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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Not much today. Raided some beaver dams (they weren't happy about it though). Also I worked on a small outpost/base at the Hidden Lake, it looks okay. I harvested thousands of crystal and metal (my rates are on 50.0) I listened to Survival Evolved Neebs Gaming (I'll insert the link btw, theres two videos). Other than that, nothing else. Survival Evolved Survival Evolved
    2 points
  2. Island-Single Player-PS4 Pretty solid last day or so. Gathered about 1.5K Crystal, 1.5k Obsidian, and around 5k metal. Went out and tamed two argy’s and a saber. Then decided to move base locations. Was able to successfully move all my Dino’s to the new spot. My word, I never want to do that again. So to keep track, it’s 6 Dilo’s, 2 lystro’s, 2 ptera’s, 2 argy’s, 1 Trike, 1 Sarco, 1 Spino, 1 Saber, and as of a few minutes ago, 1 Thero. Built a massive pen, using the land. Two stones in front that are at each edge of the gate opening up to the water, and there’s a half cut down tree in the middle of the pen lol. Very happy with it. Got the base built and everything back inside. Gonna work on an aviary and a water pen ASAP so I can move the Dino’s that shouldn’t be in the “land pen” @SnowboundGem your posts made me a lot more aware of using the land and what it has to offer to my advantage, and not getting rid of certain trees, stones, etc, so thank you for that
    1 point
  3. @Kodking194 @HenryManson Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it, but believe me I'm no stranger to taming. It was more taking a shot at an opportunity, that argent was flying around by the redwoods outpost I was building and I figured I would try to grab it. Speaking of argents, I did a thing today: I tamed a new argent. In fact, I tamed 4 new argents. One thing that's always kind of bugged me is feeling like I'm playing backwards. That is to say, how we all grind out all kinds of mats and build super fancy bases to breed all of these incredibly strong animals...which we then no longer need, because we already built our mega bases... My mining outpost is naturally a great starting point for higher tech items so I went ahead and built a few things. You can also see the beetle I tamed in the background, took my bary to the volcano cave and basically tamed the first one I saw so I can now freely run my S+ hatchery. And I started breeding the argents I tamed, because why wouldn't I want an early start on one of the most important utility animals in the game? This gorgeous bird is not my final build, he just happened to pop out with a color mutation I loved. Even without my best all of his stats trump my level 90 wild tame, obviously, and he is fully imprinted too. Got lucky, he's a cuddly death machine. I have gotten some other mutations, but I killed those ones off cause they weren't pretty. The currently growing generation of birds should be the last I need to build my final breeding pair before I start working on mutations for real. Honestly I could stand to look around for another high level wild or two, I'm not happy with my weight stat. The bird above actually got a weight mutation, the base stat was 40, very low for a bird. All the other base stats for this line are 45+ with the exception of food and oxygen, which I dropped out of the line entirely with a low level argent mixed in. I also tamed a 145 ptera and left it at my starter base as basically my "rescue ranger" in case the game crashes and I die again, necessitating another retrieval of my body and bird. Which did actually happen again last night. I ended up verifying my files just in case, it's so incredibly rare for me to crash in SP. I'll replace it with a tapejara eventually. Also, I guess this is the argument the admin on the server I play on is making, that people will overbreed and lag out the server. I've got my settings turned way up (obviously) but I'm hardly drowning in argents. At most I have about 7 alive at any given time, well 8 now. The 3 birds of the current generation, the 3 of the next generation, my new main bird and the old one that I'm feeling too sentimental to retire just yet. So yes, clearly I would be flooding the server. ?
    1 point
  4. I made a chem bench, assault rifle, and pump shotgun and wait for it... a GIGA! And btw, just wanted to know, did any of u lke the song I posted yesterday? XD
    1 point
  5. Home button, Y for screenshots, or X for videos. A little bonus for you. If you format an external storage device, you can record long videos as long as they are saved in that location.
    1 point
  6. Do you use a chat pad? If so the bottom 2 buttons beside space bar are Picture / Video capture... i have hundreds of pics because of it lol Otherwise maybe when using glow button to check time irl or messages etc and hitting start or select
    1 point
  7. Killed an alpha raptor lv 100 that threatened to wipe my base, using my new therizino and lv 230 trike
    1 point
  8. Well, we had our turtle race around Carno island, and it was a blast. I was the only one without a mic, though. The race started with a shot from a flare gun, and my turtle leaped (actually, kind of more like waded) into the chilly water. I'm in the lead and closing in on the island. Then someone says something funny, and I start typing. So my turtle's sinking, while I'm trying to type faster and look out for jelly fish at the same time. I hit Enter, and it's back to the race. We're all pretty even by the time we emerge from the surf and land on Carno island. I have to say that turtles really aren't that graceful when they run; they look more like they've had way too much caffeine and are doing some kind of twitchy fast-walk. We're still all grouped up as we're heading along the beach, and then the leader pulls off to the side. He saw the carnos and raptors ahead. Me, I would see them shortly. Woo hoo, I'm in first. I come barreling (sort of) around a rock and wham-bam raptor-slam. I'm pounced off my turtle. I pull my pike out and get to stabbing things, as four turtles stutter-walk past me. Grrr! Back on Trixie now, and we're closing the distance on the middle of the pack. The leader is way ahead at this point. Two scorpions are stinging the turtle racer in front of me. And I'm like, "Ha, ha, payback!" Then . . . wham-bam raptor-slam. "Son of a bulbdog!" I managed to deal with the raptor, a few scorpions, and one or two carnos along the way, and we survived! Of course, Trixie and I were the last to cross the finish line. And those Jellyfish really, really tried to make sure we didn't. So, someone else won the Snow Owl, which I'm okay with. But then, they decide to do another race for a smaller dino. So this time, Trixie and I play it smart. We're staying with the group, and when the alpha raptor starts heading toward us, we swing out into the shallow water, keeping one of the other racers closer to it. I lose sight of it behind us, and I'm wondering if this is going to work or not, when the alpha starts attacking the other racer. Woot! From there, I managed to pull ahead and won a featherlight. It's high-level, and red, matching my armor. So all-in-all a good day. I just have to keep Trixie in sweet veggie cakes until the end of time.
    1 point
  9. Looks like I’ll have a Friday night to play ark, for once. Pretty stoked, but then I’ll probably make a terrible mistake in game and ask myself “why did I play tonight?” Lol
    1 point
  10. Continuing my Scorched Earth play through. Searching around for drops so I can pull in a Wyvern. Decided to go naked and spawn in random locations and it worked perfectly except I wasn’t high enough to open the drop lol. Fortunately I was 1 level off so made a mad dash to get resources and craft out some structures for the XP, all the while looking over my shoulder. Levelled up, pulled my Wyvern out of a drop and now I can continue building my base.
    1 point
  11. After almost 2 years of constant breeding, every larger group now has incredibly mutated dinos that are nowhere close to what the game was originally balanced around. This means that dinos like Rhinos or Therizinosaurs deal much more damage and are much harder to kill than they were 1.5 years ago when the game released. Politically, the game is currently very stale, with alliances constant, no big conflicts and many people leaving the main cluster for others clusters or other games for a fresher and more exciting experience. A wipe would easily reset breeding back to its original state and bring these dinos back down to what they were originally, and bring back many players that have left over the last year. edit: im talking (mostly) about the Official PvP network, non-legacy, main cluster)
    0 points
  12. I delivered a squid only to disconnect and die on the way home. My body must have fell through the map because there was nothing zip nada no body to recover. Good bye squid. Last week, a level 5 megalodon spawned inside my 20x24 double and triple block solid metal walls water pen and killed a high level angler in the middle of 3 crabs and 4 basilos all on neutral. Week before that, 5 dinos shoulder to shoulder. 3 rex, 2 golems, all on neutral, rex in the middle "was killed". My dinos don't die from gameplay. The mechanics, bugs, disconnects and all the other problems NOT gameplay make this unplayable.
    0 points
  13. how have you come to that conclusion ? do troodons climb walls ? do troodons have nests ? can troodons latch onto enemy dinos ? can you ride troodons ? the answer to these is no, so explain ya stupid comment pls
    0 points
  14. Wow so great. Removing servers that no one plays on. The community DEFINITELY dosent want new servers like duo servers, ESPECIALLY not console, whos last servers where small tribes. People definitely arent quitting the game for the lack of not being able to build up. Btw if u couldnt tell i was being sarcastic :/. #RIPARK2019. Great work devs ?
    0 points
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