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Pentaceratops imperialis [Impenetrable Bulwark]




PentaceratopsDossier-1.png?ex=679eb9c6&is=679d6846&hm=6e4eae6cb7304fdefd3a7f753f9a3a5d0f0d38de497894caccd5c330606b2e32&=Pentaceratops imperialis

[Impenetrable Bulwark] Heavy Tanking Herbivore


[Proposed size reference ]PentaSize.png?ex=67a24c17&is=67a0fa97&hm=ee3b8a53fe2755c9af846d91ea6ecc8992832717c8bf71772f5b8be6e2f64dd1&



  • [Passive] Safety In Numbers
    When in a group of 3 or more, Pentaceratops receives a defense boost

  • [Ability 1] Stance Change
    Pentaceratops changes stances, as the name implies. There are a total of 4 stances, Bulwark, Marching Wall, Battering Ram, and Neutral.
    -Neutral: Base wild stance, no stat changes.
    -Bulwark: Pentaceratops lowers its body to the ground, laying down with it's huge frill acting as a wall blocking incoming damage for the rider and any tames or structures behind its massive frill. While in this stance Pentaceratops cannot move and damage to the head in this stance would heal Pentaceratops and charge up its Battering Ram stance. When in this stance other Pentaceratops may "lock up", forming a very durable wall. 
    -Marching Wall: Pentaceratops lock up in a line formation, their frills forward as they march. Damage is greatly reduced and any damage taken or dealt by Pentaceratops charges up its Battering Ram stance. While in Marching Wall, Pentaceratops can strafe and turn in place. This stance would be used in the wild when players attempt to knock out a Pentaceratops, resulting in them keeping their face to their attackers.
    -Battering Ram: Upon charging its gauge sufficiently, all Pentaceratops in the Bulwark/Marching Wall formation charge forward, entering their offensive stance. Their damage is boosted in this stance, making them a very credible threat. Pentaceratops does increased damage to structures in this stance, making it an excellent frontliner or seige beast.

  • [Ability 2] Taunt
    Pentaceratops lets out a loud roar, stamping its feet on the ground and shaking its massive frill in a threat display. This taunt would function like the magmasaur, drawing aggro to Penta so it or its allies can finish them off.




  • [Attack 1] Headbutt
    Slow headbutt that does heavy damage and knockback. Disabled in Bulwark mode. In Battering Ram this attack does enhanced damage to structures and constructs.

  • [Attack 2] Light Stomp
    Directional light stomp, light damage and knockback. Disabled in Bulwark mode.

  • [Attack 3] Heavy Stomp
    A heavy AOE stomp, does heavy damage and little knockback. Disabled in Bulwark and Marching Shield mode. In Battering Ram this attack does enhanced damage to structures and constructs.

  • [Attack 4] Charge
    Only available in Battering Ram and Neutral mode. Does heavy damage and high knockback. When in Battering Ram this attack does heavy damage to structures and constructs.

  • [Attack 5] Head Sweep
    Only available in Bulwark and Marching Shield mode. Does little damage and exceptional knockback.




  • Base Saddle
    A normal saddle, leather and metal. Pentaceratops is ridden on a seat strapped to the side of its body, allowing the rider to see.

  • Heavy Armor
    Pentaceratops’s entire front half is covered in plate armor, its horns tipped with long blades, providing exceptional protection and offensive ability. Three platforms are on the saddle, the middle is where the rider stands with the other two supporting two additional riders along with weapon attachments. In addition, it also makes Pentaceratops immune to most knockback as well as completely nullifying melee damage from the front and boosting damage to structures while reducing movement speed.
    Dossier art by Lapis Lazuli
    Saddle and Sticker Art by Myself
    Other Art by RiskyBiscuits
    Text Graphing by kodeations

Edited by PieTheMath
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Love this guy, solid aesthetics, awesome saddles and I would just really enjoy an endgame ceratopsian.

I do relate a bit with the whole 'well what will it do for solo/PvE players who don't care about destroying structures' comments though. It is a nice simple entry (and love the knockout tame) but it leaves me with some doubts that it's just not going to be very useful for PvE.
I assume it's intended to be used for fighting bosses...but I'm kinda doubting it would actually block damage due to the other tames crappy AI positioning + AoEs - maybe it could get something along the lines of a tek saddle that projects a large bubble that soaks all incoming damage for everything inside it (I seem to remember this mechanic in an ASE mod, maybe ark omega?).

Edited by Kaiarra
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1 minute ago, Kaiarra said:

Love this guy, solid aesthetics, awesome saddles and I would just really enjoy an endgame ceratopsian.

I do relate a bit with the whole 'well what will it do for solo/PvE players who don't care about destroying structures' comments though. It is a nice simple entry (and love the knockout tame) but that does leave me with doubts that it's just not going to be very useful for PvE.
I assume it's intended to be used for fighting bosses...but I'm kinda doubting it would actually block damage due to the other tames crappy AI positioning + AoEs - maybe it could get something along the lines of a tek saddle that projects a large bubble that soaks all incoming damage for everything inside it.

I did consider a tek saddle that had a projected bubble around the creature that players could shoot out of, but I just couldn't get a good design down 

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7 minutes ago, PieTheMath said:

I did consider a tek saddle that had a projected bubble around the creature that players could shoot out of, but I just couldn't get a good design down 

Fair. I do think something like that would add more PvE appeal and help round it out as being more than just a structure/base destroyer.
Though it might need to be tuned so the bubble would not affect player weapons/bullets as to not make it OP for sieging.

Edited by Kaiarra
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This a great submission and concept. I just had an idea that could help the PVE side of things, could it be possible if you add like a drag sled for knocked out creatures and dinosaurs your trying to tame and being this a Big Ceratopsian, maybe up to size of a Rex, and if that’s too big maybe up to Allosaurus sized creatures?

Edited by RebelKevin94
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7 hours ago, RebelKevin94 said:

This a great submission and concept. I just had an idea that could help the PVE side of things, could it be possible if you add like a drag sled for knocked out creatures and dinosaurs your trying to tame and being this a Big Ceratopsian, maybe up to size of a Rex, and if that’s too big maybe up to Allosaurus sized creatures?

Perhaps, but that's basically just adding a wagon without bob's tall tales

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I'm not sure how to feel about this.

It seems like it's just gonna powercreep the Triceratops as it doesn't differenciate itself from it with some kind of weakness. Of course, MOST creature suggestions don't bother defining the creature's stats, but I think for something this similar to existing dinos, it would be worth bringing up how they roughly compare. I can't imagine the Pentaceratops to have significantly inferior weight or be worse at farming berries. And since it's built for combat, it's probably at least equal to the Triceratops in terms of health, stamina and damage. And making it slower than a Trike would be both a buff and a nerf as it would be a weaker but also easier to tame. Is it supposed to be a late-game tame overall - basically the upgrade to the Triceratops that is too difficult to tame early on - or an early-/mid-game tame that's relevant in late game PvP - therefore basically making the Triceratops irrelevant?

As I see it right now, it seems like it could be tamed the same way as a Triceratops. I could simply skill into movement speed in early game and then kite it (though I guess in ASA that's no longer considered the vanilla setting) or make a basic stone dino trap. I think for a creature this packed with features you should need to put in an appropriate amount of effort to tame it.
If a wild one of these CAN destroy stone structures, it could be used to easily grief bases in PvE - and not just in the "kill all dinos" sense, but in the "say goodbye to all your resources" way. So maybe the wild ones shouldn't be able to destroy stone structures (you could tie the ability to destroy solid structures to the saddle), but then you'd need to come up with a different way to make the taming process appropriately challenging, so it doesn't just become "the better Trike" to tame early-game.

The only thing I could think of right now to differenciate this tame from the Triceratops is to give it some very high torpidity stat with a steep torpidity decline rate similar to the Giga, but not as extreme - effectively making it a mid-game tame. Or maybe make it require a very specific type of food to tame and balance it that way, like a Procoptodon.

Even as a PvE player, I'm all for a good tank that can defend the dinos behind it, but personally I'd trade the directional stomp attacks for the ability to move sideways as turning around to reposition yourself is loosing you a lot of time and would leave the rider and the dinos behind you exposed. But maybe that's just my preference.

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1 hour ago, Mantaforce said:

I'm not sure how to feel about this.

It seems like it's just gonna powercreep the Triceratops as it doesn't differenciate itself from it with some kind of weakness. Of course, MOST creature suggestions don't bother defining the creature's stats, but I think for something this similar to existing dinos, it would be worth bringing up how they roughly compare. I can't imagine the Pentaceratops to have significantly inferior weight or be worse at farming berries. And since it's built for combat, it's probably at least equal to the Triceratops in terms of health, stamina and damage. And making it slower than a Trike would be both a buff and a nerf as it would be a weaker but also easier to tame. Is it supposed to be a late-game tame overall - basically the upgrade to the Triceratops that is too difficult to tame early on - or an early-/mid-game tame that's relevant in late game PvP - therefore basically making the Triceratops irrelevant?

As I see it right now, it seems like it could be tamed the same way as a Triceratops. I could simply skill into movement speed in early game and then kite it (though I guess in ASA that's no longer considered the vanilla setting) or make a basic stone dino trap. I think for a creature this packed with features you should need to put in an appropriate amount of effort to tame it.
If a wild one of these CAN destroy stone structures, it could be used to easily grief bases in PvE - and not just in the "kill all dinos" sense, but in the "say goodbye to all your resources" way. So maybe the wild ones shouldn't be able to destroy stone structures (you could tie the ability to destroy solid structures to the saddle), but then you'd need to come up with a different way to make the taming process appropriately challenging, so it doesn't just become "the better Trike" to tame early-game.

The only thing I could think of right now to differenciate this tame from the Triceratops is to give it some very high torpidity stat with a steep torpidity decline rate similar to the Giga, but not as extreme - effectively making it a mid-game tame. Or maybe make it require a very specific type of food to tame and balance it that way, like a Procoptodon.

Even as a PvE player, I'm all for a good tank that can defend the dinos behind it, but personally I'd trade the directional stomp attacks for the ability to move sideways as turning around to reposition yourself is loosing you a lot of time and would leave the rider and the dinos behind you exposed. But maybe that's just my preference.

It can strafe and turn in place during its marching wall stance, which would be the stance they swap to in the wild when being attacked as they're immune to torpor from the front (in this case it would be when they're being tranqued). They would keep their heads pointed at their attacker so you would either have to tame them with two people, or get at them from above. 

Additionally, the ability to destroy stone + structures would be limited to its Battering Ram mode, something which wild Pentas cannot access naturally. That said, it can destroy structures without this stance, as all things can, but the armored saddle and battering ram mode increases the damage it does to structures specifically substantially.

Edited by PieTheMath
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