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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2018 in all areas

  1. *Wildcard introduces Cryopod and Cryofridge* PvE players: this won’t really help *Wildcard announces kibble rework* PvE players: this change will deem dinos pointless and ruin the progression. Also PvE players: Wildcard need to fix tame capped servers.
    1 point
  2. If your complaint about the kibble rework is that many dinos will become useless, do you not think it would be in your best interests to list and nominate them for TLC passes?
    1 point
  3. Please don't do this. This kibble change will single handedly eliminate 80% of the dino content from the game. The old tree just needed a little tweaking. Think about it. The only interaction most people have with most of the dino content is to tame them for kibble reasons. Scorpions would never be tamed if they were not the kibble for rex. That goes for a lot of dinos...Gali, terror birds, pegomastix, and on and on. This kibble change is not an improvement, it's a gutting of the game and a bypassing of a lot of the dino content that was added.
    0 points
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