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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2019 in all areas

  1. So after building up levels in the awful area I'm in (at least awful to me. Not very many trees and barely any rocks and almost no metal) I decided that I needed to abandon my base for the moment and try and go to a better area to level up more and finally tame some more dinos and not get my face bitten off constantly. Got myself some decent traveling gear and a parachute (I made my base when the only dino I had was a Pteranadon and made up fairly high thinking it would all workout and then it died lol) and when I log in again I'm gonna go jump off the cliff and try and make up a temp base around the beach area/chalk cliffs and see if I can build up there.
    3 points
  2. I really like this topic, Im new to the forums and I like the idea of sharing your daily projects, so I decided to make a post too: Im playing on legacy servers and since I already have a pretty big base and a lot of dinos, breeding is my daily cup of tea. Today I decided to take out of cryo some owls and argies with nice colors together with a gigantopithecus that got a green face and a 324 base lvl clean tek stego. Still got half of the fridge filled with random babies, but I decided to have a chill day. As I head out with my giga to farm some meat, I notice a pair of orange glowing eyes right in front of my door. I spyglassed that little devil and its lvl 145. Quite high for an island creature, so I decided to tame it. Finished meatrun and returned to base, grabbed shield, stimulants and opened dododex to read something about troodon taming. Suggestion: Build a pen - alright, so I made a stone 2x2 pen with a ramp, waited till next night, lured the spawn of devil inside and tossed a poor lvl 150 poison wyvern baby out. The troodon started panicking, running into walls and refused to eat me or the baby. Frustrated, I punched it. Twice. Tried feeding the baby rare flowers and ate bunch of them myself. All I got was a really pissed trike wandering around and a troodon that ignored me more than a 16y old teenager. With the sunrise I demolished the pen, cryoed the wyvern and unleashed the devil into the wild. Now I remember why I hate passive taming, it seems so random. Next night I noticed the troodon was back on the horse, chasing dodos around, so I uncryoed the baby wyvern, cryoed it back and tossed it out with the cryosickness. That 145 minion of hell noticed our presence, made that victory "rau-rau" shout and jumped into my face. I got surprised and chugged down so many stimulants, my always drunk uncle would be proud of me. Positioned myself at the unconscious wyvern and kept chugging my stimulants while holding the shield. It took 3 bites for the little life-wrecker to kill the wyvern, and a pop-up name table showed up (kinda annoying). Black and blue 217 female dream eater was mine, and this "yolo" process took me less than 2 minutes. Note for myself - dont bother with a taming pen, troodons are klaustrophobic. Now I want to wait for colored event and get another high lvl one with red stripes to make a black/red killing machine. I have a floor with "mini-dinos", each of them having their own enclosure like a mini petting zoo. Got oviraptors, penguins, hespes, microraptors, vultures, lystros, archaeos, ichtys, dilos, dimos, pegos, compies, dodos and bats, with a troodon finally joining my collection. Satisfied with my catch, I got back into my breeding house, cryoed babies and called it a night.
    3 points
  3. And I'm back to actually talk about the contents of the Chronicles. The notes themselves are mostly lacking in story. They tell more about HLN-A as a character than about the story of Genesis. First: HLN-A At first I figured that the Mini HLN-A was really just a Mini Helena, as in, Helena copied herself into a little drone for you, but HLN-A seems to be an entirely new person, with no understanding of Helena or how survivors survive. Any part of Helena that was put into HLN-A is a very tiny one so HLN-A can be considered her own person I suppose. Second: Genesis Pretty obvious but it deserves a point here. Genesis is definitely a simulation like people were thinking, and of course, this brings me to my next, final, and most important point, Third: Corrupted Avatar Skin What do you need to be in a simulation? An avatar of course! An avatar is what you play as in any simulation or game. In Ark, your character is your avatar of course. If you were playing goat simulator, the goat is your avatar. You get the idea. So of course, an avatar could be defined as a sort of fake body. It's you, but not really. You're just pretending to be it. A sort of you away from you. Now, if there is a corrupted avatar, then there are three possibilities: 1) The simulation is creating a fake corrupted thing for you to fight 2) The simulation itself is corrupted 3) The person controlling the avatar is corrupted Now, if you take a close look at the helmet skin, you can see that the glowing blue parts look very similar to the homo deus skins. So from now on when I say 'Avatar' I'm going to be referring to a Homo Deus's chosen physical form. With that out of the way, let's go over the possibilities. Number 1 is boring; we all know that's not going to be the case because it's boring. No one wants to play in the box where it's all fine and dandy, we're here to fight. I'm going to ignore number 1 as a possibility, I've only included it because the list would be incomplete without it. Numbers 2 and 3 are then the only real possibilites. It's a little bit hard to say which will be the case seeing as we know so little about Genesis so far, but I'm going to lean towards number 3. Why? I'm glad you asked! I've explained this before, but for anyone who hasn't heard me say this: Rockwell, as we know, became one with Aberration. It's as though he became an overseer, except he's still a person. The Homo Deus are uploaded consciousnesses, and Rockwell is connected to the Ark which would give him the abilities of a Homo Deus while still having a real physical body instead of just an Avatar like Helena (though he should be able to make an avatar if he so chose to.) Now, Rockwell is also corrupted, which means that if Rockwell is connected to the... "internet," for lack of a better term, then that must mean that corruption can also spread through the internet. Helena tells us on Extinction that there are lots of brain-dead (so to speak) Homo Deus, and what could be easier to corrupt than a something braindead? Basically, there's a pretty massive chance that there's some corrupted Deus which would lead to number 3 being the case. We also know that Helena can't go there, as she said so in the reveal trailer. Deus being corrupted would be a pretty good way to explain why she can't go there. All this said, number 2 is also possible, but it's equally possible to not be correct. Not enough info to go further (maybe, I might figure something out later)
    1 point
  4. Finally! I think I am finished with the theri breeding, finally ! Must have spent a better part of a week battling against the RNG and hitting my head against a brick wall, but I got there. Must have hatched a few hundred eggs and even got a good number of mutations none of which I kept. Condensing the stats was easy but implementing my preference of colours added a few more generations of breeding. I'll let the final breeders grow up before taking my lightning wyvern to the countless theris I have accumulated over the breeding project(Theris, theris everywhere !), the wall of red text and the tribe log shall be glorious.
    1 point
  5. Lots of people are calling it a hexapod, and I can see why, but I just want to suggest that it's actually an octopod. From the interception we know that it spins webs and drains blood of its victims, just like a spider would. We also know that spiders have 8 legs, not 6. In the picture, the back legs also look off from eachother, and it's not just perspective. I'd wager that the back leg on the left (its right) is a real back leg, while the back leg on the right (its left) is actually just a middle back leg, and that there are 2 legs not shown in the picture.
    1 point
  6. PVE-Official-TheIsland Spent most my day gathering resources and raising babies. One of my friends bases got griefed by a chinese player, they tossed a bunch of unconscious bronto's all around his base blocking all the doorways, even on the roof. Helped him get a support ticket sent in to resolve the issue, come to find out that same tribe that griefed him was trying to sell dinos on the server for real money, defiantly a no no. so hopefully the support staff will get it resolved quickly. After helping my friend with the info he needed and what to do to get a ticket submitted, i headed back to base and continued gathering resources and raising the babies. Got enough together to make the last of the ceilings that I need over at valguero to finish off the pen, and some extra to start working on a connecting pathway between the two buildings for safe foot travel. While raising the babies one of my other friends popped in, I asked them if they got a giga egg sense they had been looking for one, nope not yet, so i bred my two gigas and told them to come get the egg sense they had helped me out before. "for free?" "yep". They asked me to turn on my teleporter so I did and they popped right over, As i was in my inventory to toss out the egg I noticed they dropped a bag in front of me, They grabbed the egg, said thanks, and quickly teleported away. I looked in the bag, and there were several cryopods with babies, so I picked them up and headed into my baby pen and tossed the little guys out: twin Megalania, Black with red stripes I love black n' red dinos, that made my day. I decided to hatch one of my dieno eggs today as well that I had gotten during the last event, I was pleasantly surprised with what came out: hopefully some of the other Dieno eggs i grabbed up during the event give me some more beauties like this one If we get a halloween event I am soooo raiding dieno nests and wyvern nests lol. got the dieno up to 10.1% maturity, the two little lizards up to 5%, and my rexs up to 58-62% (had 5 rexs out all day, you can see some of the feet in the screenshots lol). put all the babies away after waiting for two of them to finish off with their want timer, and crafted a tek geny to take over to valguero to start working on the baby raising area over there. Another tribe showed me a nifty trick for it and im gonna incorporate that in the center of the new pen i've been working on. Future Plans: Get the ceilings crafted tomorrow, and the extra walls/foundations to take over to valguero, finish the roof of the dino pen, get the tek geny placed, and the pieces setup around it for the troughs.
    1 point
  7. had the same thing happen the other day, heres a tip go to Program Files\Steam\Steam Apps\Common\Ark\Shooter game\Saved\Local Profiles make a copy of localprofile.arkprofile, if your map is gone the next time you log into ark, exit out, delete the localprofile.arkprofile, and rename the copy to that. Your maps will be restored. Make sure to make backups of that file often as it stores information about your map, your map pins, skins, and Explorer notes on your local pc.
    1 point
  8. got off, tribe mate joined bigger tribe, bigger tribe destroyed base and stole everything, then proceeded to kick them from the tribe. this all happened a "pve" server.
    0 points
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