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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2018 in all areas

  1. Yeah, the megalodon looks too fat and its mouth is to small and deep in its body it barely looked like it could bite a large coel. Also the quetzal. Maybe zoom in vision and more speed? Or a scan ability like the parasaur? Realistically they were weak scavengers that ate babies or small, sick dinos. They were fast and had great vision and smell to find food and threats. I don't like the mowhawk on it either.
    1 point
  2. Thats cool, Pc gets new server what about xbox ps4 the ones who really need new servers what a joke
    1 point
  3. Your right, what was the facepalm for tho? I didnt know the pc notes had it since i usually dont look in there since im a ps4 guy
    0 points
  4. Wasnt expecting you to, you could of posted the link like you usually do Really, a facepalm, all i wanted was a link dude. Dump out your cheerios if someone peed in em and get a new bowl. Anyone else ask a question like that and youd link it and no ill feelings, but me you have to show your hind end huh. Typical moderator.
    0 points
  5. Ok so whats been fixed? What am i looking forward to? Im curious
    0 points
  6. Like what? I haven't got any downloads except tlc2. I haven't noticed any changes nor seen any reports of it. The changelog doesnt say anything new and i haven't seen any notes on these fixes. Even if there has been fixes they arnt big 1s, the 1s ign or GI would criticise heavily. The 1s like i mentioned that affect extremely important parts of the game. The 1s other companies would jump on as soon as they were found...
    0 points
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