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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2016 in all areas

  1. So looking forward to exploring unmapped new worlds with the procedurally generated maps.
    1 point
  2. I guess I am one of those "No ones". I believe that Procedural Generated maps is a great addition and once working properly after the "Initial Testing Experiment" of this update, the versatility of this game will have become unlimited. So many thing to do, so many new maps available. So many more uncharted territory to explore. The same old map gets old after a while. This will open up extended play. By delaying the update to smooth it out instead of sending out trash too early is in fact them getting their poop together. This was a wise decision.
    1 point
  3. Same size as far as area but the one seed (procedural generated ark ) to another will have mountains in different areas, possibly spawns too. The water areas will be different, etc. The whole map will cover the same area as normal but generate with different landmass, water, ocean, etc.
    1 point
  4. The Vampirism/Lycanthropy "diseases" sound really fun. If things go well with them maybe they can be developed into the game permanently. There can be tribes of vampires/werewolves! I don't mind the 248 delay so long as the update is properly executed and polished when released. Keep up the good work WildCard!
    1 point
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