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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2019 in all areas

  1. Unless, of course, this doesn't take place AFTER events of Extinction. It could take place counter to it. So at the end if the game, we could see the Arks returning to Earth, signifying that elsewhere, someone had just beaten the King Titan. It could be one of those things where we find out that while one thing was happening in one place (The survivor fighting the king Titan) another related series of events (this new map) was happening elsewhere.
    2 points
  2. I think all in all we can safely say, AP, Arat Prime, is still standing, and functional no less otherwise there wouldn't be a response. This means the following: Arat Prime must have an Active (and stable) Power grid. Any computational systems within would not be able to respond while sputtering and rebooting every 8-10 seconds like Sanctuary's damaged power grid. Arat Prime must have some kind of Overseer, Whether organic, Homo Deus, Homo Sapien (Diana and Mei were heading there) or A.I Based like the Ark Overseers. Arat Prime's data uplink is of high security. While yes anything with a connection needs to be stable, Arat Prime goes the extra mile and encrypts it's datastream. This means there may be something to worry about, whether a rival human/homo Deus faction (possibly corrupted) a forgotten drone military force (mentioned by Santiago on Extinction as bolstering the corrupted's forces), or the ARK system being aware of Aberration's... less than optimal condition, Overseen by a renegade that does not comply with the original parameters. Arat Prime had to process Privilege escalation for a user and granted it (shows us it's computational systems are still working, whatever they may be.) The Unprovens: We don't know if this transmitter/reciever we're observing is entirely stable. The sparks might be normal tek function like with a tek generator, replicator etc, or it might be a malfunction that's causing a slow demise of the system here due to age and neglect of said system. This transmission very well could be a one shot deal. This could still be that hole in the extinction cutscene. While the cutscene doesn't scan our fingerprint per se, (atleast not traditionally) it does eat our Implant and keep it for authentication, afterwards we have a Homo Deus record in it's place. "Elevation Request" could be the system granting us Homo Deus status. What we're seeing now might be what's happening "under the hood" so to speak while Helena takes us on a tour of the planet and the ARK's land. YSCheck remains dubious spelling on my part, that stuff is really hard to make out with the shimmering effects and having to pause/unpause the video to decipher various parts of said text as the entire banner isn't always perfectly visible. Take that with a grain of salt.
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. The one issue with this is there are multiple “the island” arks.
    1 point
  5. Also since we're here and this is a Theory megathread... I think I know why there's no water. I had an epiphany while watching that video from Anthomnia. Where he saw that scar/canyon and there was visible water in it? What if... that's the Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the ocean in the modern day, now the last source of free water? Anyways, slightly off topic, bringing it back. What if the reason there's no water is because of the Element? I think, element needs water. Bear with me here, in Aberration we see water go over a waterfall and turn into pools of element. It's healthy and pure at the top, it's not at the bottom. We know from Rockwell's obsession that this is pure element in it's purest form, if Element possesses some form of sentience like what Extinction hints at, and it's pure form is the result of water mixing with element solids (say, the exposed root-like structures that show in Aberration and Extinction) it might be consuming the water for replication or growth. It would also explain why the most element infested region of Extinction, is a glacier. That stuff is trying to replicate/grow and it needs the water to do it. As a planet the same amount of water has always existed and always will, Earth is a closed system. If all the ARK's and all their water come back, the system is again closed, and element eradication has begun. We know if we chemically divide a compound into it's base elements we'll get back what it's made out of. If the Element eradication process occurs and this theory is true, the more element that gets removed, the more water will return to the planet.
    1 point
  6. If the Arks descended down directly from where they were orbiting, then the Aberration ark would be close to where the Island Ark was at. If you remember, when you entered the Island's Overseer arena and looked out through the glass, you could clearly see Aberration floating close to the Island Ark. And in the Extinction cut-scene the Island Ark touched down close to where the survivor was after beating the King Titan.
    1 point
  7. I got a simple one. The island Ark that landed is the original ark we started on assuming we played it in order right? How many of us have cloning chambers and teleporters at our home base? Problem solved (those are still standing as the ark's come to rest on the surface)
    1 point
  8. I mean, there's always the possibility the respawn mechanic could get reintroduced to the story, just with a different explanation this time.
    1 point
  9. At 2:53 that recharging station is basically 100% proof now that Aberration impacted the planet. Honestly I would love it if - in whatever new content this timer is meant to reference - they added a cutscene where you actually got to SEE Aberration impact the planet. If they did that I would honestly call it the best cutscene in the game's history.
    1 point
  10. I doubt it. As OWW note #10 on Extinction says: "I'm by far the most junior of us, but the rest of my kind can do even less than I. They cannot touch minds or leave slivers of thought. They rely on flawed proxies to oversee the grand System they created, for they can no longer manage it themselves. It is not that they are weak, not at all. It is their power that nurtures the seeds that orbit our home, each one drawing strength from a member of our number. Yes, power they have, but nothing to guide it. Their identity, their sense of self, has decayed and crumbled. Only I can speak for us. I, the youngest, the weakest and the last." Given what she says here, that each Homo Deus "powers" an ARK (or maybe IS an ARK), I find it unlikely that the Homo Dei would be on some special ARK. Furthermore is what she says in her 11th and 12th Extinction notes... "How could ones such as my elders decay like they did? I once asked the same question, but no longer. No one told me the answer. I have simply felt it as I wait, bearing down on me, bit by bit. Think, how much have you ever seen at once? Were you able to process it all, to take in every little detail? Now imagine doing that for two such images. Now a hundred. A thousand. Ten thousand. A million. All that knowledge, all that information, flows into us. It's what let my elders build the System. It's what let me grant you your name, One Who Tries Again, and it's what lets me speak to you now. Yet inevitably, our minds crumble beneath the weight of all that truth, and our souls? They turn to smoke." „ ~ The One Who Waits "While my elders have lost themselves, I still cling to my own mind. My own heart. As much as both have changed, they are still mine, but my grip will not hold forever. There's so much to see, so much to calculate and account for. While I speak to you, I measure the probabilities our conversation alters, and I observe another of your kin. So on and so on, ad infinitum. Without pause, without rest There is no quiet for me anymore, no peaceful silence. I never valued it like I should have, but how could I have seen that? I knew so little then." ...Which seems to suggest that the Homo Dei have become so caught up in processing the activities of the survivors that they can no longer think about anything else, even their old personality/memories. And, judging by Helena's "death" at the end of the Extinction cutscene, it seems this effect continues even if the ARKs do go back to Earth. Becaue of this, I doubt the Homo Dei would make an appearance after Extinction AT ALL, since they would all be still stuck with the ARKs, processing information. But wait, THERE'S MORE! Here's a quote from OWW's 8t Extinction note: "You see those islands in the sky are seeds, and when they fall, they'll need what's left of the System's energy to bloom. So when the barren garden is fully revived, you'll lose the ability to revive yourself." So if Wildcard really is planning to add another DLC, one taking place after the events of Extinction, how would it work if it's not meant to have a respawn mechanic? Would it be like hardcore - mode Minecraft, with one life? I made a post on April 24th (top of page 5) talking more in depth about most of this and more, check that out if you want to find out more.
    1 point
  11. Come on extinction style color events for a few months leading up to an atlas style map that links together ALL the other maps.
    1 point
  12. That would have to mean that whatever new content Wildcard is presenting us likely involves some sort of crossover between Aberration and Extinction specifically, which, given we already have Ragnarok, The Center, and Valguero, which are basically crossovers with The Island, SE, and a little bit of Aberration specifically, makes perfect sense.
    1 point
  13. I agree! I love how Gareth Coker managed to use the music to help convey the story. For the “G” soundtrack, it starts and ends with this mechanical, electronic noise presumably coming from the machine itself. Also, the soundtrack. I managed to get the song itself alone, and the timer doesn’t play all of it, it just starts in the middle. I’m gonna try to listen to it. edit: for the most part, it sounds a lot like extinction soundtracks, with all the harsh noises and electronics, but instead of the “triumph” sounds, it has a calmer beat in places, like aberration. Which leads me to believe this is probably some sort of tek, and probably Arat Prime related.
    1 point
  14. The soundtrack is probably one of the most detailed parts of ARK. Take the normal credit soundtrack, for example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNVCD2WdRsA The first 1:25 sounds like something you would hear on The Island or SE. But then the point between 1:25 and 2:22 sounds like something from Aberration, with it's "electronic" theme. And then the entire rest of that soundtrack sounds like something from Extinction (quite literally!). The mighty sounds the trumpets make during that part are kinda similar to the might of the titans. In short, the credit soundtrack perfectly matches the order and themes of the story ARKs and is a perfect example of A) How much Wildcard values the audio in this game, and B) How much Gareth Coker is underrated. That's why the credits soundtrack for Extinction is so important ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DuEYjga48s ). It gives off this impression that you've accomplished something great, but that there's still more to come, which is basically confirmed with the electronic notes in it even after element has been purged, and of course, that guitar note at the very end.
    1 point
  15. Just to recap every message we've seen so far is as follows "This Is Not Ark 2 Init AP Uplink AP secure connection Decrypting Incoming Datastream Verify UID Fingerprint 24ea9458ED40XXX Command Elevation Request Granted Command Recieved YSCheck Processing..."
    1 point
  16. Latest video update has "AP Secure Connection" on the main banner, currently decoding background banners Background Banner left side "Decrypting Incoming Datastream" Background Banner 2nd from the left "Verify UID Fingerbrint 24ea9458ED40XXX" (ID number may not be exact) UID User ID? Background Banner 2nd from right "Command Elevation Request Granted" Background Banner far right (hardest to make out due to interference) "Command Recieved yscheck" (yscheck may not be entirely accurate but entering the code 5 times gave the same result each time so I might just be blind) Background Behind "Processing ..." (the dots are part of the translation) Also worth noting, the beam is considerably more stable and has arcing electricity between the emitter and the first ring, the arcs throw sparks on impact. Could be damage, could be functioning as intended since TEK stuff tends to be more... showy, to begin with. It is also worth noting the pillar behind the camera's default starting position, it's text is pinched, however changing view layouts this is probably not intentional as it's where the video meshes together, when switching to flat you can see that's where the video wraps around a central point.
    1 point
  17. can someone at WC enlighten me as to why you would allow val a 2x just one weekend before but rip it away this weekend?????????? PLEASE PLEASE give me a reason that has any real justification..
    1 point
  18. After translating pretty much all the background code, i can confirm it's not a reflection. It's not new, either. All it says is "not" or "not a" so i'm guessing its just the "not ark 2" flashing around.
    1 point
  19. Update to the above post about the holographic banners that move, To further complicate the issue, the text is upside down, it's easiest to see at 5 seconds in on the right side pillar where you can invert the camera in the video BUT, the text is obstructed. However, I can say the last 9 characters of the LONGEST string of text are S D A S W A W A S (this is the encrypted character, not the decoded character) While this itself doesn't translate to anything in the Ark Decoder, IF, there are existing Ark Codes that have the 3rd column ending in those characters, then this is a repeat of that code. Eliminating the first S from the equation gives K2 as the translation of daswawas, which could be the "This is not ARK2" message rolled into one column given it's length, or there are two columns overlapping looking like a longer singular column.
    1 point
  20. What if it isn't an Ark, but a space-station where the surviving Ark builders have been living? I think there was more in orbit of Earth than just the Arks. On Extinction, survivors received the Orbital Supply Drops. Where did they come from? Who sent them? I think this will be a new map, but not an Ark, a giant space station.
    1 point
  21. Well there's an easy way to find out, @Survivetheark appears in the Hall of History, a quick comparison of that banner to this one will tell you if it's the same text, the shading of encrypted characters and length of the banner should be similar if it is, even if you can't directly translate this new cutscene's banner due to resolution.
    1 point
  22. @Sosinchen I think I hear what you’re talking about. Sadly, I have no idea how to filter. Something my friend noticed earlier, though, is that the music is also named “G.” Side note, were the rings spinning yesterday? If so, guess I’m just oblivious. My friend pointed out that they were spinning around 11:30 est, I didn’t know if it was new or not though. Edit: I think the voice like noise is more likely some electronics. Though I do think the music is interesting. The music itself is like the original, but more electronic, which seems to be used a lot around tek/element. For example, the ascensions, overseer especially, and lots of other tracks. This electronic stuff really appeared in aberration, which has quite a bit of tek. Enough of that though. In the background, though you can’t really hear a voice, you can definitely hear the device, and another, quieter sound my friend described as “watery.” If I had editing software, I would try to take this apart. I’m gonna still try to dissect it as much as I can without editing software. edit 2: I’d like to give credit to the friend I keep mentioning; @Berrydust, thanks for the help fren. Also, I’m gonna see if any songs are similar to “G.” edit 3: from doing a quick go through of the island, the only songs that have this electronic sound are Tek Cave, Overseer(though it’s a little...harsh sounding), and ascension. The one with the most electronic sounds is Tek Cave, the one with Tek in its name. This Tek/electronics thing could be a coincidence, but I’m not sure. If it seems like I’m rambling, sorry. I just think the music in this is interesting. Edit 4: I’m finally done skimming. Scorched earth, almost no significant sounding electronics, and se also happens to mostly not surround tek. Aberration, almost all songs have the electronic sounds, but one of the most significant is ascension. The surface has electronic sounds too, but harsher. I’ll get to that in a second. Extinction, pretty much all the songs had electronics. Some of the most notable ones were the main theme, titan fights, and ascension. The last thing I have to say on it is that it seems like whenever the sounds are harsher like on The Surface or the Titan fights, it seems to be connected with corruption, tek, or really dangerous things in general. Again, sorry for the rant. I’m done now.
    1 point
  23. Just think, it's midnight and you're chopping a tree for fire wood and you hear the sounds of a raptor approach. You are over weight so you drop some wood and dash out of there. Bob and weave, weave and bob. You look behind you and breathe a sigh of relief because you lost them Turn back around and see the 10 pairs of glowing eyes of troodons. Sounds like a blast...
    1 point
  24. I don't have a VR headset yet but with the rise of these new and affordable headsets around, it would be an AMAZING Game to immerse yourself in VR and feel like you really own Dino's, I know head tracking is available but a full version port would be a huge step in making VR the best thing ever. Imaging hatching a baby and seeing it there right in front of you, or running from a raptor hearing it's footprints chasing you down. I hope you've considered it.
    1 point
  25. ark survival evolved genesis the fourth and final dlc! hype lol seriously well done all the mod entries and winners! hopefully teh fixes for console come soon and you find solution for xbox duping, now if ya want to also sort out prim plus and ark nintendo switch updates and i think your work would be done lol
    1 point
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