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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2019 in all areas

  1. [LOG_TRANSMIT] Requesting status report. [LOG_RECEIVE] Rumors everywhere. The bog has a boogeyman. [LOG_TRANSMIT] Today's rumors are tomorrow's folk tales. [LOG_RECEIVE] Terminal Entry MM-05 [LOG_RECEIVE] We find the lucky ones trapped in giant webs. [LOG_RECEIVE] But we find the unlucky ones as corpses, drained of blood. [LOG_RECEIVE] Unluckiest of all are the ones we never find. Given the above text, I assume that this is some spider creature that spits webs and lives in bogs (hence they say "The bog has a boogeyman"). It seems that if you get trapped in it's web, it will attack you and slowly drain you of health. I wonder how we'll be able to combat that...if at all. Also, is [LOG_RECEIVE] saying that there are more of itself? I mean, it's saying that someone or something is spreading rumors, and "everywhere", and also that "WE find the lucky ones in giant webs". Is it referring to itself and Helena, or, if it's a specimen-monitoring AI as necaradan666 suggested, more of itself, monitoring the specimens? Interesting.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ???? What an interesting discovery, can anyone guess what this creature might be? On The Horizon Hacks/Exploits Abuse of game mechanics, such as meshing and duping, are being reported at a higher frequency. As always, we will continue to implement changes to address any methods we have been able to reproduce. Please continue to report any known methods via the ticket system. Enforcement With the increase of reports, the enforcement team has been tasked with a larger number of tickets. This backlog of requests prevented our enforcement team from acting quickly to incidents that were being reported. We've made a considerable dent in the backlog and hope to improve our response time to incidents that are reported. Events If there's something you'd really like to see in events (regular and holiday), check out the thread below and weigh in! Changes to the Code Of Conduct The Enforcement Team are back again with another important notice regarding the Code of Conduct: New Addition: If you have been hardware ID (HWID) banned, any attempt to access the Official Network with an alternate account is subject to another hardware ID ban You can read the Code of Conduct in its entirety by clicking here. EVO Event Survivors on all platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It will be active from Friday the 11th of Oct at 1 PM EST until Monday the 14th of Oct at 3 PM EST. All Official Servers across each platform will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rates 2x Taming Rates 2x EXP Rates Until next time! Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark View full article
    1 point
  4. Genesis Gonna Have bugs first thing I'm transfering is my Megatherium. I just realized it looks like a Corrupted Onyc
    1 point
  5. Oh, another sassy remark from someone who doesn't understand controlling the servers to that level isn't something Wildcard has access to do themselves. Before you say "pay for better servers", ARK's going to need a steady income (micro-transations) to keep those going. Then again, it depends on how strong the DDoS attack is.
    1 point
  6. There was also an issue of loading the considered stats correctly, so probably you have to set the stats again to the ones you are interested in (usually HP, St, We, Dm). For that settings see in the library at the bottom left, choose the tab called `Stats` (you might have to click on the small arrow to the right), select the desired stats and click on `Apply` at the bottom.
    1 point
  7. Never mind what I said earlier about it being an eggshell, I read the ARG and I'm now like 99.9% sure it's the fishing net they were talking about here: https://ark.gamepedia.com/Fishing_Net_(Genesis)
    1 point
  8. The Sunken Forest on Extinction was most likely a prototype version of Aberration before it sunk into the ground, similar to how the other two domes are prototypes of SE and the snow biome on the Island. Hence, the proto-Aberration might have housed the (man-made) reapers and rock drakes we end up seeing in the official Aberration, similar to how the desert dome houses the morellatops, a SE creature. So, when that proto-Aberration sunk into the ground, it must have taken down the shield surrounding it, allowing the reapers and rock drakes within to escape into the wastelands. This would explain the existence of the both the normal and corrupted reapers and rock drakes. The surviving vegetation from the proto-Aberration would later go on to blossom into the Sunken Forest we know today.
    1 point
  9. Hmmm, well I don't really know about the guy but legit videos for 2+ years as you say does lend a lot to his claims I agree. But even then, the fact that it can't be reproduced and that even Ced said it's fake makes me not want to believe it. I'll play devil's advocate though, when I went and tested, it was on a test singleplayer world. I suppose it might have something to do with your ascension level, worth checking out later.
    1 point
  10. Lol, if you'd just go and make all area underneath the official map structure cause severe burning damage that ignores armor, kinda like the surface of Aberration meshing would end forever.
    0 points
  11. They can get a steady cash flow and better servers all in 1 action. Offer Premium Servers for a fee, $10 local a Month. It will weed out the noobs who play for a day and quit, it will provide a steady cash stream and they will be able to afford better servers.
    0 points
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