creature being added to Lost Island! Download in high resolution Sinomacrops bondei is a friendly and curious little pterosaur. It may approach and investigate unfamiliar creatures, but Sinomacrops does spook easily. When threatened, it will unfurl its wings to reveal deimatic eyespots in an attempt to confuse or scare predators away. Still, Sinomacrops seems to be a highly intelligent creature that craves social interaction. While it's normally curious and friendly, Sinomacrops' adorably oversized mouth turns into a deadly weapon at the slightest sight and smell of insects. Even alone, this cute little critter can take down insects far larger than itself. Unfortunately, this means that armor made from chitinous plates is going to trigger an attack response from the otherwise sweet-hearted pterosaur. Taming a Sinomacrops is fairly straightforward (in theory) -- just feed them without scaring them. Once tamed, they absolutely love travelling with their humans, and prefer to cling to them whenever possible. Not only are they sociable, but they're fiercely protective once bonded. Any small creature approaching someone with a tame Sinomacrops will be met with its flashing eyespots and piercing shriek. That’s usually enough to stun an undersized interloper. For such a small flier, Sinomacrops can carry surprisingly heavy loads. It can even support the weight of a fully-grown human adult, though it will struggle to gain altitude. Still, any creature companion that can double as a glider and parachute is invaluable for anyone traversing an ARK... as long as they bring plenty of snacks for their new friend. Download in high resolution It's that time where we introduce new projects in the sponsored mod program! Our first set of picks for the year is ready for you to enjoy. The ARK Sponsored Mod Program is also now accepting applications for the next selection, you will be able to apply until October 5th. Don't forget to submit your projects at https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/modding/apply-for-sponsorship/. Alemia Alemia is a map project that reworks many aspects of the game to take the player on a challenging survival adventure without any trace of technology. You'll find new structures and mechanics for crafting, exploration, taming and harvesting. And if that's not enough for you, there are many dungeons hiding underground... Alemia awaits. Check out Alemia ARK Genomes - Extinction Evolved ARK Genomes brings forth a significant overhaul. Complete with challenges, a new tiered improvement system for creatures, and it's own story flow. Take on difficult challenges to fight off the corruption of element, gain new rewards and raise your tames through multiple stages of genetic evolution! Check out ARK Genomes - Extinction Evolved An ARK Evolution Event is active until Tuesday the 7th with the following EVO perks on all Official Servers! 2X Taming 2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation) 2X Harvesting 2X XP 2X Hexagon Bonus Creator: Finn Reinhardt Want to see what happens when some well-known creators and players from the PvP and ARK community hide valuable items on an Official Server? Check out this amazing cinematic story from Finn Reinhardt! Creator: Sefiro Ultima Learn one of the more complex builds to pull off in ARK, the spiral staircase! Genesis 2 by @co3na3 [VN] Pet me mommy ! by Ampraeh I can haz element? by nezuyu Genesis 2 Vibes by Firefly VELUKO#6347 Ares#2032 The Amazing "Gacha" by Oriah @slime_of_toilet Matte iru Lietz | Comms Open#2149 @ARKLove9 Sayvaris Wishing you a happy Labor Day! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    2 points
  4. sweet so egotistical influencers rigging the vote is being rewarded now? not only should sinomacrops not have been added it should have been placed on a blacklist to never be added to a wildcard game, at least there is some small consolation that it doesnt have the abilities the idiot wanted.
    2 points
  5. I hope the wild card sees your comments and takes this bixo out of the game for unfairly winning and influenced by a youtuber
    2 points
  6. Okay, if NO ONE is gonna say it, I will. All you Carchar cry babies, the Carcharo would have been a Giga TLC in all honestly! What we have here for the Sinomacrops is an almost original creature. Yes, it has a small similarity with the Archy, but also it has its differences. I am glad this actually made it and not some new Carnivore that may have not fit in with the tropical vibe of Lost Islands. So dont be crying over the fact a dino you wanted to make it into Ark didn't, instead, take this creature with a grain of salt and really think it over. Look for the positives and not slave away looking at the negatives. Excited to see what the dev's come up with next, keep up the great work.👍
    2 points
  7. This is horrible... A stupid little pterosaur (no offense) won because a bunch of YouTuber fanboys made it their personal mission to vote for a rigged creature. The amount of D-riding from that fanbase is real smh. WildCard is also at fault because it was their decision & even though I didn't vote the Carcharodontosaurus it would be a better creature than another useless one. Dinopithecus didn't meet expectations but gun weilding would be hard to implement. Failed us again & unrelated, Gen part 2 crashes after exiting the game & doesn't save.
    2 points
  8. Instead of adding the 2nd place theropod that looked like a Giga rival, they add the 3rd place useless shoulder mount that only youtuber fans wanted.
    2 points
    2 points
  10. I dont get why it targets people who wear chitin armor when no one is going to wear it anyway because of how easy it is to level up nowadays, also megatherium doesnt do and that also goes crazy over chitin the glider part seems fun though but I hope its better than the wingsuit as that doesnt require you to carry a dino on you but idk
    2 points
  11. Some people man... "Look at all these whiners!" "Carchar is just another Theropod" The white-knighting is real. Wildcard is a company, not your friend. People are perfectly allowed to file complaints to a company, especially one who has consistently shafted their community over the years (don't deny it.) The voting aspect spoke for itself, with the carchar coming second by 1% behind the dinopethicus and far ahead of all other dinos put on the list (once the final listing was made). This poor attempt at a buffed up Archeopteryx has definitely hampered people's anticipation for the new map. Even if the Carchar would not of been picked, anything else would of been better, the Bison, the Gorgonops or even the Cerato would not have amassed this much disappointment. Add the broken state of the game itself in many aspects and the lack of TLC passes for a lot of the older dinos (some who have not seen changes since 2015-2016 (Bronto?Carno?Everything in the water?No?) this was just another questionable choice that deserves to be questioned. You like this new dino? Fine. But don't stand there thinking you're superior and doing wildcard a favor by trying to shut down people's disagreement with it. I also like people's take on "The Lost Island is a tropical themed map" when the map itself has a variety of biomes including mountains, redwoods, desert and snow. Not to mention the fact it's far from finished. People will say anything.
    1 point
  12. "Clear winner" lmfao that's hilarious. It barely one because a youtuber influenced it
    1 point
  13. Well... I was expecting everything but this. Out of all the suggestions, you had to take this? Keep your votings, monkeys and shoulderpets. I really have no words for this. they´d be a waste anyways.
    1 point
  14. I am both excited that this new creature exists and disappointed that Carchar didn’t get added. I’m a console player and I can’t access mods (obviously). This kinda sucks. On paper, it sounds cool but when put to action, you either are amazed or disappointed. The new Sinomacrops is basically a glorified glider skin as far as I can tell. I know Theropods are basic but really? A glorified glider skin that you have to (probably) use god knows what to tame? I don’t really find this joyful, I just find it disappointing and exciting but mostly, disappointing. I’d be happy to have more herbivores or carnivores like the Carchar, Ceratosaurus etc. Since there was some signs Carchar and Spino met, it’d be great if they could interact and fight against one another. Maybe the Carchar could’ve been basically a Rex, Giga and Spino combined. Water buff, tanky hp, heavy damage, the nice stuff. Overall, I would’ve been happier if the Carchar was confirmed. If they could, it’d be great to have a 4th creature (even though that’d be a lot of effort). I love this game but this, this is where I feel genuinely disappointed. So Wildcard, if possible, could you get the Carchar? And for YouTubers who push their fanboys to vote, I hope you sleep on a pillow with both sides warm.
    1 point
  15. Sino was the worst idea, a TLC for the archy would have been enough, it is clear that what is for the sino are PVE players because they are used to tame dinos that serve nothing
    1 point
  16. I'm pissed it got chosen, It shouldn't have even been allowed to go the the final vote as it's vote numbers were rigged. Now they add it, knowing it would piss peeps of. They pissed a lot of people of and are going to get what's coming to them & they are going to deserve it.
    1 point
  17. I got to agree with @TheTwistedKeeper. This was a poor choice to make. You could of just given the Archeopteryx a TLC pass and it could of done the same thing as this little piece of crap you've chosen to make. Anything else would of been better; Carchar, Bison, even Suchomimus (pardon my biased), anything or at least something ridable. You already got a huge list of shoulder pets 3/4 of players don't even use/tame, most in need of a model/ability revamp (like 60% of the dinos you got left in-game that have not been changed since 2015-2016. What were you thinking? Ah hell I should be used to it by now, you start out so good and then you just disappoint at the end.
    1 point
  18. You know of all 10 votes you pick the one creature that you knew for a fact would cause problems. Good job devs, you just shot yourself in the foot and, pissed of your player base. Game devs of the year right here /s .
    1 point
  19. A bit disappointed that the Carcharodontosaurus didn't get picked for the Lost Island map but oh well. Hopefully they will add the Carchar in a future map. #AvengeCarcharodontosaurus ✊🦖
    1 point
  20. so... they gave the youtuber who failed as an influencer, their creature? this logic. im genuinely facepalming rn. you give us the carcharodontosaurus to us for the most pleased community, you dont make the controversial thing, a thing. trust me there are gonna be dinopithicus people who are with us, trust me. and... CosmicSkeleton, some one said the archa is a useless creature in our debate, now, it is the DEFINITION of useless. this is an upgraded archa, " lets you glide..." archa does this, except now the stupid sino has this, and is probably useful in a fight, AND this thing probably will let you use dang tools. moving on from that. wildcard, you've enraged over half the community with this one. wildcard fricked up.
    1 point
  21. lmao everyone here is so salty that charcharadontasaurus didn't win. yall need to chill someone is probably gonna mod the thing in in the future anyways lol
    1 point
  22. I am really disappointed wildcard. Seriously. The damn sinomacrops was rigged by a damn youtuber. Carcharodontosaurus should have been the third creature. Thanks a lot guys for listening to a rigged vote.
    1 point
  23. just an archaeopteryx that is actually useful, this game really has an issue with new dinos just completely outclassing the old ones rather than updating old ones. Tlc was a step in the right direction. it looks like the little guy will be a glide suit basically.
    1 point
  24. A glider suit with a Megatherium buff and some stun crap that only works on small creatures. Just because some youtuber got his fans to vote for it. Instead of literally any other creature in the top 10, you know, the ones that had ABSOLUTELY NO BIAS OR ADVERTISING. I always thought Sinomacrops was gonna be useless if it were added, and I wasn't wrong.
    1 point
  25. Oh joy the idiocy of the garbage Archy knock off that got cheated into third place by spam votes gets in? seriously Wildcard that’s not okay… people got peer pressured into that thing and now you are?? Why not give that honor to the actual second runner up…
    1 point
  26. So what about god mode on PlayStation. Still telling us PlayStation players to sit and spin thanks ark devs
    1 point
  27. something alot of ppl look over: ALL shoulder pets reduce weight of things in their inventory, go to the wiki. this one of the few reasons ive used dimorphs in the past. so its nothing new. also yes they have an official dossier. official model. this what its gonna do. its anti pest (microraptor, pego, seagull) and a weightless glide suit. the community(including me) is fed up by the fact that a yter who failed as an influencer got their creature added, even after failing to rig the vote. the more i think about the more i wonder if bribery was involved.
    0 points
  28. Oh gosh, I'm happy we don't have another theropod! We have them in any shapes and sizes, the game doesn't really need another one. This time this is not even a dinosaur but a pterosaur, a cute one (yeah, pterosaurs are NOT dinosaurs but flying reptilles). And it... Scares pegos? This is good 😛 There are really a lot of interesting creatures, why voting always the usual ones? So, yeah, I'm happy for this Also, for who complains... Really, don't you know what did another YouTuber to make vote the Charcaro? He even used a modded Charcaro on the modded Lost Island pretending it was an official one! And then you complain for this one? Well, I'm even happier it did it then 🤣
    0 points
  29. Wildcard are the best, another useless beast, there were more stylish dino, but they prefer to follow rigged votes, every year I think they can't do worse, but finally, yes
    0 points
  30. this is a scam why the sinimacrop not the carchar this is soo stupid
    0 points
  31. some of the community is angry........ I'm not but other definitely are
    0 points
  32. I'm so hyped for the lovely little sinomacrops, can't wait! ❤️ One question though, sounds like it might save ur life if u dc while flying .. would be an awesome QOL addition
    0 points
  33. wait, "create enormous structures seamlessly" ? 🤔
    0 points
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