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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Doesn't the dark space look like the S.O.T.F logo was cut out of it... Or to be more specific it looks LIKE A LOGO of some sort as its a mirror image left and right except for the two points in the middle.. But just speculating a new game mode maybe like Boss battle arena..
    2 points
  2. Hello Survivors! We are excited to announce the launch of our new Customer Support System! This will allow us to ensure that we are able to provide you with the assistance you need from technical issues to incidents that occur on the ARK. The new system will contain articles covering a range of topics to help solve the most common problems that survivors are facing. Over the coming weeks, additional articles will be added to the system to provide you guys with as much information as possible. If you find yourself in a situation where the articles are not able to provide you with assistance, worry not Survivors - as this support system includes the ability for you to create, manage and edit your own tickets! As part of the migration to the new system, any previous ticket that had been submitted prior to the 13th of February 2016 will have to be resubmitted - sorry guys! Going forward our new system will ensure that we are better equipped to assist you guys with your problems, concerns, and reports in a much more prompt and effective manner! So if there are any issues that you need support with, please do not hesitate to get in touch! Just click on the ‘Support’ link in the main Community Menu or head over to support.survivetheark.com and we, with our team of well-trained Mesopithecus’ will be more than happy to assist you! If you're already a community member just login as normal and submit a ticket, if not signing up for a Community Forum account is just a simple step away! All the best, Wildcard Jat and the ARK Survival Evolved Team
    1 point
  3. It doesn't work like that. Xbox doesn't have war paint not by choice, but it does have Tek Rex by choice. Why do people have to throw the fact that PC has war paint in people's faces, when it is not a decision that was made by choice. There is no reason why both console and PC won't get this tbh. The Xbox have the Rex which most likely means it will get the Giga, plus the fact this is also promoted over on the Steam forums probably means it will be on PC too.
    1 point
  4. Not the only thing huh? Hope the other(s) include the spino!
    1 point
  5. Ohh Yeah !! The Mighty Kraken !!
    1 point
  6. It's ok though, just means they ran into trouble if so, so obviously we just have to wait a little longer, we get this for now to satisfy us as is
    1 point
  7. Can't wait to mess with a bunch of people on my server.
    1 point
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