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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2021 in all areas

  1. You roll out events and stupid updates that does idiotic QoL poop we dont need, but fixing the bugs, glitches and other game breaking stuff, nooo thats none of ur concern. This game is slowly turning into a real crap game. We still here only because we spent so muvh time amassing what we have, despite Wildcard tearing it down at every opportunity they get. Well, raptor you guys, fix your game and stop doing lame ass events where ppl ends up beeing unable to play the game for several days out of the event time. Hire someone who actually knows how to write proper code, and ban those exploiters to kingdom come. Set connection limit to 100 ping, anyone above that should NOT be able to connect! Learn from others games peeps, quit beeing stupid.
    1 point
  2. I sere a lot of people complaining in here about lag and no evo event, like bro, im only in it for the game breaking bugs, it makes the game better, it adds a bit of action imo. I dont care if there is an evo event or not, it just means a little extra farming and waiting on breeding and taming, if you cant handle the vanilla game on vanilla settings, then go to an unoffical server noobs.
    1 point
  3. Can we please, please, please extend the event? I live in Texas and been without power since Monday
    0 points
  4. Another useless week... gg wc no evo event again... gotta love the consistantcy of garbage for wc lately
    0 points
  5. Same thing goes for ARK 2 no point, the stupid lag that's been going on for years and years is not going to magically fix itself in ARK 2, it will be the same old bugs all over again, sadly a lot of ppl i already know have said when ARK 2 comes out they are done with WC. They don't want another round of the same old crap all over again
    0 points
  6. No time to pay attention to this ark , they have to rush gen 2 out and hack together ark 2. This game is already being forgotten sadly .
    0 points
  7. Oh look, another kid who fail to realize the game is still alive mainly because of its modding community.
    0 points
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