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Hello Survivors! We are excited to announce that in the near-future, ARK: Survival Evolved will support Local Two-Player Split-Screen for both Xbox One and PC versions of the game! We know this has been a highly requested feature from players of both console and PC as it has often come up in Digests and other places where we interact with you and we're excited to allow you guys to unravel the mysteries of the ARK side by side with your friends and families! View full article1 point
PlayStation Survivors! This is it! This is where your open-world dinosaur survival fantasy finally comes to life. ARK: Survival Evolved and its expansions are now available for download from the PlayStation Network store. For those of you who are new to the community and the game, here’s an initial visual primer on what ARK's all about: ARK: Survivor’s Pack will be available for purchase in many regions across the globe. This bundled offering includes both the base game, ARK: Survival Evolved, and the massive desert-themed expansion, ARK: Scorched Earth together! Survivors based in the American region will have to wait a wee bit longer as the game will become available for you on the 6th of December at approximately 11AM Eastern Time! The ARK: Survivor’s Pack gives PS4 players an up-to-date version of ARK: Survival Evolved that includes the previously released content, plus Scorched Earth -- ARK’s first Expansion Pack. The Survivor’s Pack adds extra PS4 content including a Bionic Giganotosaurus skin plus an entire Manticore armour set for male and female characters. PS4 ARK players can expect to receive a constant stream of major updates between today and our ultimate “content complete” point next Spring. We plan on adding many more creatures, weapons, armour, game mechanics, as well as plenty lifestyle improvements (UI Update anyone? )! Please keep in mind that by joining ARK, you’re joining a work-in-progress game with a passionate community of players, and true to its namesake the game will continue to “Evolve” over its long lifetime. In fact, if you’ve been keeping an eye on ARK’s social platforms you may have noticed your first patch is already on the way! Primitive+ and a bundle of fixes will be rolling out starting Tuesday through the end of the week across all regions. It took a little longer for it to get through certification, sorry about that hehe ::ARKLove:: Though that’s not all, in the weeks and months ahead you can expect to see some awesome new additions to the ARK, including new features as well as a tonne of new content. The ARK will be undergoing a complete redesign and expansion of its underground cave systems; a whole new tier of weapons, structures and items dubbed the TEK Tier; further increased game performance and optimization; per-pixel canvas painting; infinite customizable Procedurally Generated ARKs; new systems such as hair customization and the “Ascension” end-game cycle; limited-time holiday events, and of course you cannot forget an expanded menagerie of wondrous creatures. One feature we’re incredibly excited to bring to PS4 and Xbox survivors early next year is the concept of player-run, PC-hosted dedicated servers. These servers will have higher maximum player counts and a good deal of customizable settings, for hardcore server administrators to tune everything to their liking. We’re working on it, and so far it’s looking very promising! Optional cross-play, including PS4, should come along shortly thereafter! To celebrate welcome PlayStation 4 Survivors and the opening of the PS4 Official Survivors, Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk! Starting from Tuesday the 6th of December at 12PM EST until Monday the 12th at 12PM EST all Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate So hop on, meet new friends and enjoy the game together with our ever-growing band of survivors! We hope you’re as excited as we are, it’s going to be a wild adventure, filled with content-packed months, and we want every one of our Survivors along with us! After all, evolution is best served by genetic diversity, and life finds a way… All the best, Wildcard Jat & The Studio Wildcard Team1 point
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch and ARK Digest (coming soon)! For those of you who've missed the earlier announcements this week, let's have a quick catch-up as we shared some very important news! Announcing ARK Park VR! We've partnered up with Snail Games to bring you a totally new ARK VR experience -- Snail’s Peacock Studio is developing, while Studio Wildcard is providing creative consultation. ARK stalwarts will have their skill and cunning in taming primeval creatures rewarded in this new game, as they can import their own collected dinosaurs from the original survival game into an up-close and personal, full VR experience! Players begin their ARK Park adventure at a visitor center surrounded by life-sized holographic dinosaurs where they'll learn about these creatures that they’ve only read about & seen in books and summer blockbusters. From there, players will have the option to explore multiple interactive attractions on-foot or in vehicles & on Dino-back, including a swamp, forest, desert, snowy mountain range, and more. Each attraction features stunningly rendered and realistic environments of the period inhabited by ARK creatures, which can be found and captured through use of items, weapons, and puzzle-solving. More gameplay details on ARK Park are available on Sony’s PlayStation Blog, here: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/12/15/ark-park-coming-to-playstation-vr-in-2017-interacts-with-ark-survival-evolved/ ARK Park will be available on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation™VR in 2017. You can also sign-up for updates about ARK Park at www.arkparkvr.com! You can check out more screenshots on our initial announcement page: ARK Digest 45 Here is our question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, Co-Creative Director of ARK: Survival Evolved, and Co-Founder of Studio Wildcard: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz! Survivor, FlyinJapman4 asks, “Can you update more of the item spawn commands so more of them have item ID numbers? Like the Kibbles, Saddles, and Tranq Darts?” Survivor, MrRetrospective asks, “I was wondering if there was a way you could make a form of shock collar system for dinos to stop people from kiting dinos away from a base. Essentially any unauthorized movement by the dino would only go a certain distance from a placed wireless transmitter structure that sends out a circle from its location encasing dinos from being kited. Like on neutral a Dino will attack things but it won't leave the specified zone unless ridden or set to follow. Thanks!” Survivor, Deepz asks, “Can Xbox get a My Survivors Tab to find characters?” Survivor, Avios asks, “Could there be a small chance that wild dinos will drop Fertilized eggs? (With improved stats similar to post-tamed dinos of that level, anyways.)” Survivor, The8ball0 asks, “I was wondering if you would be able to have a random size generator for all creatures of ark not just the fish. I feel it would make them more individual. Obviously it wouldn't go too extreme though u wouldn't get trex sized dodos but maybe a couple of dilo size?” Survivor, Grounded On asks, “a serious note can we get some form of mod loading progress bar on the PC client? To many people think the game has crashed because it just says "Loading mods" and then is unresponsive for several minutes while it loads them.” Survivor, Shrekasaurus asks, “What sort of criteria do you go through when deciding what creatures to add? I'm very curious on this.” Survivor, Jmarr307 asks, “Is it possible to add a motion activated gate (maybe a tek gate) which allows dinosaurs and their riders to pass through gates without having to close them behind you? Like a tag you put on your mount like the tracker bug which allows any dino with it to pass through with ease?” Survivor, Tatsu86 asks, “Can Xbox & PS4 users get options to reduce the 3 hour time between imprinting baby dinos on Private / Non-Dedicated & single-player servers? It's difficult in a single-player experience to keep a server open for 3 hours at a time just to breed. Appreciate it, thanks.” Survivor, Vscotty1 asks, “What did you all enjoy the most about developing ARK?” Survivor, Vscotty1 also asks, “If you could have any celebrity advertise ARK who would it be?” Survivor, ENERV8 asks, “When a weapon/tool breaks and we have multiples in our inventory could another be auto equipped?” Survivor, Rogueblade1658 asks, “will there be caves and obelisks added to PG maps” Survivor, Silver116 asks, “Will cross-platform happen? I've had this game since it's release into Early Access on Steam, but my friend can't afford a gaming PC and has bought the PS4 copy. It would be awesome if we could play together via cross-platform (me on the PC version and him on the PS4 version)” Survivor, Ul1sses asks, “I want to know if the blocking of drops and obelisks is something that will continue to be part of PvP game. How can i use the transfer mechanic if someone blocked all the exits?” Survivor, Monsters asks, “In a coming update can you make that you can decide what side you hop off on small to medium dino's? ( like how you can decide which side the bronto swings it's tail by using the camera)” Survivor, Bacon8RColby asks, “Are there plans for additional story telling mediums aside from the explorer notes? Cinematics and things like that?” Survivor, Xmrmeow asks, “Would you ever consider playing with verticality more in the island or any other maps you plan on releasing to give them more room in the same volume? (E.g. floating islands, underground rivers, inner volcano lava rivers that connect volcanos, caves that present a safer(or maybe more treacherous, but more rewarding) shortcut from point A to point B)” Survivor, Legendaryc4 asks, “Could you add an option so it automatically sets every dino and structure rank to a set rank so I literally don't have to spend 4 hours walking around my base manually setting every structures access rank, inventory rank, whistle, and riding ranks?” Evolution Event: Permanent Double Rates The ARK harvesting, EXP, and taming rates will be transitioning to 2x permanently! This is a decision we’ve made after experimenting with the game’s rates for quite some time. You may have noticed in the last few weeks the Evolution Events have gotten longer, this has allowed us to get a better feel for how it would play out in a permanent live experience. We have consistently received a lot of feedback from you, and it was very evident that players preferred the increased rates. Thusly, the rates will stay at 2x permanently from now onwards on our Official Servers. As for upcoming Evolution Events, we've decided that we're going to keep the server rates as 2x for anaylsis to help us determine what values further Evolution Events should have. Furthermore, in the next major version releases, the 2x rates will be implemented directly in the game build itself. This means that Non-Dedicated Servers, Single Player Sessions and of course Unofficial Servers will also feel the increased rates. Therefore, if you’re currently using customized rates, it’s something you will want to keep in mind before this change is in place -- specifically upon the release of the next Major Version on each of your respective platforms, you may wish to reduce your server/game rates by 50% to have the same effective values as before. We appreciate all the response you guys have provided to us regarding our Evolution Events and are looking forward to running more exploring new features with you in the upcoming future. ARK: Survival of the Fittest All Stars & Naugty and Nice! The ARK: Survival of the Fittest All Stars plus Naughty & Nice matches will take place from 11 am EST to 3 pm EST tomorrow, Saturday the 17th December 2016! The final games will be shout-casted by typeForced! We invite all ARK fans to come watch the epic battles at that time on our Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/survivetheark To those competing: may fortune smile upon you, brave Survivors! Patch 253: Underwater Caves! As we approach the 21st of December and the release of Patch 253. We'd like to remind players that this update will involve a visual update for the current Underwater Caves, as well as introduce 2 New Full-Scale Underwater Caves. Once this patch is released, all Underwater Caves on the Island will have their structures and Dinos removed, therefore it is in the players best interest to ferry them away whilst they can! UI Discussion: Dino Inventory & Overlay, Engram Page, Player HUD, and Multi Wheel! We received a lot of feedback regarding our previous discussion on Player's Inventory screen. We're now looking to collect feedback and suggestions from the community regarding the; Dino Inventory & Overlay, Engram Page, Player HUD, and Multi Wheel. If you'd like to provide us some feedback, you can do so here: Community Contests! NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: http://images.nvidia.com/ansel/SuperResolution/ARK-SuperResolution1/ARK__Survival_Evolved_HighRes_2016_09_01_-_14_38_36_55.html ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! Wolf Angelus - Stay Back! GravesAJ - A Whole New World Wolf Angelus - Handsome Devil KISHK0 - Soaring The Mountains EXFIB0 - I'll take a nap Runner Ups! Kovko - Dream StateofMynd42 - Nocturnal Daydream Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - Broken Path DarkDolphin - Curiosity KISHK0 - Hunter GravesAJ - Ready for Anything! GravesAJ - Best of Friends Christoph Eggart - Winter Journey DarkDolphin - Through The Storm EXFIB0 - Finally! We made it Wolf Angelus - Ruined Wolf Angelus - Hot Escape Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winners! EXFIB0 - River Curves Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - Tranquillity! Kovko - Separated KISHKO - World Scar KISHKO - Crystal Cave KISHK0 - Obelisk Wolf Angelus - Harmony & Chaos Freeform! Winners! DarkDolphin - Curiosity Wolf Angelus - Jerb Bath Time! Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - Keeping Hydrated! Kovko - What is love Wolf Angelus - Jerb Bath Time! [Retro Filter] EXFIB0 - Tapejara Twins EXFIB0 - Dragons vs Wyverns Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Wolf Angelus for Flow of Time! and the string to run the PGM: If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: ...and this great explanation video from Thick Freedom! ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 76 is... It's a tie! GamerPerfection - A Horse With No Name and GlowhooPenguin's ARK Moments! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 76 is… It's another tie! Congratulations to.. RYANT1UM for their Santa's Sleigh! and Valoule for their GuitARK! Album: https://imgur.com/a/SaEVX We'd also like to give an honourable mention to Kirioku for their Castle! If you'd like to check out the rest of the submissions for this weeks contests, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Guide to Ordering Groups by MrDolphin Dino Surfing and "A Dance with Dinos" Guide. by MrDolphin ARK RAID CAMS: PRISONERS RAID! - ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED by H.O.D GAMING AVIARY STRUCTURES MOD - ARK: EVOLUTION by VIRTUAL REALMS Ark Cabana Resort!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 3 by RYANT1UM Snow Biome Exploration - Pooptopia - Season2 E52 - Ark Survival Evolved by kortniechan Gaming Top 5 PvP Base Locations on The Island [Part 2] PvP Tips & Tricks - ARK Survival Evolved by KISHKO Strong 6x4 Vault Base Build - ft. Hidden Generator, Quad Walls and Double Foundations. by EXFIB0 3x3 PvP Base Design w/ Dropped Vault, Flyer Pen, Crops - Building Tutorial - ARK: Survival Evolved by KISHKO "BOXED IN" - Rogue Two (Episode 1) by Lame Wolf Productions Kye923 | 方舟:生存進化 ARK | 木頭人挑戰 Mannequin Challenge 2x1 Starter Solo Base Design with Fabricator - ARK Building Tips & Tricks - ARK: Survival Evolved by KISHKO Painted Horse Chalicotherium by Sharkcat Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817329038 Little Helper Chalicotherium by Sharkcat Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817294690 Kapro. First art in SAI by tianat Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816671058 MS Paint Rex by President Pepe Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=819148848 Ark babies by Darken-Si Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817217514 Holo-Rex by President Pepe Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816873038 First comic about ark : logic evolved xD(SKETCH) by tianat Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817776451 How do you hunt Tapejaras? You don't. by Violet Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=818176036 DodoZilla by Tbjbu2 Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=817613395 Hiding Dilo by GoldHeart Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=818506073 Leviathan Dossier by Mega Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=819726675 Workshop Spotlight Workshopper: Impulse Mods: Capitalism Series http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018631975/myworkshopfiles/?appid=346110 Ced: Hey Survivors! I'm here with Impulse, the creator of the capitalism mod series. It's been one of the more popular mods for the last 6 months so I thought it would be good to catch up with Impulse. Impulse, glad to have you here! So your mod is a very interesting concept! I can see it adding a bit of an economic feel to servers, which I find exciting! What was the inspiration for creating this mod? Ced: Cool! I'm actually familiar with both of those mods! So tell me what it was like to pick the Ark Dev Kit and start modding. Have you had any game development or development experience prior to that? Ced: That's amazing! Often, I find that people who mod haven't really had a ton of experience doing game development. Do you feel like you past experience in programming helped you when it came to create this mod? Ced: I find that to be true as well although it definitely takes some adjusting if you are used to programming in a more native way like I was and sounds like you were. So let's try to explain the capitalism mod for those who are reading and aren’t familiar with the other economy mods you mentioned. The basic idea is that there is currency and you can use that currency to buy items? Ced: Yea, back when I was thinking of implementing something similar, that was where I got stuck. I knew there had to be currency to regulate the trading/economy. I notice that there are several "modules" that are available for the base currency mod. Can you explain a little bit about the idea behind that. Was it so that people using the mod can customize their experience? Ced: That's a good point.. It allows you to work on things in a more modular fashion! So it seems like the mod is relatively stable. Are there any plans to add to it in the future? Ced: Wow that sounds really exciting. I haven't really heard of an idea quite like it. You'll have to keep me updated on the progress Well it appears it has been a warm reception from the community on your work. In fact, I was looking at the stats on your mod, and your mod is one of the few where the unique visitors to the mod page is less than the people that actually subscribed. What this implies is that people are joining servers that are running your mod. That has to be a good feeling right? Ced: We really have a great community! It's been great chatting with you Impulse! Any last words for the community or the Wildcard team? As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: www.facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/playark Imzy: https://www.imzy.com/ark Much love, Wildcard Jat, Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team1 point
wow, some more awesome creativeness this week. Great job everyone!1 point
If this where on a mobile app i'd download and use it. But i guess 1 isn't enough1 point
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